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Before Subscribing for a Magazine SEE THE BEST Demorests AN UNPARALLELED OFFER Demorest's Cut Paper Patterns are the most practical on theiliarket. They are of any size that any member of a household could reqiiire. In each copy of the Magazine Is pritneda coupon entitllug Ihe subscriber, or purchaser. to a pattern iwonh aud regularly sold for 35 cenisj or any number of patterns for cents each to covtr package and postage. Wheu tlie value of the patterns is considered thesubscrlbei actually gets DEMOREST'S Magazine Free And what a magazine Hls. For 1896itwill be more brilliant than ever before. New management, new metbods, new ideas. Each copy contalns au equisite reproduetion In color of some celebraiwl picture by a famous artist, worthv to adorn the walls ol the most reflned house. It 18 afflrmed that DEMOKEST'S Í9 the only complete magazin published combining all of the most excellent points of its contemporánea, besides haviug inimitable features of itsown. DEMOREST'S is actually a Dozen Magazines in one. a DlOEST OK CURRENI EVENTS AND Ideas for the busy mau or woman.a Review AND A STOREHOUSK OF INTEKEST FOK ALL. Wives. motbers, sisters aud daughters can fiud exactly what they need to amuse and instruct them, also practical helps in every department of doinestie and social life, including the furnishiug ar.U ornamenting of the home, embroiilery, bric-a-brac, artistlc and faucy work of all kinds. etc.. etc., and suggestions and advlce regardlng the well-being and dressiug of their own persons. Tbe scope of the anieles for 1895 and 1896 will cover the whole country and its interests, and the articles will be profusely ili.usTKATED WITH THE FINEST KNGP.A VI NliS, and in addition, it wlll publish the best and ptTBEST FicTioN. It trats flt length Out-ofDoor SPORTS, Home Amdsemksts a.nd Estkhtainm ENT8; it snves a great ckal of attention to tlie Childre.n's Dkpartmknt. and '■Ode GrRLS," and has :i Monthly Symposium ey Celebrated People, in wliich are discussed important questions of the hour of interest lo the older leaders. Let uw have your subsortptioD at once. You get more value for your immey than it is possible to secure in any other magazine. The M;iir;!ziui' one year for #'2.00. Or ix inotiths for - 1.00. (Oyer 250 diffprent flrsrmeiitfl ure sliown each ycar. pattorns of all of whifli are oltainahle bï sulisciihiTs lor I cents e;tcli.) Sample copy (with psttern coupon) sent for 10 cents. DEMOREST PUBLISHING GO., 110 Pifth Ave., New York. A LIDKRAL OFFER. OXLY $2.50 FOR The Ann Arbor Courier AND DEMOREST'S FAMILY MAGAZINE. Send your subscriptions to this office. I '"Columbia Bicycle Pad Calendar For 1896 YOU NEED IT. A Desk Calendar is a necessity - most convenient kind of storehonse for memoranda. The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of all - rail of dainty pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on ontdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds you of the snperb qnality of Columbia Bicycles and of your need of one. You won't object to that, of course. The Calendar will be mailed for five 2-cent stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MANUFACTURING CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Soientifio American I M'iLMp trade marks, mfi OES1CN PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, otc For Information and free Handboot write to MUNN & CO., 361 Broadwat, New York. Oldest bureau ror securing patents in America. Every patent taken out by us is brouRht beforo the public by a notíce given free of charge la the f úmtiñt &wtöm Larpest cireulatlon of any scïentlflc paper ïn the world. Splendidly lllustrated. No Intelligent man shoitld be without it. Weeklv, ftS.OOa year; $1.50 slxmonths. Address. MÜXN & CO., Fdblisbers, 361 Broadway, New Yorli City. i The Verdiel_ Ú A i] Said Mr. M the other wf [A day: "I want one of your m rM seamless hot-water bottles LJ lp? that you warrant. I had one tó. y. of them and it lasted six u ni nionths witb constant use. íjj ip2 ] bought two at 's and wr, f A they gave out very quickly." ü íík e pan s've yu ie man's wr Lv5 name if you want it. )) II) J kW íiíj These bottles will last two or wl' Wa t'iree years with ordinary use, 0 m GALKINS' PHARMAGY. m NDREW E. GIBSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW - And- Justice of the Peace. Office, No. 10 Huron Street, Cl-Opposite south door of Court House. i , THE Anw?can House Cor. Washington ond Ashley Ave. Refltted and equipped with all modern lm. provements. First Class Table. RATES, $2.OO TO $3.OO. lyr. d M, STABBLER, Prop. LUMBER LUMBER ! LUMBER! 11 tou contémplate building, cali at FERDON'5 LÍBER YARD ! Corner Fourth and Depoc Sta., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and guaran tea VERY LOW PRICES V_ Give U8 a cali and we will make lt to your interest, as our large and well graded stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop NEW MEAT MARKET. Send the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured that the quality and weights will be the same as if you carne yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever to suply my customers in my new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. Phone 705 83-105 GEO. SCOTT, ÜÜMt and SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE 38 FOUNTAIN ST., U-Mail orders promptly ittended to. HflT fTMBTTO th from7hêf dfs I J V h 11 COTery of America to WbvIIIvUM the present time. Tiisr 1 COLIBIA For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., Flkhart. RINSEY & SEABOLTS BAKERY GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supplv oi SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DÜST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, etc. at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES aal PROTISIONS Constantly on hand, which will be eold on a reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BOTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeableand easy to- ■ and no prostrating eff ects follow, whild teetn are extracted without pain. O Tlf A Í-TÍT?O! FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY, 54 SOUTH MAIN STREET. At office of MACK & SCHMID. Chas. W. "Voel, Dealer in all kinds óf Fresh. and Salt Meats. Poultry, Lard. etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St.. Ann Arbor. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TYTCC! TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PELiZi.UX.tilO RIODICAL" PILLS from 'aris, France. Established in Europe 1839, „'anada in 1878. For Suppresslons, Irregulariies, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, Í2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siepnenson & Co., vholesale agents.and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pilla are warranted tb b'ing on the " chanire."


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Ann Arbor Courier