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At Pinckney wool is being marketed a tfrom S to 12 oents per lb. There is to bc a bicycle ïneet at the Ypeilaati fair grounds on June 12 and 13. An auditorium is being erected at Island Lake which will accommodate 1,000 people. To-day is being observed as a day of sports in Chelsea, with Pingree fis the chief attraction. Mr. and Mrs. .1. IS. Chidester, oí Ypsilanii, celebrated their golden wedding on the 12th inst. F. J. Hecox of Howell has put out 16,000 peach and plum trees thlB year, and much small fruit. The people of Bellevilie are trying to raise funds to build a watfer works system, to bie used in oase of lire. The Pinckney Bispatch has taken t o the goveroment postoffice way of wrlting it "Amiarbor."! Looks queer don't it ? Luther Palmlr dfed at his Iiome in Dexter on May 11, aged 72 years. He cameto this county in 1836, settling in Dexter. It wlfl take GO, 000 plants for Mr. Laidlaw, the M. G. landscape gardener at Ypsilanti, to carry out his plans plans this year. The village dada of Manchester propose to plant a lot of Gennani carp in the mili pond of that place tokeep the weeds from choking out the "water. The bicycle riders in Pinckney have been abusimg the privilege of riding on the 6ide"valks, and the council will probably be asked to shut them off entirely. A miseraWe whelp of an anarchist cut down the pole on which the school flag ïloats at FowlervilJte. And that village will pay $25 to flnd out his name. i Mrs. Mary Starkweather having given $10,000 for a new Student's Ghristian Association building at Ypsilanti, the contract has been let for the same to a Detroit builder. On tlh 22d there is to bei a grand field day at Howell, the high school boys of tliat place inviting all the schools in the couinty to take part in the exercises and sports of the day. The Sentinel eays that at a recent meeting of the school board a motion to termionate Superintendent Whit ney's services as such, was loeit by a tie vote, three favoring and three opposing it. i . Miss Carlie Minor, of Ypsilanti, vrho had an operation performed as noted last week, was taken suddenly iU and died on the Saturday following. She was 35 years oí age and: highly esteemed. Miss Uotta Coombs has purchased the Ir. Pattisan residence in Ypsilanti:. If the lady would only ,drop, one of those o's in her name there might be a chance for somo fellow, to get a good comb with a house and! lot Mn'O'Wn in. The members of the woman's club at Howell had been Baving money ïor a club house for a long time. Last wleek they Bwitched off the track and bought a piano before they bal seeuTed a house to put it ïn. Some men set married in the same way. But it is mo'st always a mistake. Ypsilanti ihas flower thieves, also. The Epworth League of Salino will give a May Festival on the 29th. Mrs. Josttiua Lamlert, aged 03, for the past 14 years a resident oí Ypsilanti, dled May 13. The 'Manchester base ball lovers have íitted up a new diamond and are ready for all corners. The Bowell papers are scolding tiecauise ■Wheelmea refuse to abey the law and keep off the Bidewalk. A. J. Warren Is president of the Saline Bicycle Club, Miss IAnnie Fosdick secretary, S. T. Fairbank treaaurer, and D. A. Bennett captain. "W-m. Cfements of Saline, has a World's Fair diploma. It wa.s awarded him Tor having the beet Egyptiaai wheat displayed at the big Show. .Tes.-;ie Garloek has resigned her posi; ion as teacher intheHowell school to take effect at the close of the present term. She will take a eourse of study in the I'niversity of Michigan. - Howell Herald. M's Nettie M. TVood was inarried on May 13, to S. L. Leach. of Clielsea, at the hcemie of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. fl'ood. oí' Xorth Lake. Eev. C. L. Adams periormed the ceremony ■Tiich was witnessed by many friends. Oscar Sthaffer, an innocent spectator of a game of 'ball at Saline the other day, caught a red hot liner square om the nose. He knows how hard that ball was, and has the moet fitriking nose of any person in that %-icinity ncw. Mrs. Jennie Glassford. of Manchest er. met with a serieus and,' painful accident at Ann Arbor last Wednesday ev(-ning. While she and her cousin were driving on M.ain st., tihe horse became frigii tened at the street cars', rum a"vvay and thre"w them out. Tlie bnggy was smashed all tO1 piecee. Aestheticism, in Hillsdale, has progressed to that point where a high school girl remarlos that she ''does so admire tfhose Plymouth Eock chickens ; they 'have such pretty foliage V' - Monroe Democrat. The same girl no dou"bt "svho always wore goggles in the winter because the trees presented bare limbs. A wonderful transformation is in pnogress on the premises of Mr. Robert Lambie just now. The old flat roof is being changed into one of the modern style and other changes are to beniade, which sugget that time does not dull thO sense of the beautiful or age the advantages of modern iniprovements. - Ypsilantian. The sixteenth animal May Festival at the M. E. chureh will be heldnear the last of May under the auspices of the "Ep-worth League. Xearly 70 children are busy wlth the preparat ions, and as one enthusiastic lady puts it, "the wee little folk givel au entertainment from the heart which ïills the soul with rapture."- Ypsilanti Sentinel. A young Polish woman was landed In Manchester the other day by mistake, as her destination was Manchester, X. 'H. She ooulcln't talk a word of Eaglish ior Dutch either, but Matt Blosser made her understand the item he had in the paper alxrat lier, and the igood people of that village took care of her uu til tra.nsportation could be secured to her destination. 4 Chelsea always gets there.- Standard. The social at Michael Wackenimt's, Öhelsea, netted $28. Tlios. Sears, of Chelsea is eonvalescIng from quite a serious iil'ness. Theophil Eisen left Chplsea last week Tor Newark X. J., where he enter-; upon business of his own. A number of friencis gathered at the resiöence oí Mts. ('t. H. Foster, In f'hplsea m the 13th, to help celébrate thé 8Oth 1irthdfiy oí her father, "W. E. Purchase. There is to be an antertainment at tliO tow-n hall, Chelsea, Friday, the 221, Tjy the school, whem a light opera entitled "Grandma's Birtiiday," will be givem. Misa Lulu Love and William Shück, wererecently raarried at Adrián. He gets' 'a lulu" of alove and she barely a síhuck. It often happens so in the lottery of marriage. O shucks ! - Monroe Bemiocrat. The way the girls over in Milford get hu'sfoands is thus related by the Truthful James of the Democrat at Monroe : "A Milford girl, eonsiderhig that it wats leap year, tooK the fellow vf'ha had been hanging around her, by the lappel of his coat and with a loving emile in hier eyO and! a revolver in hr hand, remarked that Khe wantod him ifor a husband. The lover isaw the poiait - and the revolver - and the license and marriage speedily ensued."


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