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Half Rates to San Francisco. On June 15, 16, 23 and 24, 1896, The Xorth-Western Line (Chicago & North-Western Rallway), the ïamous 'California in 3 days" Route, -vill sell excursiom tickets to San Francisco, and return at half rates, one fare for the round trip, good returning 00 days from date of Bale. For full Information apply to ticket ugents of connecting lines or address W. H. Guerin, M. P. A., C7 "Woodward ave. Detroit, Mich. 2w If a smajl bo'ttle of S'haker Digestive Oordlal does you no good, don't buy a large ome. "Prove all thimgs ; bold fast that wtúch is good." It's not good tor everybody ; only for the thin, pale, sick, weak and wëary. For those who are starvipv: . ■' .vant of digested food. For those who caanot get fat or strong, because their Btomachs do nat work as 'they ought. to. Tnere are people, millions of them, whom Shaker Digestive Cordial wlll care, ' Food anakes strength, rausde, brain blood, energy- after it is digested. If not digested, it will do you no good at all. Shaker Digestive Cordial helps your istomach to digest your food nnd cures indigestión permanently. "Wheu you've tried a small bottle, you can teil. Sold by druggists. Trial bottle 10 cents. __ Half Rates to Milwaukee. On account of the International Convention of the B. Y. P. U., theN'orthVestern Line will, frcni July 15 to 18, 1896, inclusive, eell excursión tickets to Milwaukee and return at one tare for the rouind trip. The Chicago & ÍN"ortar"Wtesbern R'y I the 'Inke Shore" Eoute between Chl[■ago and Milwaukee, and makes the run between the two cities n less t.han two hours. For full iniorniation apply to ticket agenta of ccmnecting limes or address W. H. (iue'in. 67 "Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich 3w Your Boy Won't Live a Month. So Mr. GUlman Brown, of 34 MUI st., South Gardner. Mass., was told b the doctors. His son liad !Lung trouble, following Typhoid falarla, and he spent three hundred and seventy-five dollars wlth doctors, who flnally gave him up, saying : "Your toy won't live a month." He tried Dr. King's New Discovery and a few bottles restored him to health aad enabled him to go to work a perfectly well man. He says he owes his present good healtht o use of Dt. King's New Discovery, and knows tt to be the best in the world for Lung trouble. Trial Bottles Fre at Eberbach Drug & Chemical Co's drugstore and G. J. Hauessler, Manchester. Ann Arbor Railway Excursión Rates. Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Cimcinnati, O. Kate of one fare Tor the round trip. tickets to' be sold July 5 and 6, good returnmg July 11. Xational League Of American "Wheelman. Louisivlle, Ky. Kate oí one fare for the round trip, tickets to be , eold August 9 and 10, good ; ing to Aug. 17th. Baptist Young: Peoples 'Union of America, Milwaukee, Wis. One fare for round trip, tickets to be sold July . 14 to 16, good returning July 20th. Xntional Educational Association, _ Buffalo, N. Y., One fare for round trip plus $2 membership Fee, tickets to be sold July 5th and 6th, returo limit July 12th. Young Peoples' Society of Christian. EndeavoT, "Washington, D. C. One fare for round trip, tickets to be sold Tuily 3 to 6, good returning July 12. Julv 15 G. A. R. Encampment at St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 2d to 4th, one cent per Bay View Camp Meeting, Bay View, 1 Mich. One fare for round trip. July 7to 10, good for return Aug. 15. i E Democratie National Convention, j Ohicago, 111. One fare for round trip July 3 to 6, goo dreturning July 12. Kniglits oí Pythins Uniform Rank. { Cleveland, Ohio. One fare for round trip, Aug. 22 to' 24, good forjreturu Aug. 31st. - 4W Personal - Free- 64-page medical reference book o any person afflieted with any special, hroiïic or delicate disease peculiar . to heir sex. Address the leading physiians and surgeons oí the United States, )r. Hathaway & Co., 70 Dearborn street, ühicogo. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder Worid's Fair Hiithest Awar.


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Ann Arbor Courier