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Why Are Christian Nations Silent?

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Is it not just to conc'ude that there that there is nor a Chrlstian natioii on ttoe face of the earth ? What other in'erence can b edrawn ■when one reads the eickening accounts of the wholesale butcheries in Armenla ? Nb more horrib'e, develish dceds were ever perpetrated, and yet not a Christian nation raises a finger ta put a stop to them. The Turkish fiends are continuing ttoe work day by dny, while Engla-nd, the boasted civilizer of mations, clutches her bags oí gold and allows the slaughter to proceed ! England, the nation that could stop the bloody work at once If she trat would. Bngland, the proíessed defender of the faith the word over. She cares more for luxury oad gold titan ehe does to exert herself to save Christlan Uves and prevent the Wholesale butchery of innocent men, women and children. The facts are 'too horrible for belief almoist. What is our minister to Turkey doing ? Why is he silent and inactive ? Why can he not ralse his voice, if r.oihIng more. in opposition to this inhuman butchery ? Can it be that he has been purchased? If not by wealth by other thiugs the wily Turks know so well how to use. that he sits listless and motion'ess and speechless, and allows thé entire people of a Christian nation to be blotted out by butchery. outrage. torture, starvatlon and other devices employed by the cruel and b'.oodthirsty Turk? The sick man of Europe, indeed ! What a misnomer ! He is insigni.icant, to be surc. Weak pei-haps, in some things. but more power;'ul than all the world eombined, for not a representative of any nation at his court dares even to chide him. Not a nation on earth daré to interíere with his murderous hordes. Fot sliarae ! 'Where is the boasted bravery and strength of even this great so-ca'led Chrlstian nation ? Why does her president sit crouching in fear when his attention is called to the work of the Turks ? Why is our representative at Constantinop'e a stick and a log without a upark of li;e visible ? Is it because these awful scènes are being eñacted in a distant country that the people do not become aroused? The pulpits, even, with a few exceptions, are eilent. Millions of money are raised and sent to convert the heathen, but nothing is being done íor these peopïe who are already Ohristians and who are being murdered and outraged simp'y fcecause tbey are Christians. It is enough to make every Christian man and woman bow their heads in shame. Biten to this account and then think that such things are a lowed to pas.s uiïlieeded : Tlie Armrnian F.e ief As ociation have made public the lollowins letters, which describe the horrors of recent Hassacres in Turkey : "Cesárea, November 30, 1895. - While the Armenians were engaged in tlieir business as usual, the Turklsh mob feil upan them, killing 600 fleEeneeless men, and wounding 1,000 more. The mob divided into f our parts. The first plundered the stores, the second looted the houses, the tliird secured the maidens and young brides, while the fourth, fiends inearnsite, attacked the public baths. Tliese human devils killed Blx naked women in the preseuce oof others, snatching their bables from their arms and bayoneting the mother. The phiieks and agonizing cries of these poor creatures made no impression upon the mind6 of the sa vage Turks who laughed at their death agonies. They then took some of the young girls who were with their mothers at the bath and dragged them naked by their eet through the streets, lollowed by Jeering and hooting mobs. "Th eTurks who attacked the houses then fired them The cry of the women in their distress, ming'ed with th ehoarse shouts of the Turks, made a sound that can never be forgotten. The men who eurvived the sword were taken to the magistrate and searched, but no arms were found in their possession, not even a knife. When released and allowed to return to their homes, they were confronted by most ghast'y pictures. Some found their wives dead, others hoiribly mutilated ; daughters outraged and bleeding. "My hand almost fails me to wrlte the awful particulars. It is impossible to describe it. It took thrce or tour days to remove the bodies oí i he dead witSi forty carte. Add to tuis the want, the desolation. Oh, my God, for how long, liow long ! Where are those Christian Powers ■who saved ie Africana ? Wliere ai e tl-.o e Christians who advocated brotherly love and mercy, sending their missionaries to teach us ? Are they deaf to our piercing cry ?" The missionary societies of New York have joined in this appeal : The representativos oí the to;eign missionary boards and eocieties in the Unit-ed States and Canada, who have been in conference in this city for sevcral days, have concluded their wolk. The lo'lowing resolutions regarding the. Arnienian suf.'erers Avere adopted : "Resolved, That in the judgment of the conference the appeal for rel ef is most urgent, and lays a sacred obügation not only on every Chitetian, but also on every citizen of th civillzed world. "Resolved, Tliat we recommend to the pastors and churches of the several denominations which were present t-hat earnest prayer to Almighty God be made in behalf of that sufferIng land, and that generous gifts be promptly sent to the relief of the suffer ing. "Resolved, That we authorize an appeal in the name of the Foreign MiBsions Boards of the United States to the government at Washington to eiert ttsf utl influence in all legitímate ways to bring the massacres to a speedy end and to guard the missionary intereets imperi'ed thereby." The Secretary of the meeting read the following letter from au American now in Turkey : "Are our people aware of the fact that some 50,000 in numbers, unarmed, ino'fensive Christian peop'e, have lxen s'aughtered in eold blood ; that at least 200,000 women and children have been rendered absolutely destitute of everything but the scanty clothing in which they escaped the massacre, and many of thcm even strtpped naked ? "Do they reaüze the fact of thousands of Christian men and women freely accepting death rather than deny their Savior, and that the persecutors are preventing charitable aid beiing given to starving women and children, in order to force thern to become Moslems ? "Do they know the fact which hae been pub'.ished both in England and America that these things are done b,y direct order from the palace ?"


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Ann Arbor Courier