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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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200.000 WEAK MEN GÜREO! STARTLING FACTS FOR DISEASED VICTIMS. B&"CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY ! ifJC Vnil O Nervons and despondent; weak or debilitated; tired mornings; noamAllt li bition- lifelees; memory poor; easily fatigaed; excitable and irritable: nut. iww eJ,e8 enn]ceni re(j an blnrred; pimples on face; dreamB and night loaseö; restless; haggard looking; weak back; bone pains; hair loóse; ulcera; sore throat; varicocele; deposit in nrine and drains at 6tool; distrustful; want of conüdence; lack of energy and strength - WE CAN CURE YOU I RESTORED TO MANHOOD BY DRS. K. & K. JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. CHAS. POWERS. CHAS. POWEHS. BEFORE TBKATMENT. AÍTKE TEKATMJCNT. BEFORE THEATMEiiT. Al'Tfctt TliEAÏili.ST. NO ÑAMES OR TESTIMONIALS USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. rT John A. Manlin says:- "I wasone of the oonntless tícVA RICOCEL E tims of early ignorance commenced at 15 years of age. I r-ViAríiviiiíí" tried seTeI? medical firms and spent $900 without avail. EmlSSlONS AND I gave up in despair. The drains on my systt-m wpre , nZZ-2.J JT, - -■ weakcuins my intellect as well as my sexual and physical I VI Pil T F IMliV Hfe. My brother adïised me as a last resort to consult } ', ■_!. ' " " v " Drs. Kennedy & Kersan. 1 commenced their New Method C U R ED Treatment and in a few weeks was a new man, with new lif e and am bition. This was four years ago, and now 1 am married and happy. J. recommend these reliable specialists to all my aülicted fellowmen." CURES GUARANTEED OR NO CONFIDENTAL. "The vices of early boybood laid the foundation of my Z 77, - . . ruin. Later on a "gay life" and expos-.iro to hlood diVUnhÜIQ F ITIlCCIfinC Beases completed tlie wreek. Ihadni th mptoms of OJJIUMa, LIIIIOOlUIIO Nervons Debility- sunken eyes, emissionn. i in urine, ii ■___ l j nervousness, weak back, etc. Syphilis cn.i ,-d my hair to V3f GOCE R L LI TG IJ fall out, bone pains, ulr.ers in montb. nn'] on tongne, '"""""'""' ""'""' blotclies on body, etc. i (hank God 1 iried Ora. Kennedy & Kergan. They restored me to health, Tigor and happiness." CHAS. POWEE8. $W We íreat and cure VaricoceU, Emistions, Nervous Debility, Seminal VVeakness, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Sel Abuse, Kidney and Bladder Diseases. 17 YEARS IN DETROIT. 200,000 CURED. NO RISK. RFinFR ? Areyoua victim? Havo you lost hope? . Are you contemplatinpc mar■ ■E.rLtri riage? Has your Blood bren diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure ou. What it has done for others it will do for tou. CONSULTATION FREE. No matter who hits treated you, write for an honpst opinión Free of Charge Charges reasonable. BOOKS FREE - "The Golden Monitor" (illustrated), i.n Diseases of Men. lnclose postage, 2 cents, irealed, E-NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No medicine s-nt C. O. D No ñames on boxes or envelopes. Everythlng confidential. Question list and cost of Treatment, FREE. ■L No. 148 SH ELF. Y 8 f. DETROIT, MICH.


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