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Michigan Central "The Manara Falls Route." TIME TABLE IN EFFECT JUNE 21, 1896. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME ;6 s ; w is O Hr-HHHH O " m sa S 6s k áá ; : ; ; as 0.a : ó. e. o, . se = sssjga jssssa s ?? ;'■?. i i ■L"■?? es a gá M Sá : j! IBS fi ÉB : : : j j S tí Ï ! ! ; oi a os ■ ; i & 3 8SS : : :KS igS L SE :S [S JSSS H sc ! oö to t ás i ■ í5 w1 a Ui;!;!!:!: a' s ; ; ; ;;; a 3 ::::::::::: 3 ::: '■'■'■ i ;::;:::: 83 : : :S : : :SES? ■ : ::::::::: 5 ; . : : . .oj g gg jij jes f es; i i: j é " oíd ! ! ! : [J '1 ' : : ! i a S ggs i : issa igs sg a je ; ; %M jg " B " . s a se . es s Lii;;;;gs I i i i i i ! i i 3 : : 'ES S :::::::: :f I i r Mil ij 8 ::::::::■ h : ■:: r : : n Mi] $ X3 ' ffl S ■;. 2 t-, : : : :o :o ■ 3 :a : o ■ -o : 0 : -is b : : o : :s_ :pa : . . :o : iltóilli iigllÜl! O. W. RUGGLES, H. W. HAYES, G. P & T. Agt., Chicago Agt. Aun Arboi TheCOAST LiiNb to MACKINAC - i - t TAHETHE ■■ Tf. MACKINAC m i DETROIT K E" PETOSKEY X- CHICAGO 2 New Steel Passenger Steamers TheOreatiíst Perfection yet attained n Boat Constrnction- Luxurioas íiquipment, Artistic pucnishi:ig, Decorafiorj and [i. íicient Service, insnriiig the Iiiphest degrte of COnFORT, SPEED AND SAFETY. Four Tr:ís per Week Between Toledo, Detroit and Alackinac PETOSKEY, "THE SGO," MARQUETTE, AND DULLJTH. LOW RATI-S to Picturcsque Mackinac and Return, racluding "Uais and Berths. From Cleveland, SiS: from ' .ledu, $15: from Detroit, Í13.SO. EVERY EVENINQ Beiween Keroií and Cleveland Connectiug ai Cleveland with Ea rliest Trains for;l puiuta ICíist. South and Southwest and at Detroit lor ali points North and Northwest. Sunüay Trips June, July, xugust and September Only. EVERY DAY BETWEEN Cleveland, Ptit=in=Bay $ Toledo Sc nd tor illustrated Painphlet. Address A A.SCHANTZ.a..., DETROIT, MICH. PR ntrfiil & OiñVPlnni Eiram Nav. Co. CAN I OBTATN A PATENT? Fora prompt answer and an honest opinión, write to MUNN fc CO., wbo have had nearly flfty years' experience in the patent business. Communications strictly confldential. A Handbook of Information concernine Patents and how to obtain them sent free. Aleo a catalogue Of mechanical and scientiflc books sent free. Patents taken tbrough Munn & Co. receive sneciaï noticeinthe Scientific American, and thus are brought widely betore the public without cost to the inventor. This splendid paper, issued weekly, elegant ly íllustrated, has by f ar the largest circulation of any scientiflc work in the world. S3 a year. Specimen copies sent free. Buildine Kilitiou.monthly, $2.50 a year. Single copies, í35 cents. Every number contains beautiftü plates, in colors, and photoprapha Of new houses, with plans, enabling buildersfo show the latest designs anü secure contracts. Address MUNN & CO., New Yokk, 3tíl Broadwat. Wanted-An Idea srassvags IIUIIlOU Hll lUbU thingto patent? Protect your ideas; they may bring you wealth. Wrlte JOHN ■WEDDEBBURN & CO., Patent Attor. neys, Washington, D. C, f or thelr (1,800 prize otler and list of two hundred inventlons wanted. SCH3FFM1 ANN'S Asthma Curel Kever fn-ils to give instaat relief in the worst H oaBfcS, and etfeets eure wlierc othcrtt l'ill. ■ Trial eatVage FKEE of Drn.n;it'i or hj Molt. Udrn DB. B. SOHIFFMANN, St. Paal, Mlnn. g [anYonITa51 Í At the expense of little $Lí6ilhl i í mono and his spare SméSyífi ( time obtain a fair work-B VM Istí5yathomeí THROUGH THC SPRAGUE UNIYERSITY OF CORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCT10N, J Comprising the leadíag correspondence schools intheworld. f SUBJECTS TAUGHT. I 1 ll The School of Law prepares pupils for admission i IlllW to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f "' over i.öoo students in every part of the country. 1 inlIDIIll I PM This school teaches journalistic ƒ j JUUnwALloiil s?iö„Kup:y work m tlie foun' jnnnM lrrnP This school is condurted by I a nllllH-Rrrrinil one of the ablest tsacliers of ( UUUI m.i.1 II 'M book-kedïing in America. { 'PUflDT Ulkin 'hisschoolteachesshort-liandby j ' .rllln I nAllll e best system, and from the S J UliUIII IIWI1W ï mng the best cxxtt „,otk_ J Í nnrrl J I i"l 'U TWs school i iKri n Hll I Al il lation, coraposition and i i UHHl O" ■" 1 history, fron. the j 5 ti on to the most advanced wi i: in the classics. I The above schools te 'li by the f i ence method only, and. cogulze no rivals iu 5 their respective flclds. r - Adilress, stating in j Wheeling and Lake Erie. EAILWAY. NEW THROUGH LINE . . . BETWEEN . . , WHEELINC, STUEBENVILLE, PITTSBURGH, and MARIETTA. THROUGH COACHES TO AND FROM OHIO RIVER. THROUGH CONNECTIONS TO PITTSBURGH, And All Pointa East, via Akron, Cuyahoga Falls, Kent, Revenna, Leavittsburg, Warren, Niles, Girará, Youngstown, New Castle, Allegheny, WASHINGTON BALTIMORE. THEOKLT LINETICKKTINÖ ITS PASSEXGEKS TIlltOl'UH TO PHIUDELPHIl - - NEW YORK And New England Cities, via Washington and Baltimore, at Short Line Rates. Illrect connectton at Massilon with Can. ton-Massillon Electric Line, making tbis route the most deslrable route from Ann Arboj to Cantón, the home of Gov. McKinley. Trnins Depart and Arrlve at Toledo and Manhattan Junctlon as follows : Daily. Ex. Sunday. Dallv. Toledo Lv. 8:00 a.m. 1:60 p.m. 7:45 p.m. Manhattan Je. S:05a.m. 1:55 p.m. 7:ö0p.m. Daily. Ex. Sunday. Daily. Manhattan Je. 9:40 a.m. 2:45 p m. 6:15 p.m. Toledo Ar. 9:45 a.m. 2:50 p.m. 6:20 p.m. Special Excursión Rates granted on Occasions of Conventions and other gather i ngs, wh e re the attendance wil! be sufficiently large to warrant a Reduction in Rates. JAS M. HALL, GEN. PAS3. AGT !M ARBOR AND YPSiLANTI MOTOR LINE. TIME TABLE Effect SiiikUt, June 1, 1896. WEEK DAYS. Leave the Junctlon, Ann Arbor, at 7:00, 8:30 11:30 a.m., and 1:15, 2:30, 4:00 5:30, 7:15, 9:00 and 10 :45 p. m. Leive Ypsilanti 6:30, 8:00, 11:00 a. m., and 2 :15, 2.00, 3 :30, 5:Uli, B:-I5, 8.30 and 10 :45 p. m. SUSDAYS. T Leave Junction, Ann Arbor, at2:00,4:00, 5:30, 7 :00 9:30 p. m. Leave Ypsilanti 1:30, 3:30, 5:00, 6:30, 9:00 p.m. Cars run on city time. Connections with L. 8. & M. 8. Ry. trains at the crossing. Train leaving Ypsilanti at 6 p. m. connects with train froni the west, fare 10 cents. Fare between Ypsilauti and the junctlon, single trip 15 cents; round trip 25 cents J. E. BEAL. President. Cincinnatï, Jackson & Mackinaw Ry. Time Table in effect June 7, 1896. Of Trains Passing Jackson, Mich. CENTRAL TIME. SOUTH BOUND. No. 3, Jackson & Cincinnati Mail- 10:25 a.m. No. 23, Jackson & Toledo Express 4:12 p.m. No. 17, Passenger, Sunday only 8:00 a.m. No. 19, Sunday only 5:00 p.m. NORTH BOUND. No. 2, Cincinnati & Jackson Mail 5:48 p.m. No. 22, Toledo & Jacksou Express- .10:15 a.m. No. 18, Passenger, Sunday only 8:00 p.m. No. 20, Passenger, Sunday only 11:00 F. B. Drake, General Manager. T. C. M. Schindlek, G. P. A., Toledo, O. . TOLEDO pj NORTH MICHIGAN) 'T RAILWAY. L-J - 1-J y,(f mmvitLc V" !aycity 'ffesKEOQN stI7JsNAW 1 TIME TABLE. TAKING EFFECT Sunday, June 7th, 1896. NORTH. SOUTH. 7:38a. m. 7:00a. m. t9:05A. M. 11:30a. M. 4:38 p. m. +8:15 p.m. 10:30 P. M. 8:55p. M. Daily except Sunday. +Sunday only, between Toledo and Hamburg Junction. Daily sleeper between Toledo and Frankfort. Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. W. H. Bennett, G. P. A. K. S. Gekknwooi) Aer ASTHMA - GORED. but The PEERLESS ASTHMA REMEDYwm give instant relief. 2Scand 50cslzeSa Sample tnai)"l fre. At draggints or mailt don receiptof pric


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Ann Arbor Courier