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The houniis who in a drag hunt run Are very silly geese For all there is for every one Isjust ascent aplece. Fred McOmber is now the agent for the Travelens Accident Insurance Co. Walker & Co. of W. Liberty Bt., have a record of 38 bicyclea sold this spring. The Elks expect to have an opening of their ïlne new lodge rooms in the Sudworth block ty June 1. There will be a special meeting of the council to-morrow evening to take action on the liquor and druggists bon ds. The grovery firm of Everett & Barney oi N. Main st., has been dissolved, Mr. Everett having purchased nis partner's interest. Miss "L,. G. Markham has purchased the stock of fancy goods formerly owned by the Misses Adams, at the bazaar, on S. Main st. , ' The seniors expect to swing out in Tfheir cap and gowns at the vesper services to-morrow afternoon, at 4 o'clock. About 150 of the class will don the uniform. A gritty little fellow who was run over by a laundry wagon being driven .on S. División st., near Jefferson, got up and wanted to thresh the dTiver after the accident. The lady cyclists of this city have organized a bicycle club, for the purpose of promoting sociability among ladies interested in wheeling, and arranging for slhort runs, etc. The diemand ftw sewer connections Is great just now, as It certainly should be. Sewers are of no earthly good unless eacli householder along ttoe line is compelled to make connectinoB therewith. The pupils of Miss Emma Fischer .are to give a piano recital on Friday evening, in the new Bethlehem church, táhe proceeds to .be applied upon a fund being raised with which to pnrchase a new piano for the churc!). George Stevens of the Kinderg i - tn billard parlor in Masonie Temple block, received a check for $7,500 a few day'e eince in settlement oí a Bult brought by him against the Pennsylvania E: E. Co. At least that is the way of it as stated byttie Times. The Michigan Club extends a cordial ínvttation to all the state delegates and tihieir friends to make it their headquarters during the eonvention week. The club rooms are centrally located in the Chamber of Commerce building, ajid have a fine cafe in eonnection therewith. At a meeting of thie school board lield last Mionday, the committee on buildings and grounds was ordered to secure bids for a fbur-room addition to the 3d ward school building, and anotüiier of the sa-me size to the 6th ward school building. The necessity for these additions is very great, .and is he best of evidence that out city is gTOwinii. "The time for us to part," sald he, "]s coming on a pace;" "But the pacing record won't," sald shet "Bebroken in this race." If Jack Frost and the drought will percnit tihere will 'be an abundant fruit erop tihis iseason. Ttiere are some big ifs in the way yet, however. Two tnmdred and fifty million poker ellips are manufactured amiually in the Umited States, yet we are eontinnally eending mlssionaries to íorein la-ndis. The case against Geo. Jewett, tlie oolored foot ball player, formerly of this city, in the Livingston circuit, has been continued over to the Xovember term. The Monroe Democrat man oalls our Mayor AValker a republican. He muist have been acquainted wlth him som o years ago. At least he was elected on the democratie ticket. Prof. A. B. 'Chisholm, formerly a member of the Board of School Examiners for this county, has been re-engaged for afourth year at Newberry at a Balary of $1,050, an, increase of $50. The ladies of the Easterm Star were very much disappointed last Wednesday evening in nöt meeting any of tflteir sisters or brothers from Ypsilanti, Chelsea, or Milan, at their leap year party. That May Festival does not occur umtil the '21, 02 and 23d of May, but tlie time is npeediag on quite fast. The faet rat the (Chora! Union will take part in threeout öf the five concerts is one that gives great satisfaction. Prof. Alberto Jonas of the University School of Music, feil from his bicycle last week, severely bruising his face. It has been apparent all along that if the war went on the map of the Spanish possessions would be changed.; - Monroe Democrat. Mr. E. I. Fletcher, having let his farm to ATram Trotter, will o in a faw days to Mt. Clemens where he will be proprietor of the Avery House.- Ypeilantian. Mrs. Fletcher, lormerly Mts. Hudston, was at one time proprietoT of the Cook House here in this city. The grand cleaning up eeason is upon us, and it is a pleasure to notice ttoat out citizens tenter into tjie work with great zest and pleasure, for it is a pleasure to do this work, that improves not only one's own premises, but the entire city as well, when properly done. I teil you tfliese are hustling times. The authorities in Washington recognize tfhis fact, Und have ulssued an edict that all poetof fices having a doublé title henceforth tshall be wrltten without the teecond capital letlet and the two ehall be written as one word. Under this ruling Bay City will hereafter 1 written Baycity and other towns as follows :Cedarsprings, Grandrapids, Reedcity, Newyork, Neworleane, Saintlouis, etc. This change will look very funny until the great American eye becomes ac-' customed to it. A freak in the calf line was born in this city recently. The animal ia minus even the nuggestlon of a tail. It would be a kind act if somel one would kill the poor calf before fly time.- Hudeon Gazette. This calf could be repalred at almoet any Ypeilantl store. They all have retail departments.- Ypsilanti Commercial. But how cam a tailless animal be retailed.- Ypsilanti Sentinel. There ia where the Commercial made a "buil" Of it.- Monroe Democrat. If we don't steer clear of that tale yon can write us down as hm ox-eyed daisy. The Enterprise tells how to secure the Ufe and ferowth of shade trees, if you want to feet out any : "Some folks say that they cannot make ehade trees live. Miamy trees are set out that are not properly eupplied with roots. If you want extra good maple trees, take a ladder and eaw and go to the woods, select young trees and saw off the tops. This will cause them to thröw out a large number of fibrous roots so that next spring when you dig up the tree you will have one that will grow if you give it half a a chance. But trees want some attentlon after they are set out, until they get well established, then there is but Uttle doubt but that; they will live." Young ladis nat over ten or tivelvo years of age are commonly seen on our streets puffing away on cigarettes. Where do they get them? Not of dealers, of course, for in the 3d volume of 'Howell's Statutes, eec. 9122, is found this law : "The people of the 6tate tof Michigan enact. That it shall aot he lawful for any person by himBelf, his clerk or agent, to sell, give or furnish any cigar, clgarette, clieroot, chewing or smoking tobáceo, or tobáceo in any form whatever to any minor under s even teen years of age, unless upon the written ordes of the parent or guardián of said minor. The fine ïor the violation of this act is 5 to $50 or ten to thirtly days in jall, or both.'1 Of course none of our dealers are law breakers. The chilling winter daya are oe'r, And cycle racln? chaps Will lay aslde their hat once more And don tbeir handi-eaps. The faster a man Uves the lcss likely he ie to keep up with his runThie Faculty Concert last rhurday eveniny: was oí tihe usual excellent In any tother place thau Ann Arbor these coucerts would create a furore. The King's Daughters' Cook Book is dow on ale at thef ollowing places: Wate's State st. fctore, .T. D. Stimson & Sons, J. A. Brown's, and Edward Duffy's. Price 25c. Sdhiool Commissioner Wedemeyer spoke at a meeting at the Baptist churcn, Chelsea, Sunday evening, on "The Value of Edueation," in the interest of Kalainazoo College. The U. of M. defeated the professional nine of Haglnaw on Friday afternoon in one of the finest games ever played on the the diamond in Ann Arbor, by a (score of 4 to 2. G. 'M. Shellmire has returned to tnis city from Minneapolis, Mimi., with his wife, and will resume his old place as bookkeeper ïor the Ann Arbor Organ Oo., om Friday, May lst. The Typographical Union of this city has paid to Mrs. Robert Shannon $60, the death benefit to which rihe ivas entitled by reason of her huisbaod's membership in that order. In the case of Frank Banks, plaintiff and appelle vs. Densmore Oramer, defendant and appellant, in the supreme court last week, the verdict of the lower court, which was in favor of the plaintiff, was affinned. ?m. ülheinhardt has a very appropriate and novel delivery wagon. It is a large s(hoe ahout six feet long and in proper propfcrtion other ways, drawn on four wheels, It was designed ly Mr. Bheinhardt liimself, and built by Walker & Co. Sugar is going to be higher this year than ior gnany years past, because of t!he ïailure of about l,400,00( tons in the island of Cuba. As things always - or most always- go by contraríes, it is presnmed that there will be a fine fruit erop this year. Capt. Alvin Handicow who has had charge of the föalvation Army here, for some time, gave his farewell address Sunday evening, havlng been transferred to Grand ïtapids. Capt. and Mrs. Jones tf Detroit, will hereafter hare charge lof the fort here. Andrew T. Hughes, ex-Kegister of Deeds, was called to Detroit last Thursday by the death of his mothr, Mtb. Alice Hughes. She was 65 years of age, and tïue widow of Patriek Hughes, of Detroit. Herremains weire taken o Dexter Saturday for buTial. Ed. I. Taylor, who has charge of the U. S. civil service examinations here, announces another examination on June 6tn, at the high school building. Those desiring to take the examination fehould isecure the necessary application blanks on or beiore May 18. The Germán Day coramitMe held a meeting ia few evenlngs slnce, and perfeeted Bome of t.he arrangements. Among other things it was decided to offer prizes -of $25, $15. $10 and $5, for the largest and best delegations present fram any out of town community. They expect a big time again this year. Mifis has a new bicycle. Fill the blank with the name of any Ypsilanti young lady, and it will prolbably be true. More young women than young men are buying wheels this spring.- Ypsilanti Commercial. 0 course it would not be fair to infer from that that the youmg ladies of Ypsilanti are flighty ? The lot at the southwest corner of E. Huron et, and Fifth ave. has been purchased by the city on which to erect city buildings. The lot is 44 feet front on Huron Et. by 130 feet deep on Fifth ave., with an alley running in the rear. The location opposite the Fireman's Hall will enable one heating plantto warm both buildings, thus economizing in that way, and it will also furnish for the first ward rooms for resristration. elcction, caucuses, etc. The selection is a wise one, andias it was purchased for $4,500, it is a very reasomable one as well. A man raay work and delve and toil And meet with no surprises Because he never can "sirike oil" UnleHS he advertlses. Intellig-ence office at Y. AV. C. A. rooms. Hours, 2 to 7 o'elock every day. George Burke, who had the misfortune to sprain his knee some two weeks ag-o, is Ixmt once more. The former firm of Eichmond & Sweet, cement walk builders, has been cfoanged and is nov Richmond & Son. C. B. Koek, oí Marine City, preached at the Germán M. E. church Sunday and took upthe chnrcli extensión collectioin. The 7th Michigan cavalry wiU hold its annual reunión at the court house in this city on July 3d. Banquet in the evening in the armory. Gov. Felch was invited to act as au honorary pall öearer at Ex-Gov. Jerome's funeral in Saginaw, Monday, but his health would not permit hini to attend. About 100 Odd Fellows attended divine service at Tiinity Lutheran church Sunday morning, and listened to an ecxellent sermón from ïtev. Mr. Tedrow. Thiose of our readers who belong to tlhie M&öonic fraternity wiU íind a story om amotlier page entitled: "He bad the pass all Riffht," in whichthey will be interested. The spring of the Southera eni Convocation of this diocese of the P. E. church, will be held in St. John's church, Clinton, Thursday April 80. St. Andrew's parten Of this city is entitled to three lay delegates. Röbert S. Woodward, lit.' 72, professor oí mechanics in Columbia colleg-e, has been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences at ■Washington, I. C. A great honor to himself, lils native state and her Üniversity. Kijfht Eev. Bishop Davies conilrmed a class of 33 at St. Andrew's Episcopal church last Thursday evening. Although a rain 6torm prevented majiy from attending the beautlful services, yet the church was well filled with peoplte. On account of tJhe May Festival, Fraternity lodge F. & A. M. will have no work on the week of May 22d. Eaca Friday of the month other than that will be used as f ollows : May lst, regular, lst degree ; May 8, 2d degree ; May 15, Sd degree ; May 29, 3d degtee, TJi Jarley Wax Works at Üniversity Hall Saturday evening, were great. audience was kept good natured from start to finish, and Miss McCobb as Mrs. Jarley, understood her business perfectly. Some o-f the hits were cute and raised a storm of applause. But she made a mistake in attempting to force Reed Bentiments upon a McKinley audience. The BtTeet committee and board of public works have agreed to order two new culverts on W. "Washington st., wnere the two branches of Allen's creek cross he street, and a tile drain on the line of the creek crossing First st. It was also agreed to have Summit st. at the corner of G-ott st. filfed up, and the line oí the culvert on División st. changed ; also that a new brick or cement cross walk should be constructed on the nortu slde of 'Madison st. crossing Thompson st.


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