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New York Fashions

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Thö uraveiiog ilreSB and general etirect costume ore :iow so nearly alied, tlhat ecarcely .1 áiBtlnctlon existís, and lor eüher purpose, light veight cottoo canvas is the newest material. A. new Jacket is aoticeafole m cotton canvas suits- vevy short, vlt.h four plaits, aiid as a matter of oourse tfliO usual jacket front with ace or chrffcm vest for utreet use, and silk ior It must not le n'i rn'd. ho wever, that mixed woolB or brilliantine are 110 longer iu faw for travelmg dreeses. These suits WBseas the advamtage of having a acket and stturt waist, the fermer eupplying additional warmtSi, or dlsyeneed wltlh at pleasure. Handsome lust cloalcs are of changeable or stripOd taffeta silk or of mohair made in circular shape, with "Co-nnemara" style, at tlie same time not so striking THE S5IALL SLEEVE The small sleeve is not only on its w&7, but is practically here, regardmg costumea of medium -veight IaT i"ics ; but organdie? and independent Blik walste, inteiuled fw ashlonable places, have sleev&s just as large as fever. A caaít sleeve wifch rather a email puff at the top, leaving1 the elbow (amd arm a few íncfoes above) in big-ht, ia cortainly a marked change. A vory st-rong tendency towards added basques wit.h jacket fronts, is 110ticea.ble in new independent tilk %va!sts, having smaller revers elabo rately trimmed, and fancy vests. A hite eilk musito walst, eomposed ■througuout of inch and a-lialf -vvide tucks, is a very recent (idea ; but to all eostunies and seasons, the iragrancc cyf ilurray & Lanmaii's Florida water imparts aai iudeiinable charm never lost amidst other attractions. AMONO BEAUTY PKODUCING 'Aanomg Teauty producing factors ■On waisbs in general, none are more important t-han belts and collars that oointrast wlth the dr&?s. Delightiul ibarmonies result, when plaiu fabrics are relieved by Dresden or fancy ribbons or when similar colorings in gowns take 011 new riolme38 bj7 belts a-nd collars 01" plaiu velvet or velutina. 'The latter is most satisfactory, aince its close, soft pile renders it quite susuperior t-o ordinary grade silk velvet, while from its moderate pricesi one eau discard when at all worn and also indulge in greoter variety, the more easily too, since it comes in eveTy new sha'de. ' ' . THE FIKST OBJECT The fiist object in a graduating dress is simplicity, and tlils is best carried out by a elieer white organdy dress over many thin skirts, and usually a deep hem Is preferred to rows of lace insertion, -which are adniissalle fout nat in the best taste. Oolored silk under organdy is in vogue for thase ivlio desire color, and Jocted Swtss muslin white satin-striped Bilk supply the variety which seems always im demaml. Bound waists plain or with rows of insertion across, wide lace or a sleeve cape of the dress material edged with lace, Tibbon shoulder kaots or yoke eöects, f uil elbow puffs, finisbed by lace and ribbon ; furnisii a general outline Par graduating drr HATS KOR CITY AKD COÜSTEY USE. Hats tor. city and country use resemfble eacli other to an unusual extent, as tbe majarity are large, and will proibaWy become still iarger. Slvaded ribbon loops on a back lace foundation brim, with a high ilower cluster at th.e back, is a serviceaWe style, at th esametime not so striking os foreste of colored tulle frills nd Tueliings ; from which project four black wimgs, causing a hat 'to' measure eighteen inches across. Flowers massed a the lack are now insepalralble frolni all large hate. 'BiXquisite combinations oí tulle and ílowm large Ivcgliorns, are unapproachOd by amy other styles ; but hirred nad frilled mousseline-de-soie bats, in pale pink, white o blue, come within reaiso'na'ble expenditures, and are very eoft amd attractive.


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