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Regular meeting of Fraternlty lodge F. & A. M., u Friday evening. Work on i-he 3d degnee. Loyal Tempera nee Legión meetings every Saturday it 2 o'clock, in the huil over Calklns' drug store. Charles Vogel has lvad a fire escape put cm tlve 3d story of lus market, over wliich Ue lives, on E. Anu bt. Tlie Electric klght Co. has placed a neiv dynamo in thcir works having a capacity for 2,400 ineandescent lights. Edward Eyan and Miss Francés Fleiier were married at Jackson on Tuesday morning, at St. Johns church. A new meat market is being built by George "W. Johnson & Co., on Forest ave., to ruin in connection with their grocery. Another Michigan man is to be again honored. Hou. Edwin M. Uhl, the present asslstaiit secretary of state, has lee.u appointed minister to Gerinany. If etreet lights in any part of the city are out, the Electric Light Co. would be glad if some one would tep to the telephone and teil them about it, calilas UP l0 works. The families of guinea pigs in Goodyear & Co's -window have attracted much attentkm the past iew days. They are wonderfully bright, active and pretty little fellows. It is said that the only books President Kucger, of the Transval Republic ever read are the Bible, Pilgrim's Progress and the entire works of Mark Twain. That accounts ïor his sagacity. On Tlmrsday evening a Bible Study Clase is to be organized at the Y. M. C. A. rooms at 8 o'clock. All perrons mterested in this, whetlier meiabers of the Y. M. C. A. or not, are invited to join. Member.s of the Michigan Soveiign Consistovy, Ancient Aceepted Hcott'sh Rite, valley of Detroit, residing in Ann Arbor, have been notiiied of a eonvocation at the cathedral, in Detroit, on Feb. 17-20. There is to be a rally at the 2d Baptist church on Sunday next, when, it is hoped, the eociety will raise the $200 indebtedness wtich stands aguinst the church. Rev. T. W. Young -vvill epeak at the afternoon service. The winter circus, of which so much ïas been said hereto.ore, commences next week Thursday, Feb. 13, and continúes through to the lüth. The boys have been to a great expense in bringtng it out. The rink is to be changed so as to represent a circus tent, eide ehows and all. The postponed lecture of Capt. Allen belore the ünlty Club on the üreatest American, will be given oa Sunday eveninjr at tlie Unita: i:;n chuicll, nstead ol Monday evening, nnd the eeture will be free. Tiioe desirlng to hOar this most admirable lecture should make it a point to come early or there will be a crowded house. On Sunday next at 2:45 p. ra., the neeting at the Y. M. C. A. rooms will be known as Germán Day, and as 45 per cent. of the inenibership of the asociation are Germans or of Germán descent, the meeting will no doubt 'be a very eutertaining one. Sev. John JS'euinann will deliver an iddress, there will be solos, trios, etc., in Germán, uising only the English Gospel liyruns. E very body invited. The council held a brief session Monday evening because many of the aldermen desired to go to the show. [f there was eome such attraction every meeting night it would tend greatly toward harmony. The expenses lor January were $2,900.87, ïrom the di ferent funds as followfs : Contingent $1,120.77, sewer $333.41, street $217.85, fire $897.22, police $294.01, poor $127.01. It was ordered that some one be hired to attend telephone at the lire dep't. The city marshal reported 15 arrests íor the month, the plumbers' bond of Charles F. Rettich was pre- sented and approved. Mrs. Wm. Law of Flint, epent Sunday in tfhe city. Ex-Congressunin Gorman was in town on business Monda y . Miss Louisa Canwell is visiting lier sister Mrs. Preston, at Ionia. Prosecuting Attorney Randall p nt the first of the week in Monroe. The Oastalian editora announce that no grinds wlll be received tor this years' publioation. Applause on the part of the ground. Prof. M. E. Cooley and 15 of hls engineoring students went to Graad Rapids Monday to test a new water WoVkS pump for that city. The Boyal Bell Ringers who appear here on Tlmrsday evening Feb. 13, aro the original troupe, aud have no superiors in the world. Lovers of inelody will want to hear them. On Feb. 29 it is proposed to give a grand leap year party at the gymnasium, the proceeds to go to the woman's gym. It will be a very Bwell aflalr as now plaimed. Last evening death came to Mary H Duncan, at the home o; her nlster Mrs. John Kous. rJho .uneral terxiees will be hld at the residence, Xo. C .leáirson et., lo aïternoon, at 3 o'clock p. m. Right Rev. üerge D. üillespie, Bihop oï Western Michigan, stopped in the city Tueeday, oai his way home froin delivering an address before the Xormal students at Ypsilanti. He was the guest oí Rev. and Mrs. Tatlock. According to the reports in the JJetroit Tribune in the State AsfciL-iation of Farmers' Institutes at Lansing yesterday, muoh was sai;l in criticism of the TJnivertity. And yet it is the children. of farmers who are being benefited thereby. A Georgia paper says that the man whio says to hls wi;e, "Give me the baby, dear, and I will try to put it to sleep," is greater than he who taketh a city. It seems to us that it is according to the man. Some ministers, lor instance, niight do an easy job. ( There is one thing very noticeable. Almost invariably those who ciitlcise our University and our schools are those who have no chlldreu, or whoise children have grown up and do aiot need the beue.its of them. Just watch this assertion lor yourself. These people do not want to be taxed, even a little, ior educating their neighbor's children. And yet none -of them will be able to take a cent with them when they bid good bye to this world. When Michigan drops her educational system, good bye to Michigan. Slue will drop into merited insigniiicance at once. Tlie quarrel of the fraternities over tOie famous Junior Hop has been settled ior this year by the Falladium fraternities taking the affair out oí the city, and holding it at Toledo. A special train has been secuied on the Ann Arbor road lor the evening of Feb. 14. leaving here at 7:30. At Toledo a train of electric Street cars will take the dancers from the station to their hall, and back again after the ball is over. This is convsidered a great coup d'tat ior the Palladiums, and coup de main ugainst the other fratemities. Ex-President Harrison has written a letter declining to have his name considered as a presidential candidate. This will relieve the minds oí niany candidates and their friends. But the fact still remains that he made one of the ablest presidente the nation ever had, and to-day would be the Bafest- all things considered- of any of our public men in whose hands to place the reins of government. He has been tried and not found wanting. But his desire to avoid the burdens of the great office is quite natural. Situations Güaranteed to all graduates of Dodge's Institute of Telegraphy, Valpraiso, Indiana. Tuition - Full course $25. Per month $5. Good board $1.40; furnished room 30 cents per week. Write for catalogue. Respectfully, Geo. M. Dodge, Manager.


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