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Commencement Week Program

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The program for the exercises of Commencement Week at the L'niversity of Michigan has been arranged, and is as follows : SATÜRDAV, JÜNE 20. 9:00 a. m. Examination of candtdates for admission to the departmeut of Literature, Science, and the Arts. SUNDAY, JUXE21. 8:00 p. m. Iu University Hall. Discourse to the graduating classes by President Angelí, MONDAY, JÜNE 22. 9:00 a. m, Examination of candidates as noted above. CLASS DAY, DEPARTMENT OF LA W. 2:00p. m. In University Hall. Addresa by the Class President, Fred Lewis Ingraharn. Poem by Henry E. Notbomb. Class History by Daniel R. Williams. Oration by Earl D. Reynolds. Prophecy by Albert A. Huseman. Preseutation of Class Memorial, a portrait of Ex-Dean Knowlton, by Daniel R. Hughes. ALceptance of Memorial by Regent Barbour. Valedictory by Edward P. O'Leary. 8;00p, m. Promenade on the campus. TUESDA.Y, JUNE 23, 10:00 a. m. Meeting of the Board of Regents. CLASS DAY, DEPAKTMENT SCIENCE, LITERATl'RZ AND THE ARTS. 2:00 Uuder the Tappan Oak. Address by Class President Edward B. House. History by Annie L. Bacorn. Oration by Erauk P. Sadler. Poem by Euretta A. Hoyles. Prophecy by Allee E. Rothmauu. Presentation of Memorial by Alonzo H. Tuttle. Acceptance for the Universlty by Prof. Kelsey. 9;00p. m. Reception by Senior Class at the Gymnasium. WEDNESDAY, JUNE ALUMNI DAY. Special Reunions of Literary Classes of 71, '76, '93, and of other years. 10:00 a. m. la University Hall. Celebration of the 2óth anuiversary of the Presidoncy oí James B. Angelí. Greeting by the Regents and the Seuate. Response by President Angelí. Addresses of cougratulatioa froni other Uuiversities. 1:00 p. m. In the Waterman Gymnasium. Dinner giveu by the Senate and the Alumni. Tickets can be procured at the Steward's office. 8;00p. m. In the Waterman Gymnasium. Reception by the President and the Senate to the invited guests, graduates, tonner students and friends of the University. Cards of admission can be obtained at the Steward's office and from the secretaries of the Alumni associations, and the Deaus of the faculties. J:0Op. m. Busiuess nleeting of the Literary Alumni associatiou in Tappau Hall 7;30 p. m. Address of the president of the Medical Alumni, Edward Andrews, M. D., LL. D., of Chicago, 111., at the lower lecture room of the Medical building. 4:30 p. m. Law Alumui busiuess meeting, at the Law Lecture room. 9:00 a. m. Meeting of the Dental Alumni association. ut the Dental amphitheatre THURSDAY, JUNE 25.' THE FIFTY-SECOND ANNUAL COM.MENCEMEXT. 9:00 a. m. The procession will form in front of the Law Building. 10:00 a. m. Io ünlverslty Hall. Commencement Exercises. Oration by Chas. Kendall Adams, LL. D., President of the University of Wisconsin. Conferring of Degrees.


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