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Wlieeler'sj He art f ïïpp Nerve r POSITIVELY CURES HEART DISE&SE, NERVOUS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessness and all cierangement oi the Nervou3 Svstem. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-nundred full size doses, 50 cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mich.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of " Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and STerye Cure. Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moors, - Druggist. F Chlcheetor's EnfrlMi Diamond lïran f. 'eNWROYAL P9LLS f-w Origino! and nly Geiiulne. A i7 safc, ahviivs ruliable. ladies ak C ïm Droggist tor Chtcheatera Bngttak '-iïYX áJ3jffmonÍJJfirt in Keil and (io'ld metal ie gy íírahoxcs. eealed with blue ribbon. Take V 4'Jno other. Refttae dangerou ubstitU' Af tions (ííiíí imitations. M Druj;is!s.or9enil4o. JV in stampa for particulars, t'.stimonials ani Eb lïelicf for Ladli." ' letter, by return J Muil. IO.O0O TestfmoDlftU. Xime Paper. i'hi-ïuL'tri1ncinieul'jj.,MulUii Squuic, Bold bj ail Local Dmggisu. l'hll&ds., Pa. 'Lii '■! I iTnili aiIlM MM illllllüS ...-.'■'m Vstrictlv - y OWt"NS"BCñO KY " "R. MONARCH" - AND - ■ "KENTUCKYCLUB" PURE WHISKIES.I (EMIXE O.NIiY WIIKN IIOTTLKD IX THIS 8TTLE PACKAiiE. Put up in Quarts, Pints and r Ask your dealer for these Brands. Ii he hasn't theni, write us. S. A. Sloman & Co., BRANCH OFFICE, DETROIT, - MICHIGAN. Bottled at and shipped from the Distillery. A. P.T.L. The American Protective Tariff Leagus s a national organization advocating " Protection to American Labor and Industry " as explcmed by its constitution, as follows : "The object of this League shall be to protiet American labor by atariff on importa, which shali adequately secure Amercan industrial produot gainst the competitior, of foreign labop." There are no personal or privata profits n connection with the organization and itissustained by membershipt, contributions and the distribution of t$ publications. FIRST: Correspondnce is solicitad regardinf " Membership " and " Official Correspondent!." SECON D: We need and welcome contributiont, whether small or large, to our cause. THIRD: We publish a large line of document covering all phases of the Tariff question. Complete set will be mailed to any addresa for 50 cent. Í.FOURTH: Send postal card request fortrt ampie uopy of the "American Eoonomnt. Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, General SrUiy, 135 West 23d Strwt. Nw Yopk. RF YOÜ WANT J THE - BEST SARDEN in your neighborhood this season PLANT PUR FAMOUS all of which are describad and illustrated in our beautiful and entirely New Catalogóle íor 1896. A new feature this season is the Free delivery of Seeds at Catalogue prices to any Post Office. This " Nev logue" we wil! mail on receipt of a 2 -cent stamp, er tq those wlio will state where they saw this advertisement,the Catalogue will be maiied Free S PETER HENOEBSON & 00. 1 L m 35 & 37 Cortlanat Bt., JSTewYork. m i yB y LUMBER ! LUMBER! LUMBER I li you contémplate building, cali at FERDON'S UIUR YARD I Corner Fourth and Depoo Sts., and get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber and ruaran tee VERY LOW PRICES Give us a cali and we -vclll make lt to your interest, as our large and well gradad stock fully sustains our assertion. Telephone Connections with office. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop NEW MEAT MARKET. Send the girl or boy with your order, and rest assured that the quality and weights will be the same as iL you came yourself. I carry in stock everything found in a FIRST-CLASS Meat Market And buy only the best stock. I am better prepared than ever to suply rny customers in niy new market J. F. HOELZLE, Cor. Washington and Fourth. Phone 705 83-105 GEO. SCOTT, ARCHITECT d SUPERINTENDENT OFFICE 38 FOUNTAIN ST., l_il;iil orders promptlr attended to. flRT TTMflTf fl theeu.eI. froSmrtyhe dis ■ V n 1 1 covery of America to WvbUiIIvUW the Preseut time'zs % CQLÏÏMB1A For special terms apply at once to PALESTINE PUB'G CO., FIkhart. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. SVe keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supplT of SWIFT & DEÜBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DÜST FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, etc, at Wholesale and retail. A general stock of GROCERIES aii PROYISMS Constantly on hand, which will be sold on a reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Booms over Ann Arbor Savings Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administered. It is agreeable and easy to'1 and no prostrating eflects follow, while teeth are extracted without pain. FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY, 54 SOUTH MAIN STREET. At office of MACK & SCHMID. Chas. "W. Voel, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and. Salt Meats. Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NE AT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ann St.. Ann Abboe. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATYn?Q TRY DR. LEDUCS "PEXjaIJLJIiO RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, France. Established in Europe 1839, Canada in 1S78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangemeuts. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, 2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenscn & Co., wnolesale agents.and all other d-usgists in Ann Arbor. These pilla are. yrerrauted to brins: uu tlie " chauee.


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