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Prospect As To The Senate

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Let no ano borro w trouble. The milllaos v%o aro demandlng a resKWatUxn of protection are not going to be defrauded and despoiled of the ro'Sperity they seek by the combinar ion oí' demócrata and silver íiolters lm the senate. Neither are they to be frlgivtened by the ghost dance of jorntoloing populista, demócrata and ■silver men in western states. When the repuMLcan oonvention has nominated the candidate oí protection, thiere will be a quick parting of the slueep and the go&ts. Those -who lö 'iiot support that candidate and iis cause will have leave toi flock by fchemselves, Ín otae perty or two or WUf a dsoaan, as they like. The peopie, who govern this country y et, wil) will tum their attention directly to' tfhe eematOTO wího stand in the wiay. ' Tlhe tennis of twenty-one senators ■■(lio voted for free cotaage last February expire March 4, and only fcwenty-sevem liold OTer, while thirty-two senators ivho voted against free coinaige hold orer, and only nine go out ■tflvis year. In these statements pairs are imcluded on bot.h sides. Tlie antisilver senjators ■wluo hold over nre twonty-two republicans and ten dem■ocrats, most of Whom would vote against any tariff the republicana milgivt proposO, but not for any prosilver meaisure. The senators whose tonns .expire aro eleven republicana, ta-o eilver bolters, fourteen democrats, two populists and one Silver senator from Kevada. There Uave already 1een eleeted three rpubÜcaas, Allison of Iowa, re-elected ; Wellington from Maryland, and Foraker ■from Ohio, in place of democratie The eloction of republicans from Connecticut, Illinois, New Hampshire, Ponnisylvajiia and VeHinont is cörtain, and two more would have beeD eleeted already from Delaware and Kentucky imt fo'r factional misconduct., tbe present legWatures being ■repulWfean, as Is tihat of TMissouri. All these states are also safe, if republicans micceed, to elect men for hranest ononey as well as protectfon. Tt must le afceepted as the basifi of all present calculatüotas tliat dividid and waxrSns democracy is not Ukely to do better, as to control oí legislaturas in a,ny of the contested states, ttaam it has dono the last two yeara. "Ho1 ttoe above must toe added in all pTOtability republican senators fnom Xew York, Indiana and Wfesconsin, to plaoe df democrats, and frora ,Kianisas and Soatih Dakota, in plaoe oif populist:-;. In all these states, legisliatares (have been' strongly republican since 1894. These sixteen senators fiar protection aadhonest money would insure tihirty-eight repullican votes, besides the ten anti-silver domocrats who hold over. The rsmaimtag states which havo ta elect will prolmbly send iive democi-iüfcs ov populists from Alatwuna, Arknnsas, Florida. Georgia and South Carolina. Louisiana has eleeted a democrait ödo proiesses to favor protectiioln, and Nort'u CaroUna. is uncörtato. The silver senator Irom Nv,ada will prolba-bly be re-elected, and the silver bolt . Teler and Dutote, expect a silvev pai-ty bo earry tiu'ir etates. Omly Eive other sena, atows refuised to make protectioo Uepod on free silver, hamely, Perkin of CaliEomia; MitcheU oí Qregon; &av&n oí tWla]shtogitn ; Brown of ■utah; and 'Hausborouh ol Nortn Dakota. In Oregon the electrón ;u-L held Kív a repuiblican legtelature, ta spite 61 attaeks on Mr. Jiitohell for reiusing to sacriiice protection to amy scheme. It is to bo expect-ed iliat repulblicans in that ptate, California. Washington, Utah and N. Iakolta will all imsist that theliir senatolra, if re-dlected, -distinctly pledge themselves t6 uphold the republioau jïlaitfonn. But if the same senators sliould be re-elected without chance of their attitude, these, with iive othBI8 wbd hold over, a.nd who likewi-e reused bd sacriiice a protective tarlfi by supportvng the silver conspiracy, would mifiice to offset the ten autisilver democrats who would not support a protective measure. In that ease, tlue situatWn. apparently the least favorable that can be antícipated would stand thus : On Protection. On SJlver For. Agst. For. Agst. Republicans throuehout 38 - 38 - Repnblicans for protection, Democrats agüinst silver - - 10 '0 - Demócrata throuRhout - ?„ fn Populists, siiver and boltprs- 10 - 10 Uncertain, ïjouisiana and North Carolina, 1 1 - Total - 41 is 4'2 Failure oí republicans in Missouri, Kvntucky aaiil two1 of .the contested n'nVtherii lates eaet of Cöloii(lo, would lea-re the vice president to sii-u ata puotoectiosn iy hls casting vote. Failure in tiiese states, or Tacksliding by ais many demobrats wbo voted agamst free coinage 'm February, would leajro him to turn the fscale agalnst the silver men, thoiigh on thnit queistion the house is certain to stop all miphi-ef. Bat l't is to lo remembered tha.t bitter dlvleiotn amomg democrats in allth contested States, and particularly the intense liotility of democratie business meo to free silver camdidates for legislaturas or for pomgress, make it most improbable that in any such States the j-ppublican -istrengtli in the legislar tures to be elected in November wil; "be smaller thain it bas been for the lnist


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