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Women Who are nervous, wenk, worn out with local troubles lind pure blood, nerve strength, and perfect health in Hood's Sarsaparilla. We do not say the above to raise false hope. It has been the experience of many, very rnany women in those intensely trying periods whicb demand and consume so mucb Nervous torce - those special physical trials we delicately indícate by merelyusing the words - Maid, Mother, Matron. Like a confidential f riend we suggest ;he use of Hood's Sarsaparilla, a reliable blood purifier and tonic; it bas ïelped many others and will help you. "I was in poor health five years, broken down in strength, and appetite all gone. jocal troubles and other weaknesses intensified my misery. Nervous sick Headaches dizziness, heartburn and pains in my mck made me think I shonld never be well again. A f riend prevailed opon me to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. I soon began o improve and in siz months it restored me to better health than for years. I have found Hood's Sarsaparilla a grand medicine for all troubles peculiar to My Sex [ am now strong and healthy and can do a good day's work. I stand by Hood's Sarsaparilla, for it cured me after other medicines failed." Mrs. Lue DlBB, Carlinville, Illinois. This and many similar cures prove that Hood's Sarsaparilla [a the One Trae Blood Purifier. AU drugglsts. f 1. Prepared only by C. I. Hood &Co., Lowell, Mass. tlOOU S P111S fnllT prepared. 25 cent.


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Ann Arbor Courier