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íl 1 1 P C 'f yotu dealer LrClU 1 Cd hasn't it, send - - Ujagw$1.25 to us WE WII.L SEND YOU POSTPAID The "Gresco" It cannot break at the Side or Waitt Color: DRAB or WHITE LONG, SHORT and nEDIUn LENGTH THE MICHIGAN CORSET CO., JACKSON, HICH. ORDER ICE E. V. HMGSTERFEH Having increased my supply onethird am ready to furnish 600 private houaes with pure up river ice, guarantee both quality and prices. Deliver to any part of the city. OFFICE: CORNER WASHINGTON AND 4th AVE. Personally Condueted Excursions to California. Vla the Chicago, Union & North-Western Line, in upholstered tourlst eleeping ears, le;ive Chicago every Thutsday via the N o Western Line. IíOw ratea, picturesque route qnickest time and care.ul attention are advantagea offered to those who Joln these excurslons. Coat oí berth only $6.00. Ask your nearest ticket agent for full particulara, or addresa, W. H. Gnerln, M. P. A„ 67 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. For the State Prohlibltlon Oonventlon at Lansing, rates of one fare for round trip wlll be made, ticket on sale April 15th and 16th, limited to return April 17th. B. S. GRBENWOOD, At. Bueklen's Arniea Salve. Tïie Best Balve In tibie wo-rld for Oute, Bruisea, Borea. Ulcera, Salt IUieum, Pevr Bores, Tetter, Cliapped Hands, diilblaine, Corna, and all skin Eruptlons, and positlvely cure Pile or no pa.y requiired. It Is gnaranteed to glve perfect satlsfactlon or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by The Eberbach Drug & Ohemlcal Co., and froo. J. Heanasler, ManchesterCheap Exeursions to the West and Northwest. On April 21 and May 5, '96, the North-Weetern Line (Chicago & North"Western É'y) wlll sell Home Seeker's excursión tickets at very low rates to a large number of pointe in nortJiern Wisconsln, Michigan, Northwestern Iowa, "Wleetern Minnesota, Nebrasfca, North Dakota and Sonth Dakota, includlng the farnous Black Hilla district. For full Information apply to ticket agenta of connecting linea or addresa W. ET. Guerln, M. P. A,, 67 "Woodward a,ve., Detroit, Mich. I ' I Apr. 8-page 2. California, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The Southern Pacific Company and its Connectlong Opérate the LOS ANGELES, SAN FRANCISCO and Intermedíate Points. THBOUGH TOURIST SLEEPING G4RS leave Chicago, tbroughout the Fall, Spring and Winter every Wednesday nfght, and Cincinnati, O. every Monday and Thursday evenings, and are run THRQUGH TO UUFOMHI without change and on fast mail trains. Pasengers holding second-class tickets can secure accommodations in the tourist sleeping cars, the first ratea being from Chicago to California points, Í6; from Cincinnati to California points, $6.50; from New Orleans to California points, $5, per doublé berth. From New Orleans daily through Pullman service is operated. Lowest Rates, Best Route MEXICO, all points in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico and California. For maps, time tables, and further informatiou pertaining to route and or service, regarding California, apply to W. G. NEIMYER, Gen'l Western Agent, 230 Clark at., Chicago. Hl. W. H. CONNOR, Commercial Agent, So Pac. Co. Cincinnati, O. S.F. B. MORSE, G. P. & T. A., So. Pac. Co., New Orleans, La. Apr. 1 to Oct. 1. SEU W$IC and make money. Agents can make a handsome salary taking subscriptions and selling single copies of our musical monthly EV'FiY MOlVlTM. the handsomest musical magazine in the world. KNOWLEDGE OF MUSIC is N OT N ECESSARY. Each number has $2.00 worth of the latest popular copyright music, besides being richly illustrated with elegant half -tone engravings of famous persons and paintings, the latest Parisian fashions, and other useful household literature. WE PAY AGENTS the LARGEST COMMISSIONS ever paid. Sample copy, with terms to agents, will be mailed postpaid on receipt of 10 cents, stampa or eilver. Howley, HavHatd L Co., Pnblishers EV'SY MONTE, 4 East 20th Street, New York. Referencc: m MUSIC HOUSE IN THE U.S.ORCAUDi


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