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the same as tliat oí the territory of Jfew Mexico, and Jret slie rules over abont 12,000,000 square miles of the earth's surface, or about one-fourtli of the earth's land suriace, ind onethlrd of lts inh&bitants. A spirit medium down east, who Tecently reported a conversation with the spirit of George William Curtís, woold have been wiser had he studted hia grammar more thoroughly. George WiUlam was very precise in the use of hia language, and it is ïiardly likely he has deteriorated since passing into the spirit world. Kentucky is a great tsate. Her legislatura fought over the olcction of a senator for tforee months or more, got eo excited that Gov. Bradley was obliged to cali out the mllitla to keep the peace, and finally adjourned without electing anyone or without passing necessary appropriation bilis, either one. Tlie body was a tie politically, henee the unhappy result. It is understood that the X. P. A's ■will put a ticket in the iield for president, and that Oongressman Linton of the Saglnaw district, will be their nominee for the first place. It hould be borne in mind by every person in this country that the oonstitu■tion of the United States gives overy citizen a right to worship as his coascience dictates, and that when religión enters into politics, it is dangerous to the peace of the republic. It is quietly hinted that the delegates from this vicinity will work for the nomination of a Dcxter man for aa important office on one of the county tickets this fall. "Which ticket It Is or who the man is, we are not nt liberty to say, but can assure our readers that it will be a clear case of the office seeking the man, not the man the office.- Dexter Ieader. That is very indeíinite, but a good guesser can guess. He is a good man, in every way worthy and well qualifled, duly and truly prepared, and not only that but is deserving, and hos hosts of friends in this county In every nook and by-way who believe in hira and will work for him. The French have placed a tablet on tbe house thab Benjamin Franklin occupied in 1776. Frankliu at tfoat time was an insurgênt colonist, whieh Is to say that he was a man Spain would srtioot before breakfast or eend to a deadly African prison. A leading Englisfli saniterian contends tiht 70 per cent. of the human raeO would at tai n the age of 110 if all llved accordtng to the laws ol hygiëne. Tlie present average of 35 years has a loog way to climb before lt reaches the natural limit. Republican clubs composed of white voters are beginning to appear in South Oarolina, one in Charleston having over 1.000 inembers. There are many sensible men in the state who want something betterthan a cholee between worn-out politics and Tillmanism. Tlie new United States ram Katahdin nas gone into coraniisnion vith a crew of ninety men and seven officers. This hip has same novel features, and just what it can accomplish in a sea fight is a matter of eonjecture. But ite purpose is to go straight at an invadlng fleet and try conclusión. Tesla's idea of passing solids through solids by mema of the new ray opeas possibilities that S ''■'"' ihead of Chemical food tablets and emorgency rations. Just think of an atomized viand scintillated through the body by the niysterious energy of light electrically applied. By April lst, t hirteen republican state conventions for the election of delegates to the national convention will have been held, and eight inore have been called for April, so that by May 1, probably a definí te estímate can be made as to the relative 6trength of the severa! candidates. It is promised that the Grant monument at Kiverside Park, New York, will be completed on the anuiversary of tihe General's birth, April 27, oí next year. The fnnd amounts to $529,931.91, of wfoich three-fifths has been expended. New York has been slow in this undertaking, but it is ■hoped that the date now fixed avíII not be subject to further change. Presidont HaiTis, oí the Beading Railroad, estimates that the original contents of the anthracite coal fields amounted to about 14,453,400,000 tons, of t-hich 82 1-2 per cent remains to be ■worked. "V'e can have coal at tlxe rate of 60,000,000 tons a year for 100 years to come, he says, and so we need not begin to bother about that matter until after several more Presidential electlons. E. Everett Howe, author of 'Chronicles of Break o' Iay," the story ;hat broke new ground in fiction and gave the writer, a poor Ingham county boy a big boost up tlie ladder of ame and a prominnet place in the ranks of successful novelists, has writ:en another book along entirely different Unes, that wlB be ready for the publishers in about two weeks. -Chelmni Standard. French editora . are always comic wlieu tlw-y mention ñames and places n America. One of them says Spain will not retreat before "Sherman, the brother of the slayer of the Colorado Indians." The Frenchman had Sheridan and tJhe Piegans in mind. Tictor Hugo referred to Grant as tihe executioner of John Brown, a st atement suppoeed to liave some relation to the fact that Lee commanded the troops that captured Brown. A number of independent and democratie papers, of the Detroit Evening News stamp, are publishing great stories about the friends of McKinley coatributing thousands upon thousands of dollars to take McKinley shouters down to the St. Louis conrention to carry the day for him by wind. The stwies published are so absurd that were it not Tor their utter falsity, people would be inclined to laugh at them. It is well known that McKinley does not have to hiro "clackers" to keep up the entTiusiasni for him and his cause. The people are for him and wlth him. Even the "favorite son" écheme does not work, íor he has so many friends in all the sta-tes of the Union that no subterfuge can be worked against him by echeming and designing pollticiaoB. He representa the doctrine of protection to American industries and American laborers, under which thls nation prospered for o many years, and as the most prominent, and most capable exponent ol that doctrine, the people -vvill nomínate him, despite the falsehoods set in circulation by political opponents and intrigues of political -svire-pullers and bosses. McKinley will be the next president of the United States. No om believes that these manufactures contribute the large sums of inoney oieceesary to boom the idol of the republicana to-day from sentimental motives. They are in polito be bought up to vote for tbeir pocketbooks, and they expect to make the dear people pay for all the money they contribute to 6ecure higher protection. They are making buiíess investmente. - Algas. The same oíd sing eong. The manufacturers pay the campaign expenses. But as the people have had the sad esperience of three years of free trade, for -n-hich English manufacturers paid, thley have sagely come to the conclusión that it is to their lnterpsts to have the American manufaetuvers pay theso alleged ïabulous sums. It is prospenty for them, and prosperity is trbat they are iu search of. The people do not have be bought up to vote for their oiva interestO, and the practical lesgons of thO past few years has thoroug-hly taught them wbere their interests lay, so that all clap-trap like ;he above "nill not have the least effect. Tben again Mclviuley does not have to buy up followers. The people are for him. All the people, and tíhey will not be bluffed, brwv Deaten or scared by any silly campaign lies started for tihat purpose.


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Ann Arbor Courier