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A Graphic Description Of Him

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The ïoüowing bit of "descriptive history of our times," is going about the country. "WUoever tvrote it underetands human nature pretty weU, and yet there is aixother side to it tlian the one so graphicaUy ülustrated: "Everybody for himsett, and tbe the devil take the hindermost," is the motto of our present social and industrial eyfltem. It 4s a grasping, muvderous, euicidal system irom first to last. Under lts operation the survival of. the unfittest is assured. The wolf lives and the lamb dies. The lionest, modest un.selïish man ;;oes to the ivall ; the grasping, hustling, unecrupu'ious '-hustler" sets to the front. Society may plty, but it does not respect the one while it almost venerates the other. Too mucli of our civilization is lieathenism In a medicated, sugar coated orín, but it is heathenism none the leas. The savage avIio uses a club with which to overeóme an advereaiy is more merciful tlian the sly and subtile villians avIijO are admmistering slow poison to tlieir victimS. Integrity is the thing mankind needs most. The poison tongue of goesip is no less a dendy Aveapon than is the poisoned stiletto of the mafia. We real'y should forget self long enough to ghe the other fellow a chance now and then. From Mr. Rock'erleller whose 'corner on oil" enables him to buidl a, grand oniversity witli a small portion of his "gains," to the highwayman who gets wealth ui the same spirit but by'a more direct pro. we are all on the make. Some o; us wlth a less effective "corner" or a lighter club are likely to be overeóme. We don't strike hard enough. Our consciencemay.hurtus. A man'witli a conscience is sadly handicapped.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier