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The last tile om the Hill street eewer was laid last Friday. ■ Fishermen are reporting good catcbes at the lakes hereabouts. Herman H. Itaneer' spen is again writing ior the Hausefreund-Post. The Becand Hobart Gul!d Reception oí the season wUl be given at Harrie Hall on Saturday evening. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gearge "W". Jobnston, of Forest ave., ís just live days old to-day. Tliere were 165 of our cltlzeoa who went to Toledo last Wedne.-i: y even'ms to listen to the Germán opera. He or slue Hvho maJmtained !iis or her standing as an upriglu cItizen last Thursday were indeed sure iooted. Henry Meuth, Jr., of Detroit st., came to the city Wednesday last, and pulled down the 9 lb. weight on the scales. The person who could walk any distance last Tliursday morning and maintain a perpendicular, was a good one. A petition for divorce has been iiled by Willis R. Bliss, against hi -sv-i.'e, Mary A. Bliss, on the ground of desertion. A number of the friends of Miss Ida Garner surprised her Ia6t Thursday evemtog, and an enjoyable evening was the result. It is getting so people have to be mighty careful how they fish now-a days. The law is after trespassers right eharp. H. B. Merritt has given up hie poeition at Ann Arbor, and will look ifter tlio business left by his father. - Pontiac Gazette. There ie to be a grand concert giv-en. at the A. M. E. church next Fridoy evenioig, under the management of Mrs. Harriet Eobison. AH are invited. C. A. Major lias toeen doing a very fine Job of frescoing in the English Ijutheran church, for Moore & Wetmore. It is thought this church wiü be dedicated about April next. There are 4 0 membeis of tlie '95 lit. class now taking l;iw, medical or post gradúate work. They "svill banquet themselves In March. Elihu B. Pond, of this city, lias been drawn as a traverse juror, to serve in the United States District and Circuit Courts, at Detroit. Prof. Martin Schaeber:e, of Lek University,. who was called Jiere by the deatü of his mother, wiil go to Japan next August to view a total eclipse of the bud. A pupil's recital will be given in Frieze Memorial Hall, Wednesday afternoon, January 29, at 4:30. The first pupil's concert occurs Thursday evening January 30, at 8 o'clock. At a meeting of the Woman's Club at Detroit Monday, a resolution was passed commendatory of the appolntment of a lady as a regular pro.'essor in the Univereity of Michigan. One of the oldest citizens of our city is Oonrad Bissinger, of V. X.iberty st., who celebrated his 9-tth birth day last Sunday, and is still good for the balance of this century, at least. Guy L. Stevenson, of the DaÜy Times torce, reveived the ead intelligence of the death of his mother laet Saturday forenoon at her home in Holloway, to which place he immediately repaired. In Cincinnati, on Jan. 22, Miss Moceo "Warner, grand-daughter of the late Philip Bach, of this city, was uuited in marriage with Mr. J. Boyde Hall, at the 2d Presbyterian churcli. ïhey are at present in New York. Farwell A. Wilson died at his home on Hill st., last Wedneeday inorning, aged 55 years. Funeral services were held at the family resldence Friday afternoon, at 3 o'c'ock, and öie remanís taken to Fünt for interment. Fred Huintoon won the cut glass punch bowl which has been displayed in Arno'.d's jewelry store, last Friday eventug, and at once donated the magnificent dis hto the Ann Arbor Llght Infantry to be raffled for at the coming circus. State Game Warden Chase S. Osborne. of Sault Ste, Marie, has givco a decisión that "bobs come wlthin the defimition of set lines, and It Is certainly against the law to we them." So, boys, you will have to stop on bobs. On Wednesday morning last, Esther widow of the late Wm. Hayden, died at her home on Geddes ave., at the age of 81 years. Funeral services were held at St. Thomas' church Baturday a. m. She leaves one bod and four daughters. The Adrián Press insinuates that this congressional district haB two regents of the Uiiiversity. 'Sposin' it has. That should cut no ice if the Dest men for that position reside in that particular district, which the Press will no dout)t admit. Mrs. "W. C. Steers and Miss Cora Hilts attended the concert given by the coral unión of Ann Arbor Friday evenimg. They were the guests of Mrs. D. Zimmerman over Sunday.- "Wayne Eeview. That's a new kind of unión. A red kind, evidently. Miss Jennie Davies, a míseionary, ded in far-off China, on Dec. 19, of that dreaded destróyer of human lives, sinall pox. The deceased was a sister of Mrs. Geo. "W. Sweet, of this city, was 23 years of age, and had kmly been in that country since October last. There eeems to be general rejoicing ove rthe appointment of Mrs. Mosher to the chalr of Hygfene and as dean of the women of the TJniversity. A dispatch irom Brooklyn, N. T., etates that Mrs. Mosher will accept the position, althougli it is done at some personal sacrlfice. Major Wm. C. Stevens, of this cl', y ex-Auditor Gene:-al of the state, hae been appointed to the vacancy on tlie board of trustees for the Kast ern Asylum for the insane, caused by the resignation of J. .T. Goodyear, al eo of this city. The appointment ia an excellent one. A special meeting of the Womnn's Christian Temperance Union;, wil te held Thursdüy, Jan. 30ih, at three o'clock, in the P. O. block, to mee the district and county presidenta to make arrangements for the District Convention which convenes !n Anu Arbor in April. C. Ivinco'n McGuire, secretary of the U. of M. Tiepubhican Club, hands In the toUowing notice : "The U. of M Eepublican Club, is the largest col lege club in America, and lts offieeis desire to maintain that standard Those h:gh school and college republi cnns not yet registered, please Uo so very early, for on this enrollment Is based the eize of the Michigan de'.ega tion, March lat. The many friends of L. C. Goodikl will be pleased to learn that lie was choscn Grand Visitor and Lecturer of the Royal Arch Masons of Michi gan, at the meeting of the Grand Chapter held in Detroit last week Mr. Goodrich can ful the bilí, too He is an excellent worker, and knows all the mysteries of the order by hearfc. Here's to hls success and long life tJlierein. The Loyal Temperance Legión give a reception to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union at the time of theiT regular meeting next Saturday, a: 2 o'c'.ock, in the hall over Calkins drug store on State Btreet. The pres ence of every member oi the "Union is asked by the Httle people, as they de sire to express to each their appreciation of the Legión wifch a'l o its p'.easures and beneiits. The funny writer in the Argus is a Httle previous in announcing his can didacy for mayor over one year in advance of the eïection. Coming from the country, however, he probatly did not understand that our mayors are elected íor a period ol two years, and that Mayor Walker has had but one year of service to far. He better change his intantione and run for alderman so lie can get im his work quick. The Michigan Club meets at Detroit February 21, this year. 8anquet tickets sell at $2 as usual. The rail roads have Just agreed on one and onethird iare. on the certifícate plan, for the round trip. Speakers from among the nation's best, will address the Club. Thoee republicana who wül attend will plese register with Librarían Vanee, H. G. Prettyman, N. T. Corbim or C. Lincoln McGuire, secretary of U. of M. Eepublican Club. The winter meeting of the soutliern convoeation of the diocese of Michigan will be held on Thursday. tomorrow, at St. Peters' church, Hi'lsdale. of which Iïev. George Vernor, formerly of thls city. is now rector. Among the speaion-x a i"l be the Hon. James O'Donncl o .Tackfon. 'ihere will also 'be a meeting of the convocational brancli of 1he Júnior AuxHiary at the samp time and place. Eev. Henry Tatlojk, of this city, is the dean, or pre.s;ü!nj; officer of the convoeation. H. D. Bennott, of Pasadena, Cal., senda us ttoe "Weekly Star, o! that city, wltSh ful accounts of their gre:it Floral Tournamcnt, in whk'h are pictures of the floats, tallyhoes and sixin-hands, harneases and carriages comp'etely covered with ilowers, To noröiern eyes these mid-winter displays of flowers are marvelous in their profuseness and taste of decoration. It is worth going far to behold. To show the variety oí Californla's ciimate, the people of Truckee had an ice palace ati the same time. The o'lowing gentlemen were selected on Sunday afternoon as de'egates and alternates to the Btate convention of the T. M. C. A.Jtob e "held at Kalamazoo : Nathan Stanger, A!fred C. Schairer, George G. Stimson, Kobert E. Chrietman, W. P. Stephen-, Lewis Frost, H. Mayer, McClellan Mogk, Homer Godrrpy. Col n Stevens, Alex. Schultz, G. F. Allmendinger, C. Fred Gauss, Jos. Kallau, Otto IJennett, "W. B. Phillips, B. B. Johnson, Frank Parker, Geo. L. Moore, Geo. H. Pond, C. W. Wagner and Ka'ph E. McAllaster. W. B. Conley the famoue portrait painter of Detroit, is stopping for a lew days with Rev. Dr. C. M. Cobern, and durins thls time will paint the Dr's portrait. The Wednesday evening pr.iyer meet ing at the 'M. E. churcli wi'l be an important one th's week, being preparatory to the great Ostrom meet ings commencing on Saturday evenlmj of next wöeü. Be.ore Judge K'nne Saturday, the writ of capias kssued by George Letter of Ypsilanti against Bev. Dr. Byan, of the same city, ivas argued anc quashed. The case was one that grew out of the ea'oon prosecution in that place. The marriage of t'-he popular anc gentlemanly James J. Quarry, of the finn of Goodyear & Co., to Miss Josephine Harrison, at the home of the bride's párente, in Toronto, Ont., is announced. It Avill occur on Wedr.esday evening, F eb. 5. Members of Ann Arbor lodge, Knights of I'ythias had a spread last Friday evening at Glaser's restaurant, after initiation. There were toasts and responses, and the knlghts all went home in the morning mucli pleased with the night. At a recent meeting of the Brotherliood of St. Andrew, held at Harria Hal, Francis M. Bacon was chosen director ; Harry E. Kobison treasurer, and Clarence M. Whitney secretar}'. There wi 1 be meetings of the organization every Sunday, at Harris Hall, at 4:30 o'clock p. m., until further notice. All bratherhood men in the city are invited to be present next Sunday and every Sunday. At the state association of Farmer's ere' Clubs, to be held at Lansing next week, Feb. 4 and 5, representatives from the Webster Farmers' Club, will discuss "The Evüs to the Taxpayers Resultlng irom Recent Legi lat'.on," and representatives from the Saine Farmers' Club will discuts a paper to be read by J. T. Campbel, Esq., entitled : "Is the service Rendered by the State Department Commensurate with the Cost Incurred ?" It is expected that there will be some lively speeches made at that time. One of lhi' innnufacturing instltutions that does pay in Ann Arbor, is the Michigan Furni ure Co. At its recent annual moa n ; the ïollowing directore were e ec cd : L. Gruner, C. E. Hiscock, Moes Seabolt, E. E. Beal, Martin Halier, W. T. Harriman. Paul Snauble. Ata subsequent meet' ing of the directora W. D. Harrimao was made president. L. Gruner vice president, C. E. Hlecock secretary, and Paul Snauble supe iutendent. The oompany has no debta and pays a regular seml-annual dividend of 4 per cent. Henry Ostrom, the great evangelist, will commence a s-eries oí meetng.- in the M. E. ehureh on Saturday evening of next week. This gentleman hals a ;i . on as au evangelist, and it is boped will arouse mucU interes; in re Igious matters while here. The Indianapolls Journal (Jan. 13) says oi Mr. O.strom's meetings wtich clo-ed last week inlndian:ipolis : "The large auditoiium was ciowded. It was a ciowd suc has has been seen at meetings here only when condueted by sueh evangelists as Moody or Sam Jones. ♦ Thi8 níls been one o;t lie most thorough and remarkable revivals ever beid in this city and lts resulta seem to reach farther and deeper tlian most meetings of the kind. The object throughout has been to appeal to the intellect rather than the sympathies and emotions of the people."


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