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A Live Warden

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The Forest and Stream ha-s a r.ine portrait of Olíase S. Osfoorn, of Sault S'te. Marie, in a recent issue, and speaks Yery highly of nis conduet oí the office of game warden. Among ottier things it saya : "Mr. O-born took the oft'ice of game ■warden Fet. 1, 1895. Ouring the eleven montibs of 1895 the department prosecuted 501 cases. These cases grew out of the investigatioii oí ieported violations to the number of 996. The total fines and costs collecbed 'amouiited to $0,420.67 ior thO time meutioned. Tlie office feeut oit about 10,000 persoually dictated letters. Of the 501 ca-ses ïnentioned, 397 convictlons were olvtained. Acquit tais to the number of 05 resulted. In ttoee oases there -were diisagreements and n 3-Í cases disoontinuiances were entered. This leaTos t-wtlve cases pending. All of the preivoue record or ihis oiïice sliow a total of 604 cases -grosecuted up to the time that 'Mr. Osborn took tbe office. This wouid indícate that durinig the eleven months of 1S95 lie was aoabled bo accompllah In the uirectioin of actuial apprehension and punishnient apparently nearly as much as had tieon accomplished duriag the previouis existente of the office of eight years and ione montU."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier