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The Comers And Goers

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John M. Feine-r was a Detroit vittor yesterday. John Biste, ulve Detroit st. groceryïna-n. te vevy 111. l Prof. Stanley was in Cleveland Saturday aind Sunday. Clark Hawes, now of Toledo, was Ibaine over Simday. í Miss Mary Clemeats is liome from Bay City a time. "Ooi. Dean went to Lans ing yesterday o nG. A. Et 'business. Mrs. E. B. Xorris and son Fred are vteiting friends in Manchester. E. B. Hall has srome to Bt. Louis. Mich., to take mineral baths. Miss All te Simmcms of Kalamazoo, ie in tifoe city for the 'May, Festival. Miss Maggie Burke, of Detroit, Is the jguest of Ann Artnor frlends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliias. W. Wagner were tguests of Detroit friemds over Sunday. Miss Pearl HoweM, of Fllnt, is the fcnest of Anai Arbor frtends this week. ■ L. L. Jaimes, one of Dexter's hustling business men, was in towu Monöay. ï Mre. J. W. H'ayley, of Jackson 1-Tísiting relativas aad friends in Ann 'Arboï. Miss Harvey Root, of Xorthville, is guesrt of Geo. B. Alexander'a family. G. W. Prettymam of Chicago, visited his lyrother, ex-Ald. Prettymam last week. J. L. Grinnell, of Detroit, formerly ■of tüiis city, vteited old friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Pond and ,son Kenneth spent Sunday with friends in Howell. Mr. and Mrö. W. K. Childs and family, epen Sunday witli relatives at !G-reen Oak. Dt. J. L. Ejose, accompanied by Mrs. 3tose, has been visiting in Jackson during tüie week. , Mr. and Mrs. Gregory E. Dibble feave returned fraiff a visit at their ld home in Flint. ; Mrs. Chas. Frink and daughter Anatoell. of Mirskall, are guests of Mrs. ÏT. H. Drake, of E. Huron Bf. Frank Travis and wife drove to Ann Arbor from Kalamazoo last weeft and are visiting relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. D&nforth nre Teceiving a visit from, ttieir daughter, Mrs. Dr. Gregg, of "Wellington, Ohio. Miss Graec Jenkins, who has been Tilsiting her aunt Mrs. B. F. Watts, #or some time, has returned home to Plint. Jamas E. Carr, of the Dundee ReKeporber, was in the city Saturday, ettendtag the funeral of J. D. WïlJihms. Jfrs. Jlillard Rosenberg, nee Goodalp f Reed City, is vteiting her mother ïlrs. Sarah A. Goodale, of N. Main fctreet. Mre. M. W. Bullook, of Howell, wi trpená several days at Ann Artvor during the music festival at the V. of M. next week. Many of the friends of George Miller, of N. División st., helped him rememter his 66th birthday last "Wednesday. Htm. Joseph T. Jacobs left Monday TOiaraítaig for New York City, to attend a mjaeting OF the Board of) Infltan Cammisisioiners. "W. W. "Wiatte, Eminent Commander Ann Ai-Txr Commandery K. T., will attend the Grand Oommandery at Grand Rapids this week. Dr. Philip 'H. Quick. medie '95, of Olivet, acpompajiifd by his littlo daughter Gula, wa.s in the city last Thursday, with a patiënt. Alvick A. Pearson, the hustling local ireporter of the Daily Times, is reeeiving a visit from his parents, Dr. fcnd Mms. H. J. Pearson, of "WestMiltm, O'hfo. It is hopedthat the. Dr. Kuay see fit to take up liis resWence lere permaiiently. A cali having been extended to Rev. W. M. Forrest, of Medina, O., ly the Ohurch of Christ of this city, he has aecepted of the same, and will coninience his duties June lst. W. K. Childs le lo delivor íli-s Memorial Day address at Haniburg, on Mlay 29. The services are held there on t'he 29th so that the veterans may join with Brighton on the 30th. Some íifty of sixty Ann Arbor people Sumdaj'ed- out oí deferace to the feelings of some oï our critics we have not used tliat 'word lefore for a long time - at Zukey, Ieland, Strawberry and adjoining lates. Prof. TV. H. Hawkes, principal of t3ie Hudsson schools, has tendered his resigna t ion. to accept a professorsliip in a South Dakota college. Mr. Hawkes was a former U. oí M. student, and m;Vrried Miiss Fannie Stimson, of tliis city. Ooi. J. H. Kidd wriftes to TV. K, Childs of bhte city, that he will he itere on Saturday May 30, to deliver fhe Memorial Day address ín Univereity Hall, if toe is alive. As hej is in pretty good healt-h the address is pretty certain to be delivered. Th.e man known as ''Prince Mlchael,'' tbe head of the Flying Rollers, whio was convicted in the circuit court toere, will be released froni the state prison at Jackson on tbe 19th of next niontJi. The piison walla are expected to sTiaie on that day. The Y. M. C. A. lyceum eommittee are at -n-ork securing a course of cntertainments for nesít year. The indications are iSb&t they will be very sue.ess'vil in presenting one oí tlie niosí attractive co'urses of six entertaiuments ever presented in Ann Arbor. Au exthange gives the sweet girl gradúate "vvho is trying to get up an essay to match her coinmencement gown, tliis advice : "Make the essay match the gown in these particulars, let it be plain and substantial, not too thin, for service rather than for show, avoid ruffles, eschew frills, beware of burbelows; don't aim to jiave it 'too sweet for anything.' '" The bicycle cra-ze te so rampant and wheels are becaming so very mimerouis on our streets that accidenta will be moreor lesa frequent. Iiiders should be oareful to have their wheels under full control, at all times a-dhere to the rules of the road, when passing approacüiing vetiicles or piadeisfcrianls, or wlieelmen, or wheelwoman.Uuirn to the right, and those go■nig in tihO sanie direction turn to the' left. Avoid humping and scorching on city or village streets and keep of the eidewajks. Ed'ward Diorni, whiö is probably the oldest citizcn in Ann A.rb -. was 1urned out Monday nigíit. He lost all his belomgings-, together with his shanty.- Detroit Tribune. Why any one Bbould burn ouít an oíd man, is past explaining. He must have suf, fered igreat pain during the operatLon. wihlcJl added ta the loss of everytliing else, m.aJies it a case of great hardsihip. What horrid torture some people taflict, to be sua-e.- Adxia a Press. Very true. The editor of tlhe Press, for tostance, with his pencil. T-toe board of directora of the Washtenaw CJounty Mutual Fire Insurance Go., met last Wednesday and ThursCí? and transacted considerable fcmsiiess. There were thirteen claims to consider mostly losses fro n Imhtlilng. Of these ten were acted apon nul alle-wed the amount oggregaiin $3.070. The three other clairaa v partialiy considered, and laid over iü the uext meeting which will le ut'ject to the cali of the secretary. These latter claims amount to ay warüa of $i,000. This season of the year seems to be particularly anfortuhate ïar the farmer's companies for the lightning in every tliunder. storm appears to hit something valuabie.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier