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It is be&rt-reading to be famous sometimes. If you doubt this ossertian just cast youjr eye over the alleged portralts of Dr. Angelí golng tlie rounds of the state press Just now. O Scovel Walker, who for a number of years sluus a quill upon t-lio Tecumseh Herald has eutered the cmploy of Uncle Sam, in the rallway mail service. The service is to be congratula led. O This reanindá us oï the man -wlio, after burying seven wlves, had ereeted to their memory a monument, on the top of "whieh ivas carved a li.ind pointing upw.'ird, and the inserlptiün "Seven Up."- Ypsilantian. - - n When the eollection was belng taken, a Marshall younsj man got red in the face and tvhispered, ' 'Haven' t a cent, I chansjed my pants ;" and the youmr lady beside him, iussed in her dress pocket aad remarked that' she "wa.s in the same íix"- so the story g'Oes. - Monroe Democrat, o;' tour. e. Prof. Harrington, late c-hief of the weafher bureau at Washington, says Hiat with the appearance of san spots every seven or ten years, cyclones spem more frequent th.-ui at any other time. - Manchester Enterprise. Iïro. Blosser should raise au exand place 'befare that chief, ïor as a chief he never was late. The editor of the Arm Arbor Courier fe omethinig of au antiquarian, and lie say.-; tliat the joke about a locomotive "clioo chooing to back 'er," ■vrhich Tully inflicted upon his readreadera of last -nieek's Sentmei, is of the vintage of 1792. At this rate we may expect there wfll be Borne nineteentli century jokes in the 8entinel in a few years.- Ypsilanti Comnierclal. IJ VTe acknowledge a pleasant cali yesterday irom WtB Oarlton, -vlio never comes to Hudson without renewlng acquaintances with the piinting oifiees. AVhile in Hudson !ie met mamy friends vlo are alwaya glad to see luim, but pwssibly his best experionce was when poet Wetherbee "went upon the stage a.fter ihe lecture, and the Uo rhymts had a season of mutual enjoyment.- Hudson Post. It is to le hoped tha.t the editora o; oiir bright and spirited Hudson eontemporaary (lid not feel like g-.oin0 "Over the Hills to the Poor House, after that visit.


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Ann Arbor Courier