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m Andrew Mitchell, the celebrated chemist, farmerly professor in chemistry In the Dniversity oí Michigan, writes : I Ihave made a careful exajnination. of Gessler's Magie Headaehe wafers and ftnd them free Trom from Antipyrine, Qulnine, Morphine Chloral or any harmful narcotica. I cheerfully recommeod them for headache and neuralgia. Physicians and drnggista everyvhere say they are the only remedy we have ever found that wlll positively cure where all others failed. 25 cents at A. E. Mummery's. NEW LOT JUST KECEIVED OF Field Peas, Humarían Seed, Millett Seed, Fodder Gorn, TO BE SOLD AT LOWEST PRICES Ridina Cultivators, Tiger Tedders, .... AT COST. PLOWS from $4 to $11. Also a variety of farra toois at cost and many less than cost to close out business at K. J. ROGERS lniplcmcnt and Seed Store 25 and 27 Detroit St., - Ann Arbor Chaneery Sale. In pursuance and by vlrtue of a decree of the Circuit Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in chaneery, made and entered on the twenty-sixth day of March 1896, in a certain cause therein pending, wherein Moses Seabolt is eoraplainant, and William M. Durand and Marión A. Durand are defendants. Notice is heroby given that I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder at the east door of the Court house in the City of Ann Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held,) on Wednesday the eigeth day of July 1896, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of paid day all the followiDg described real estáte situated in the City of Ana Arbor, County of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, to-wll : Commencing at a point in the north boundary line of lot ten in block four south of Huron Street, Range four east, where said line intersects theeast boundary line of an alley on the west eud of said lot. thence south on the east boundary line of said alley thirty feet thence easterly in a line parallel witli the north boundary line of Packard street twenty feet, thence sonth in a line parallel wilh the east boundary line of said alley, to a point sixty-slx feet from the norlh boundnry line of said lot, thence east in a line parallel with the' north boundary line of said lotto Fourth street, thence north sixty-six feet on the west boundary line of said Fourth street to the north boundary line of said lot ten, thence west to the place of beginning, togetuer with the right to use said alley. Dated May 1", 1S9(. Joseph F. Wehb, Circuit Court Conamissioner, Washtenaw County, Mich. LAWRENCE & BUTTERFIKM), Solicitors forComplainant. Chaneery Sale. In pursuance and by virtne of a deeree of the Circuit Court lor the Couiity of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, in Chaneery, made and entered on the 29th day of October, 1894, inacertaiu cause therein pending whereln David R. S. Underwood is complainant and Alvnli P. Fergnson, Keil ie R. Fergusou, the Western Linoleum Company, Charles T. Blanchard, Frank E. Hale aud Wood.Smith and Company are defeudants. Notice is lïereby elven that I shall sell at public auction t the hlghest bidder at the east front door of the court house in the city oí Aun Arbor, Couuly of Washteuaw and State of Michigan, (that being the building in which the Circuit Court for the County of Washtenaw is held.) on Wednesday the2Jth day oí June 18%. at ten o'cloek in the forenoonofsaid day, all thefollowing described property to-wit: All those pieces or pareéis of land sltuated in theeity of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw County, Michigan, described as follows : All of lot number three in lilock nnmber fonr in Ormsby and Page's addltion to the villaje (now city) of Ann Arbor. Also lot one in block four in said addition excepting a piece of land heretofore deeded by Nicholas Arksey and Mary Arksey hls wife, to E. W. Morgan by deed recorded in the office of Register of Deeds in liber 43 page 590; also lots two, four, n!ne and ten, in block four in said addition according to the recorded plat thereof. Also a part of lot flve in block four north of Huron street in range six according to the recorded plat of the village, (now city) ot Ann Arbor aforesald, beginning at the northeast corner of said lot number five, running thence southwesterly aloug the west line of Detroit street forty seveu feet to a ditch, thence northwesterly along the east line of said ditch to the north line of said lot number flve. thence easterly along said north line of said lot to the place of beginning. Dated May 5th 1890. Joseph F. Webb, Circuit Court Commlssioner. LAWKENCE & BUTTEKFIELD, Solicitors for Complainant.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier