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take a trip to Mexico, starting from Chicago Fehruary 15th. The first point reached over the Ilinois Central R'y, ie New Orleans, where the Mardi Gras is being oelebrated, then a thvee ■weeks trip thiough Mexico is tak-n 'o special cars. The party vill gather at the Palmer House. Chicago, lie'canse that js tiie most central and comiortab'e of the Windy City's mnny hoste'ries, ite cooking department being one of the best features to draw hungry trave'ers. Arrangenients have ■been made wherebV the editors mny take their friends for $197.50, which ■will pay all expenses Irom Chicago and return. One of the problems of modern rapid transit te to get across the ocean in the quickest time possible. "WhÜe to those not in a hurry and -who enjoy water traveling, the elow longroute 6teamers are preferab'e. many on account of business or dread of sea Bickness ivish to get across in the ehortest time poislble. Another help to business is the quick delivery of mails betweeu w York and Londcm. The Lucania has the best average for delivering mails betveen thete two postoffices in 6 days, 13 hours, 58 minute?. Such increa-ses of npeed are at an immense extra cost for fueJ on the eteamers and the limit is about i-eached with present methods of propu's;on. Thero was an [ntercB Ing discussicm o." tlii-; questioii by Aus.iu Coji)in in the N. A. Review for November, in which was proponed a new route from the extreme eastern end of Long Island to Milford Haven, the point in England neareet to Xew Yórt and most direct to London. On eaeh end is eaved over 100 miles of travel through watere crowdid wlth boata where I:es the greatest danger froiu co'lision. it estlmated tnat by ustng this route about 16 hours would be saved over the Queenstown rouie. It seems strange that some of tbe north Atlantic steam-hip compauies do vnot avail themselves of such a saving f time, danger and expénfe by adoptmg thia ehorter route. It wonld be one of the things to decide many to take their boat. The dang-er of the present route is wel illustrated tliis week by the big liner St. Paul going ashore at Long Ex-Senator Thos. "W. Palmer is a candidato íor governor, so stated. As the boy reniarked to the'cop., "that's different again." To the Washtemaw newspapers:- Stop putting a "u" in Gen. SpaJdtng's name. Do "u" hear ?- Monroe Democrat. That appües to the democratie exchanges. The republicana learned how to spell it right almos-t t-o years ago, u know. The Chicago Evening Journal is one of the most readable of the many exce'lent newspapers of Chicago. It gets its aiews in a form that te easily read, and at the same time gives it all in aa entertaining way. It is an awful good paper. Oue of the great-dry goods companies of New York made profits in the last Bix months of 1895 of $359,273 against $245,434 during the fiame time in 1894. Únele Sam has good reasou to hope for a share in the returning piosperity next year. The Kegister trots out Hon.-John F. Xiewrence as the next repubïicau caadidate íor Judge of probate. AVhi e Mr. Liawrence is a good man, and would make an excellent judge. it seems a little early. It is o:ten the ear'.y boom that gets out of wind. It is greatly to the credit oí the late Gen. Barlow, of New York, that he rose from lieutenant to Major general in spite of the tact that he took the highest honors in nis clas3 at Harvard. The rule that first honors men use themselves up at college is not infalHWe. ' Mr. Gladstoiie's father made his fortune as a eugar p'anted and slave owner in British Guiana, and oue oí the son's first speeches in pariament was in del'ense of West Indian slavery. That was over sixty years ago. During this period the statesman has ïu ly enjoj-ed the privilege of changing and improving his opinions. The governor of Alaska reporte that mor ethan a hundred species of good fish warm in the waters of the territory, and that Ühe value of the salmon prepared for market now exceeds $300,000,000 a year. Witlj proper reegulatioms the supply of none of these fih wi 1 be seriously reduced, and congress would be well occupied in givlng the matter attentiou. The President of the Boers once taid: "You may protect yourself against the co'd air with weather strips, hui there is no protection against English infilteration." The remark probab'y holds good if America is excepted, for although England has often tried, she has never succeederd here, exeept as ehe given us tour years of free trade under C'eveland, whicli she never can repent. The sulïcribe:-s o." th3 Monroe Commercial appear to like the old blanket slieet better than the tasty and neat doublé quarto, and so that paper will take a st-ep backward and return to its old folio wallow. ihafs too bad. Bro. Elmer miglit 'jetter have stuck to it, for he was on the rigrht road. In lesa than another decade the blanket heet will be a ihmg oí the past. A womun's character has been Ikened to a postage stamp- one b'ack mark ruins it. 1Uan'.s like a treasui-y note ; no matter how many sta'ns t still passes at par. When a wowoman ïa'ls form grace her characer is usua'ly ruiaaed forevpr, while on tlie oi her hand a man may straighten up and be received into the society again. Why is it thus ?- Satan Raplds HeraM. "Dede" Aitken would makc a good governor, but how about congress ? "Wouldn't it be wise to keep a man vhere he can do the moet good ? In that respect is where the northern states mate a Lreat mistake. The man -vho serves his constituents beet s tlie man wlio has had the inost experience in legislation and who knoAvs the ropes. When the south gets a good man ín congress they keep him there. ïlie publicatiom of a newspaper is orce of the latest schemes entered upmi ;it the Agricultural College. An examination ior which money was ippropriated to that institution faüs to sfiow any provisión íor such a purose. Ho wever the peop'e of M!chgan -have become accustomed to such peculiarities on the part of the Agricultural College and will only be eurprised that the latest scheme was so conservativo. It might have been a balloou expedition to the north po'e or a perpetual motion enterprise. -Cadillac Xews and Express. But there might be worse things tlian print ing a paper. The experienco igaioed by the boys will be excelent for them, and if there is any beter school than that of the printicg o.ffice, it would be difficult to iind it. So we welcome the new corner, believïng that it will be a benefit to the college and its studente. Únele Saín will lo well to gailur ivisdam irom tfhis : .Tapan has ordered he largest "bait'e eitlp Ín the woiid, and it will soon be launohed in Enghind. It will be paid íor wiili Chinese money, whlch il.uirates "Ihe fact that a nation without war-ships must build theni lor pomp other i o-in' u-y. lr. D tincan Mc-Leort. tho man whoni Mayor Pimgrea appolnted Jifa'.th of!:((■:■ of Detroit Pomo time ag'O, nnd liad so nuicli troub'e with a.terward, swore recent'y ihat lie had au annual income of from $8,000 to $10,000 per year, and one year he co'lected as high as $21,000 íor hls services. This he gave up lor the O'Xce that bronght in on'y $5,000 ]ier year, and then lost the job. There are many -vho éo not leieve tbat any one physician, wlio does not overcharge, ;an honest'y eani that niuch money in any one year. Physicians, sometimes. not always, are given to ovei"charging. Vi'liy is it mot irofobery to charge a man $10 for Araat custom makes $2 or $3, ae It "would be for a tnerchant to charge $1 a yard íor prints that were being sold for 5 cents per yard, mere'-y because the customer did not think to inquire the price at the time of ordering the goods, and becau. e said customer was able to pay for it ? Should not the doctor be held to the same cod eof honor as any other business man, and not a lowed to make exhorbitaut fees out of oiher's misfortune's, simp'.y because an cpportunity presents itselt ? This does not apply to the major ty o:' physicians, íor they are honorab'e men, but It does app'y to some who are greedy, graspuig and desirous of acquiring wealth in a great liurry.


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