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The Comers And Goers

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Mie Grace Taylor has returned íroin Sagina w. E. Bird Williams pent Sanday with friends in Monroe. E. A. Nordman was in from Lima Monday on business. louis B. Lee, of Cleveland, is in tow-n for a few days. E. B. Norris mas in Lansing Friday cm. legal Ibusiness. Miss Jahanna Neumann, is vlsltine in Detroit this week. Miss Maude Jonnson visitod her parnts in Clyde, last week. Ex-Oo. Treasmrer Suekey was up trom Toledo over Eunduy. Miss Emily Gruneris visitiiigí rienda in Eduiore dui-ing 'the week. Prosecuting Attorney Randall Is in Monroe for the week at court. Ooi. W. A. Gavett, of Detroit, was an Ann Arbor vieitor Saturday. Prof. A. A. Btanley is whiling away kis week's vacation in Boston. Paul Sclilanderer, of Grand Eapide, was in he city over Sunday. Prof. J. A. C. Hildiner and family are Tisiting hls párente in Detroit. Mies Ha.ttie Keith anó. Miss Alta Beal are in Dexter for the week. B. B. Johnson has been spending a lew days witli ïriends in Owosso. TJ. S. District Attorney Lyons, of Detroit, was in the city yesterday. Commissioner Wedemeyer is in Kalamazoo fhis week, visiting friends. J. H. Van Tassel is spending the week ivith hls parents in Chicago. Jolm F. Lawrence and Dud Loomis are fishing out at Strawberry Lake. ïlre B. F. Watts is entertaining er niece Miss Grace Jenkins, of Flint. Miss RtrCh Durheim of the lst ward chool, is spending 'tlie week in Detroit. Mra. E. A. Keith, oí S. Thayer st, is the guBSt of Detroit friends for the week. Prof. E. N. Bilbie returned Tliursday irom Berlin after an absence of i-ix Montlhis. Deputy Trea-surer Lehman and famfty visited old'friends in Chelsea over 8unday. Miss Carrie Owens who has been risi-ting friends in Chicago has returnd home. J. D. Ryan tattended the funeral of 6has. Woodruff, at Ypsilanti, Friday afternoon. Ilr. and Mre. tW. D. Adams are visitíng relatives and friends in Toledo Khls week. Mrs. F. J. liufon has been entertaining Mrs. Parker, ioi Ypsilanti, during the week. Mrs. H. M. Clarke and danghters were guests over Bunday of Mrs. C. W. "Wagner. Mrs. C. G. Liddell has gone to New Tork and the teeashore to be absent ome time. Emil Richter, of Saginaw, w. .s, arrired in the city Saturday, and returns to-day. Miss D. Mulvaney is spending the week with friends in Marengo and Battle Creek. Miss Anna Bennett. who has been ▼isiting friends in Owosso, has retorned home. Eftiest Wetmore, of Marquette has eerr tbe guest (of Fred T. McOmber ■toT 3 few days. Miss Aibbie A. Pond of the city Bcbjoote, is spending the veek with friends rn DetroW. O. L. Fox, W Chicago was in the eïty Monday, looking over the Ann Arbor Organ "Works. K. C. McAllaster was in Detroit yesterday, and attended a Foresters Meeting in tbe evening. Ariihur Brown was in Iansing Friita, where he argued his naaiden case Beiore the eupreme court. Strs. Gilbert Bliss, nvlio now resides in Tpsilanti, bas been vislttng Ann Axbor friemde during Hflie week. "Mrs. Mary Dengler, of N. Fourth ave., ahsretunred home from a visit -fi-ith her son Jacob at Owosso. Johin Shamnon, of Xondon, Ont., calld (hiere t)y the death of hls brother Bobert, returned home yesterday. ïliss Jessie Wotodruff, of Saginaw, kas been the uest of Miss Alice Portwr of E. Ann st., during the week. I. C. Stocking bf N. State st. Is aensvassing the state and establishiög- agencies for fe Chicago book firm. ■RRss cawistina Eiting, of Ypsilanti, pent Sunday here, with her párente on TV. teummit st., returning Monday morning. Prof. and Mrs. John O. Reed left this eity on Saturday morning for Europe. Tbey will vislt relatives in Cleveland on tíheir way to New York They took their Iwheels with them. Harry TV. Hawley who has been ühe guestof his father-ln-law, C. Mack wat to Chicago Monday, to meet ator Hearst, of San Francisco, who has offered him his own price to go to that city and take charge of the Examiner. Miss Gertie Smitih, of Sout hLyon, who has been stopping with the family of Aid. Snyder, of Gott et., for several weeks, faas returned home accompanied by Mr. Snyder's little dnughter Floy. Justiee Gibson entertained his nephew O. H. Kriager and bride, of Xew York City over Sunday. Such au erent in a baclielor's life must have a teiulency to make him feel lonesome, efli ? Mr. and Mrs. Ohas. H. Worden expert to leave in a few days for San Francisco. Cal., to vleit their sons Ed. ajid Will, who are now prominent business men of t.hat city. They will be absent soinc months. Amaziah Thorpe, formerly of Forest ave., now at the Soldier's pome, has been granted an original pension, fhrough W. K. Child's agency. It 1b understood 'that wehn the new city building is erected, for which the council has ordered the purchase of a lot &t the coniiier of E. Huron st and FiftJi iave., it will contain besides tfhe city lOffices, the much talked of city lock-up. 'Tliis is the proper tíhing. Tlie marshal's office will be right handy, andHhe class of telloiws tvlio would oceupy the apartments therein would be easily cared for. At the a-nnual election of the Ann ArboT G-as Co. tfield Monday the following driectors were elected : Moses Seabolt, Wm. Wagner, E. D. Klnne, S. T. Douglass, Uarry W. Douglass. At a suibsequent kneeting Judge Kinne was made resident, Samuel T. Douglass secretary, and Harry W. Douglass treausrer. It ?s unders bood taiat this company has practically decided to reduce the price of both illuminating and fuel gas, the latter to $1 per thousand feet. This will be good mews. Along aibout fair 'time last f all Mrs. Seth Sumner of Tittsfield, brought suit before JusticeVïibson agalnst the Washtenaw Mutual Fire Ins. Co., for damages alleged to ihave been bustained to her hooilse by reason of a blaze th&t íb feaid to have occurred some t-n-o years ago, and the suit ïas been continuously postponed until last Monday, T-hen it was thought all sidcs were ready, when it was suddenly iound out tiat it was not bo and aiKrt.her postponement for one week was made. At the time the fire is said to have occurred, au agent 'or the company investigated and failed to find "tihe damage claimed. It is expected thatthe Buit will proceed next Monday. Navigation Opened- The Detroit and Cleveland Steam iavigation Company's steamers are now running daily (except Sunday) be.ween Detroit and Cleveland. When raveling East or West, North or South, ry to arrange to take advantage of bese luxurious steamers between dicliigan & Ohio.If you are contemplatng a summer outing, write A. A. öchantz, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich., for lustrated pamphlet, which gives full nformation of a trip to Mackinac via lie Coast liue.


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Ann Arbor Courier