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MAY FESTIVAL BARGAINS. Special Sale White Chamois Washable Gloves in 4-button Pearl and 8-button, length Mousquetaire, worth $1.25, sale price 79e a pair. Eight button length White Mousquetaira Kid Gloves at $1.00 a pair. Young Lady Graduales. We are showing special weaves in niaterials for gradúate dresses. Silk Finished Washing French Organdíes, 2 yards wide, at 40c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 a yard. Gradúate India Lawns at 15c, 20c, and 25c a yard. Gradúate Persian Lawns at 25c, 35c, and 50c a yard. Dotted Swisses Pice-head dots at 25c, 35c and 40c a yard. Fine White French Dimities at 25c and 35c a yard. Lovely French Organdíes in Buds, Sprays, Persian, Dresden and Oriental designs, 50c pieces on sale at 25 a yard. 50 pieces Pretty Dimities at 10 cents and 12aC a yard. 500 yards White India Linen at 5c a yard. Ladies' Wash Shirt Waists. The points about our Shirt Waists is their washableness added to their beauty this constitutes them the best Shirt Waists at the prices. This week we place on sale 50 dozens Choice New Styles in Lawn, Percale, Dirnity, Grass Cloth, Organdíes in Perisiau and Dresden Patterns, Stripes Checks and Plain Colors, with detached collars and cufts, beautiiul colcolorings at 98c, $1.25 and $1.50. SCHIER MILLE! THE BTTSY STORE. She huga it tightly in real delight- it medicine mamma got put Mp at Uoodyear's pharmacy. All the prescrlptions we compound ara strictly reliable and are prepared wtth the greatest care and we will not be undersold stands good when we are selling prescriptions as in every thing else we have . The Goodyear Drug Co.


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Ann Arbor Courier