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Ann Arbor Organ Company

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GREAT REMOVAL SALE AT THE = 51 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. The store we now occupy has been sold in order to close an estáte. We liave received notice to vacate it as early as possible. We have secured no suitable store, and do not know of any in a desirable location suitable for our business. We have a tremendous stock, and 57 rented pianos will come in the middle of June. Last year we rented the rink to make room for this extra stock. This year we cannot secure it. There is but one way - We must close out our entire stock of Pianos, Organs, Bicycles, Small Merehandise and Sheet Music before removing. We have determined to slaughter priees. Pianos must be handled with care, and cannot be stored excepting in suitable rooms. We are therefore left no alternative. We must close out our entire stock regardless of cost. This will be a surprise to many, as it was a surprise to us, when we learned that we must vacate our present store, but it will be of benefit to every person desiring anything in the music line. We have deterrmned to slaughter prices in order to move the goods quickly, and when the Ann Arbor Organ Company makes a statement of this kind, everybody knows it means just what it says. SOME SAMPLE BAEGAIN PRICES, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmgmmmm Lg On Wednesday, April I, we Shall Place on Sale. m haye & fine gtock rf J? rom Germany last fall. 2L 13 1 Petit Bij ou Piano, small size, upright, former price $ 225.00 S lC-AM = In order to close them Out' we Ta ?eli , o " Removal sale Price, each. 85-00 3 V lT A 8 A good violin former price $ G.OO-Remova Sa e Pnce $3.80 L- s J T ▼■ ■ ' ▼ m A better one, former pnce 7.50 - Removal bale Price 4.45 sv_ 2 Allmendinger Upright Pianos, Black cases, in good w , , . . , n +„i„„ uo„v f „„.C A better one, former price 10.00- Removal Sale Price 5-0 h" CZ condition, former price 250.00 =2 We have several Ann Arbor Organs taken back from our L; A fine violin;former píce ïs.OO-Removal Sale Price 9.60 m- Removal Sale Price 135.00 agents which will be sold at bargain prices. These organs are gr MAIsTDOLIISTS. +LZ J 1 Boardman & Gray, Ebony, used, former price. . . . 265.00 :2 in good condition, some a little shop worn only. We wish to Sr We have one of the iargest stocks of these popular instruments - -s Removal Sale Price 145,00 2 go into a new store when we find one, with a clean, new stock, fz ever shown in Ann Arbor. C' " 3 Erie Pianos, upright, Ebony, but little used, form3 If vou ever intend to buy an organ GET OUR PRICES NOW. L= 7 Mandolins, former price -$ 6.50- Removal Sale Price $3.95 ■r+ . r o j' o7c'nn - " Mandolina, former price 7.00 - Removal Sale Price 4 6o ■ -+ er Price ;"; rTÁ A ï Mandolins, former price. 8 00- Removal Sale Price 5.30 T" -rve Removal Sale Pnce 168-00 S LL: Mandolina, former price 10.00-Removal Sale Price 6.40 22 2 5 Erie Pianos, walnut, in good condition, former 3 W I X Al 7A Mandolins, former 12.00-RemovaI Sale Price 7.65 -J . ' 30000 5 lll L X. 5 Mandolins, former pnce 15.00- Removal Sale Pnce 9.35 m-CCi RemóvaiSale'pric'e'.ï.ï.' 175.00 y V y LaL W BANJOS. - "22 2 Pease Pianos, fancy case. Former price 300.00 3 K' VJ VMV We will close out our stock of Banjos at your own price, excepting L 3 Removal Sale Price 180.00 5s We propose to do the Bicycle business of g= the Waldo which is sold under contract and must not be 9. - IGuild Piano, sold 2 yearsfor.. .„ „. . ...... 84DQQ naw County this season. Hear our first gun. g A fine stock of Guitars SLTutlour own price, excepting t 3 $100 Ralph Temple - $6OOO University of Michigan and Washburn Guitars, contract goods. LZ 3 , ,. , 3 $100 Monarch 65 00 gE A(OORDIOlSrS. - 6 wholly new pianos, in fancy cases, bought only 3 $86 Gents Ben Hur '95 model - - 70 00 L Our stock of Accordions (directly imported from Germany) - - three weeks ago. Regular pnce ' 3 íqk t niiiflR t?bti Hui 'QS mnrtfll 7O OO 2= will be sold at importer's prices. LTC 2 Removal Sale Price, $189.00 eaeh. S í;,168 Een HU'95 "l01 " " I? ÍS Accordion, former price $2.75-Removal Sale Price $1.25 2 . r, ,_ ■ i., r3 $85 Clipper, gents, 86 model - - 75 00cr Accordion, former price 3.00- Removal Sale Price 1.45 Cel "22! This Pce on these six Pianos is for Spot Cash only, or bankable paper 585 Ben Hur ÍUSed) - - - 55 OO ï Accordion, former price 3.40- Removal Sale Price 1.80 gTT - bearing 7 per cent. inrerest, This ofler is one of the rarest chances to "" V JT Accordion, former price 4.20- Removal Sale Price 2.35 zT. L buy a fine piano at a low figure. gee our new stock of Dayton, Ben Hur and Accordion, former price 5.00- Removal Sale Price 2.80 J Over 75 other Pianos, including Mehlins, Haines Bros., Colby, Smith & 22 ington Bicycles. Harmónicas, Flutes, Piccalos, Violin Bows- Everything goes at - -- Barnes, Boardman & Gray and others at the same slaughtered prices. 3 L; ter's prices. VnsThis will be the Greatest Money Saving Sale ever known in the music business. Intending buyers for a hundred miles can save money by getting our prices. Careful and accurate information given by mail regarding any article advertised. You can purchase by mail with absoloute safety, for our Company wiíl stand back of every instrument sold. The Aim Arbor Organ Compaiiy, Present Address, 51 Sonth Main Sti-eet.


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