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Michigan's Third U. S. Senator

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thur Brown, of Utah, wlll Ive present and speak at the Michigan ( lub banquet at Detroi.t Feb. 21st. The perfonning of labor makes a nation rich, while import ing the product of labor makes a nation poor. In those few words lies all our tariif troubles.- Fibre and Fabric, Jan. 1, 1896. There are elght prize iights booked in he city of Mexico during the last of this month. The Mich. Press Aseociatioiï is also booked for the same city during tho same time. Singular coincldence only.- Northville Iïecord. It's a c,old day ivhen the M. P. A. gets left on anything. The general welfare is ol pararnount lmportance, and any measure which does not keep this steadily in view, "which does not foster and encourage American labor and American industry, is in opposition to the great law of life, and subversive of the principies upen which governments are established.- Hon Wm. McKinley. Judge limery I. Potter, who in 1851 setured the reduction of letter postago to l! cents, and who authorized the cohiage of eilver 3 cent pieces that the people might have no diificulty in making change, died at his home in Toledo recently, aged 92 yeaxs. Tbree cent postage was popular, and in ;i few years was folio wed íjy 2 cent postage. Tiie a ceat piece was not eoined after 1873, the law beimg tuien repealed. According to the official report o the com ptroiler's oflice oi the state of Texas, the number of sheep in that 6tat in 1893 was 3,366,257, valued at $4,770.848 ; white the number In 1895, the present year, is but 2,386,822, of the value of but $2,442,162, or a falling off in number In the last two years of 979,435, and in value of 82,334,680. According to this same report the average price per pound of wool in the Btate oí Texas in '92 ivas 15.72 cents ; while in '93 the average price was but 9.82 cents ; in '94, 7.44 cents, and in '95 7.89 cents.- Hou. Jo'liu H. Mitchell, ü. S. Senator. The Ann Arbor Register has "come out" for Pingree ior governor. Poor Pingree ! Whftt'a he been doing now? We belteve that nine out of ten republlcams In Hillsdale county want to sec McKhiley tShelr next president. - Janesville Independent. And whO tor governor ? Severa! of the republican eouniy veutions atOb cing carried away by the tfree uilver epidemie. It Is best to make heste Blowly. There is a conservativo coüree wKich is always 3aJe to follow, and which bas made ttie party a success In the past. Aecording to the daily papers it has 'been decided to hold the ürst republican state convention ior electIng dele-gates to the national convention, at Detroit, and the state nomina tlng convention at Grand Eapide. The state committee wlll meet on Friday to fix dates, etc. Som e woeks ago H. M. Koys sold out the Farwell Register. The new proprietor not making a satisíactory success out or the veinture, was about to move the paper to Clare, when Mr. Boys, rather than have the towu without a paper, "bought it back again, and is in the harness once more. Gen. Weyler, the new dictator of Cuba. is a mam of blood. He has declared it a crime to do anything but brea the on that Island, and even that lias been stopped for many and will Hkely be for many more. He is a iviant worse than Nero was ever lainted, and deserves to be called down by all the natlons of tbo civllized world. But he will not be. He will keep on murdering those he susplciona until there are 110 more to kiil. The committee of the senate, of which Mr. ilitchell, of Oregon, is the chairman, has reported in favor of seaiiug Mr. Dupont, of Delaware. On May 9, Mr. Dnpont received 15 votes, a majority of the joint legislature, not counting the vote oí Mr. Watson, who liad been elected a member of the state senate, but who as speaker of tlie senate, was called upon to act as governor of the state at that time. Xt is decided that he could not act in the dual capacity of a state senator and go vernor at the same time. This will give the republicans another senator, 41 approved by that body. Fred A. Maynard as attorney general of the sbate of Michigan, has made a safe and valuable official. By the unwritten law of party precedent toe is entitled to a re-noniination and this iaw is so strong that whenever it has been disregarded by conventions it has resulted dlsastrously to the party disregarding it. We are to malee tíllese remakrs 1 y rumors tiliat'sonie candidatcs ior governor are threatening combinations for ,a new deal at Grand Kapids. The best tliing the republicans of that western metropolis can do is to get together and work Por the whole party, for Mr. M-aynard will be the next rtttorney general. The Chinese Cali Camphor etc. Camphor is a vegetable not a mineral, and our eominon camphor comes trom the Island of Formosa. Camphor trees' are covered with the inofct beautüul of bright green leaves, and the air in the vicinity is filled with the spicy, aromatic odor of the tree. It ds a curious fact that the Chinese sell their own camphor, and pa y a hundred times the price tliey get f'or it for the Maylay Camphor, of which they take the entire product, but very little finding its way to foreign ports. This camphor is grown further down the coast on the Islands of Borneo and Sumatra. Camphor is called b ythe Chinese "The Great Medicine," from its wonderful soothing and healing power. Pretzinger Bros., well known chemlsts, 'have in their Catarrh Balm not only the little known and rare Malay Camphor, but also the camphor trom the Eucalyptus Globulus (Australian Blue Gum Tree) as well as otlier camphor compounds. What a wonderíul relief these camphors carry tn the form of this Balm tens of thousands of people can attest. Used freely, a diseased membrane or sore spot in the passage to the head will ■bt qulckly cured, while graver cases of catarrh will yield readily. Have you tried the "great medicine ?"' If not, ask for Pretzinger's at the first drug store you meet. and see if you can dlstinguish the delicate odor of the Maylay Camphor in the preparation while you are using it. If you like, sond a two cent stamp to PretzLn.ner liras., Chemists, Da y ton, Ohio, who will eend you a email sample free. or a full sized package for 60 cents.


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Ann Arbor Courier