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FrateraUy lodge F. & A. M. will work on the lst degree Fiidiiy evening. The wind played havoc with loose sgns ,and ivlth dead limbs on the trees Monday night and Tuesday. Col. Dean and others wlll addrees a Lincoln Anniversary at the A. M. E. church N. 4th ave.,t his evealng. On Tuesday evenlng next the D. D. H. and A. O. U. TV', Wl glve a box social at their üall over Burg's store. The regular inonthly tea social of the Presbyterian society, wlll be gives Thursday evenlug in the church parlors. The F. & M. will sue the city for ruouey advanced to Colline, the Hill st. sewer contractor, with which to pay labor. The U. of M. base ball team will play Oornell at Buffalo, May 23, Some way the Conrell team has not appearod anxious ior this game. Under the auspices of the S. C. A. classes will be formed at Uewberry Hall on Feb. '22. ior the study of uonChristian rcligioivs. The class lor latlies will meet a,t 2 p. m. Saturdays and for men at 4 p. im. Saturdays. The AV. C. T. U. holds its next regular meeting, Thursday, Feb. 13 at 3 o'clock, iu the post oiïice block. Ar[■angements will then be made ïor the district couvenlion, which will be in this city in April, and a full attendmce is desired. AV. E. Boyden reads a paper at the Gramge Iïound up Institute uow in session at Grand Eapids, to-morrow a.ternoon, liis subject being "Will Feeding ior Beef pay in Michigan ?" Hou Wm, Ball reads one on Practical Methods in Stock Breeding." Loyal Temperance Legión meetings are held every Satuiday, at 2 o'clock in the hall over Calkin's drug store. These meetings are' well attended, and are very interesting for the chiltfren. Last Saturday, Mies Otis made sume experimenta shoAving the action of alcohol upon albumen, and other substaaces found in the body, and explained the effecte of this poison when taken into the system, in such a manner, that the childreu will be sure to carry the lesson with them through life. The congregation of St. Thomas' Catholic Society has made a move for the erection of a new church edifirp. Om Snndiv a meetinsr was held and a cotuniittee appointed to solicit subscriptious, cousisting of Da.ld Rinsey, Martin Seabolt, Edward Duffy, Jeremiali D. Kyu.ii and Eev. Fr. Kelly. Ib is hoped that subscriptions will be eufiicient to warrant the layng of the foundation of the eUurch this year. The committee is deserving of the good wül and substantial assistance of all of our pcople a.ble to give. The May Festival pioduced at Anu Arbor last May bears the proud distinction of being ranEed as the second on the list in point of average attendance, and also in point of musical excellence, of those given in this country last year. Cincinnatl eecured the liret place. It certaiuly ought to te a proud day íor Aun Arbor, vheii the ranks anead of musical Boston, ïich New York, puhing Chicago, and the other great musical centere. Hurrah for Anu Arbor and its musical hero, Prof. Stanley. But not even a liand-clap for Nórdica. To her beloogs no portion of this great honor. A gang oí tramps are infesting the town just now, begglng from houte to house. Yesterday morning they canvassed E. Huron and E. Ann sts. A kind hearted lady liviug on the latter istreet yielded to the persuasivo eloquence of one of the gentry, and gave Mm some oice bread and butter, meat and cookies. He took the iood and put it in hls pocket, and going to the next house, threw it all in the draln and begged tor more. Thoee who give to trampe, although the gift is always prompted by kind feelinS8, do an injusfcice to the community. If kind hearted people would cease giving, the country would soou be vid of the pestiferous lellows.


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Ann Arbor Courier