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Wheat Will Turn To Chess

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In the last issue of the Atecord, published at tlie Agricultural college the professor of botany holds that wOieat does not turn to chess ; that cfliess is a plant of a different variety f rom wlueat, and that it surely comes from chess seed. This will be disputed by many a farmer who bas made practical tests, and is as posltive tbat chess is a result of injury to -vrtieat -svhich prevente its maturity. The wrtter has made several attempts to propogate it, but never yet has been able to get a kernel to sprout. The professor may be rigiht, but we think he is terribly mistaken. Chess almost invariably comes in what in low places vrhere in jury is caused by f reezing. We heard of a farmer a few years ago, wtoo, in a discuesion o{ this subject, alleged that wien a liorse liad feíj on lüs wheat, at a certain time, i{ developed into cbess, and that the patli of the animal could be easily follovd by tl strip of chess. To -be more certain, tlie next spriiig he mowed a swatlh out in liis iield oí wheat, Btuck stakes, and invited his neighbors to watch the result. The effect was, that the mown wheat was almost eutirely chess, and that that particular spot could have been all chess seed -svhen sown, was ex1X6011}' improbable.- Leslie Local. a - - "We all know Hbat anyt ired musele can be restored t)y rest. Tour stomach is a muscle. Dyspepsia is its niamner oí saying "I aint ired. Give nie rest." To rest the stomacli you must do its work outside of the body. This is the Shaker's method of curing indigestión, and itssuccess is best attested by the fact that these people are practically free from wbat is without doubt the most prevalent of all diseases. The Shaker Dlgestive Cordial not only contains digested food which is promptly absorbed without taxing the tired digestivo organs, Tut it Is likewise an aid to thedigestipm of oither foods in the stomach. A 10 cent trial bottle wlll convince you of its merit, and these you can 'Obtain through all druggist.


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Ann Arbor Courier