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lbo law saya pathmastcrs iiay ai low 25 per cent of ttoe road work in setting out trees and that he shall cause at least 50 trees to be set out in his district. And that law ought to. be strictly enforced. A tired stoniaeh is very mueli like a sprained ankle. If you suffer from any of the symptoms of dyspepsia, your stomach is tired. It needs a crutcli. We must relieve it of all work for a time, or until It is restored to its natural strength. To do this successfully, we must use a food whlch is already dlgested outside of the tvody. and which will nid the digestión of otlier foods that may be taken with it. Such a product is the Shaker Digestive Cordial. The Shakers have utillzed the digestivo principie present in plants for the manufacture of this article, and its success has been truly phenomenal. You can try it for the nominal sum of 10 cents, as sample bottles are sold at this price. Eleetric Bitters. Electric Bittcs is a medicine sulíed for any season but perhaps more generally needed when the langui.d exnausted l'eeling preval'.s, when the llver is trrpid and sluTjri h n-nd the necd of a toníc and alterarive is feit. A prompt use of this medicine had often are-ted a lontr and p"haps fatal bilious fever. No medicine will act more surely in counterueting and freeing the sytem from +ho mnlaria' poi' sou. Headache. Tnd'gestion, Con tlpatLom, Dizziness yield t-o Electric Bitters. 50c and $1.00 per bottle at Bberbach Drug & Chemical Co's Drug Store, and G. J. Hausseler, Manchester. MeXican International Railroad. Eaglc Pass Route STANDARD GUAGE STEEL RAILS.J THE SHORT and DIRECT LINE FROM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POIXTS to all Polnts in the Iuterior of the MEXICAN REPUBLIC, and to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attractions to the Sightseer, Tourist, or Traveller than any other Rome. Traverslng a country unrivaled in Scenery- ripe with Ancieut History-to the land of the Montezumas and Aztecs. EQUIPMEXT ÜNSURPASSED. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct connections at San Antonio with all lines from the North and East. For information concerning Mexico, tickets. Time Tables and Particulars, and thejourney ;o Mexico or intermedíate points, cali upon or iddress, W. G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agent, Mex. Int. K. R. 230 Clark Street, Chicago. 3. K. DUNLAP, G. P. & T. A., Mex. Int. R. R. Eagle Pass, Texas. Oct. L THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC Celebrated "Sunset Limited " Transcontiueutal train service betw ken new orleans LOS ANGELES and SAN FRANCISCO Is Unsurpassed And the uew equipmenl of these rnaaniflcent trains excels in elegunce and comfort the superb service of tho past senson gQhours w Orleans to Los Angplps ry Cliours New Orleans to San Francisco. Direct connection from all poiuts In Michigan is made by leaving Chicago Saturday and Tuesday nights (or Wednesday at 3 a. m.) Ib through sleepeis with Sunse Limited Trains Comprising: Composite cars- Iucluillug baihroom, barber shop, cafe, library and smokiug-room : SleeperR: Doublé drawing-room and 10 sections.also combiiied apartmentaud Ladles' Parlor Car. rivaling in perfection ol detail all former achievements of cur building na the Continent- especially deaigued for lady travelers: Diners : Meals served a la carte The eutire train illumlnated with Pintuch Gas. Leaving New Orleans Weekly. MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. THE SUNSET ROUTE Is the first line in the United States to recognize Ihat heretofore accomodations for lady travelers have been inadequate to the requirements. The ladies are more especiallv laken care of than in any cars heretofore built Instoad of being compelled to sit up all day in the 'cubby" seat ot a sleeper, wliile ih liege lords may perambulate the train, and gather in a special comparament to talk, smokt', etc, one end of the budoir and room car ! accompanytng each train ia to have a special j room fitted up for the ladies wltu library, tne latest magazines and periodicais, reolining coucties and other needed comforts, l'iiese cars are sixty-nine feet in leugth and have seven budoir sleeping comparimentN, each with separate entrance andcapbleof being thrown en suite. Each compttrtment ha two sleeping berths, a wash-stand and tlie necessary lavatory ñttings, and opens ontoa hall on one side of the car. A ladies' maid accompanies each train for the accomodation c if lady passengere, more particularly for th se travelng without escort. The train is alo accompanied through from starting poini to destina tlon by anp exerieiced and courteous rei resentative of the Passenger Department, who acts as a personal escort. For iuforniation concerning Califoruin time tables, rates of passage and any particular regarding the journey to California, address W. G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agt. Hou. Pac Co:, S. F. B. MORSE, 230 Clark St., Chicago. G. P. & T. A. Sou. Pac. Co., New Orleans, La. Apr. 1. IV YOÜ WÍNtTI ■ THE - BEST GARDEN in your neighborhood this season I PLANT PUR FAMOUS all of which are described and illustrated in our beautiful and entirely New Catalogue for 1896. A new feature this season is the Free delivery of Seeds at Catalogue prices to any Post Office. This " New Catalogue " we will mail on receipt of a I 2-cent stamp, or to those who will state where they saw this advertisement, the Catalogue will be mailed Free ! PETER HENDERSON & GO. f PJm 35 & 37 Cortlandt St. , New York. mgjë Sales-Agents Wanted for un, to Mesure and Rondy Mde ('lothine by Simpl. The very lowest prices for best clothing. Liberal commissions are pald, and energetic solicitine agents can raake frnm one to three thousand dollars yearly. Storekeepers eau supply theraselves without carrying stock. Apply, WANAMAKER & BROWN, PBILADELPHU. Nerve jW Blood Tonic iCZyflBuilder JÊ& rtMWlSf descriptiva L 9FBV p pamphleU prrbox. %X3r MEDICINE CO, WANTED Men towork tor u whodelrp to timkr money this fall and winter during Black times. Excellent chance. Liberal pay. If you have upare time, out ot work, or looking fora paylng business write mt" at once. Fred. E. Yoimg, Nurserymau ROCHESTER N. Y. (Inlike the Dutch Process ÍNo Alkalies Other Chemicals are used in the preparation of f.BikfftGLi Breakfast Cocoa, tvhich ia absolutely pure and soluble. It has more than fhree times the strength of Cocoa mied with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is far more económica!, casting las than ons cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, and eaíilt DIGESTED. Sold by G rocera everywhere. W. Baker & Co.. Dorchester. Mass. mthIa? SCHIFFMANN'S Asihma Cure Never fails to give instant relief in the worst oases, and eifeets curm -whcre others l'Ul. Trial Pnekno FKKE of Oragglets or fcj Mali. Addrew DR. R. SOHIFFMANN, StTan!, Mían. CAN I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt auswer and an honest opinión, write to MUNN fc CO., wtao have had nearly ftf ty yeara eiperience in the patent business. Communications strictly confidential. A Ilandbook of Information concerninft Patent and dow to obtain tbem Bent f ree. Also a catalogue OÍ mechan leal and scientlflo books sent free. Patenta taken through Munn & Co. receïYö special notice in the Heien tifie American, and thua are brought wideïy beiore the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper. issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by lar the Iargest circulation of any acientiflc work In tho world. $3 & year. Specimen copies sent free. Building Edition.monthly, f2.50 a year. Singlo copies, Zü cents. Every number contalns beautiful platea, in colora, and photographs Of new houses. wtth plans, enabltng ouilders to show tho lateat deBigns and secure contraéis. Address MUNN & CO., NEW Yohk, 3Ü1 BltOADWAT. DE2L DIEFFENB ACH'S PROTAQON CAPSULES, Snre Cnre f or 'Wenk Men, u proved by reporta of leading phf - Blcians. State age In orderlng. Prtce.Sl. Calalotne Frw. A O ft A safe and speedy U W U cure for Bleet. M IK M Strlcture and aU unnaturaldischariies. PrlceSS. hREEKSPECIFICg'iïïïS Wnnl Skin Dlneaiei, Scrofi nlona Sores andSyphintlo Arectlona, witlk ontmercury. Price, 818. Order f rom THE PERU DRU6& CHEMICAL CO. JÏÏU 18 Wioonin Street, MILWAUKU, Wig, At the expense of little SjwJ j I monoy and his spare JJUJT1 I time obtain a fair wor fja BfcBB. IsinUDYATHOMEÍ THROUOH THt f SPRAQUE UNIVERS1TY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, I Compriiing the leiding correspODdence schoolt i the worid. $ SUBJECTS TAUGHT. j ■ lllf The School of Lw prepares pupiU tbr dmluloa J I D ff to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f f over 1,600 tudents Ín erery put of the country, f 0 iniinilAllOU Th school teaches journalist i j JUUnNALlom 557 "t f""" = ; 'CUnDT Ulllft This school traclicsshort-handby S 'illlln I ■nAHIl a= b" systcm. amUrom the S 1 """'" "HI1W gnning 0 the ,5, tIpert wor]c_ j iPDCCtf ..J I 1TIU This school teaches gbHccKanülAIM s-i-TtStun í 2 tí on to the most advanced worlc in the classics. ' The abore schoolt teach bjr the ) { ence method oulv, and recognlze no rival io Í 5 their respective flelds. m Address. stating In j f maUu; Kak fe Cotner, Jr., j Relief m Six Hours. Distresing Kidney and Bladder diaeasea reüeved ia six hour by the "New Great Soutk American Kidney Cure." Thls new reniedy Is a great surprise on account of lts exceedlng proinptiness lm rellevlng pain In tho bladder, kldneys, back and every païti of the nrtnary passages In male or female. It relieves the retention A water and pain In passing It almoat iinmedlately. If you want qulck rltef and cure tilla Is your remedy. Sold by H. J. Brown, drugglst, Ana Arbor, Mlch.


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