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Bicycle Exercise Is A Great Thing

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If a man doean't ride, dodging brings most of the muscles hito play. T.toero wlll be a regular meeting of tflie W. O. T. U. Thursdny July '.), at 3 o'clock in the P. O.i block. Tiie ctty, or nummer tax, wfll be due and payable next week Wednesday, July 15, and can Te paid upt'. o Aug'. 15th. ■ Free fcrade and íree siiver ! IHvins 'of disaster. Tfae first lias Owought ttoiis country t o t lite rrerge of complete rufo. - 'Míe seoomd will pusli it oflf. Mrs. Gus A. Peters, oí Scio, was severely injured o:n Saturdajr lasb by th t eam whicli tehe "vavS holding in front of ttieir house, 'becomLng irightened and running aivay. The men's meeting at the Young Men's Christian Association next Sunday at 2:45 o'clock will be under the direction of Prof. J. A. C. Hildner, Mr. Mc H. Mogk will make the address. "Ho prevent the salt irom labsorbing tiie diampnoss and beooming hard lp tbe salt cellars during the 'summer season, mix a lilttle comí starch Dr rice flour wltb tho Balt, 'usinj; One spoonful of starch to Bix of ssalt. John B. Carroll, an old resident of the 4th ward, and an old soldier of the rebellkm, died very suddenly Sunday last, at hia home on Ei. Ann st. Funeral services were held at Bt. Thomas' church this mornlng. The new asistant to the rector' of St. An.lre 's parish, the Eev. Henrv 1'. Horton,, preachel Ais sermón here last Sunday morning,: ud'oL waB hlghly spogen of Dy thoso so fortúnate as to 'be prssent. One of the unpleasautincidents of the Fourth happened to John Burkhardt, employed at Martin Schaller's bookstore, wlio held a small cannon in his hands too long, and the unexpected explosión tore a gash in his cheek that required three inches of stitches and also cut his right wrist pretty badly. Republicana "will please notlce the calis for the ward caucuses in another column. They are to toe lield oo Monday evenfoig next, July 13, at 7:30 o'clock local time. These ' cuses will elect delegates to a county convent ion to te held on Tuesday, July 14, at the court house in tliis city, wuich is called to elect 19 delegares to the state nominatdng Convenltion to be held at Grand Rapid? ■cm "Wednesday, Aug. 5th, and to the ooneressional convention íor chis district, to be held. iat Jaclason, Wednesday July 15tih. All of these calis will -vill be tound in another column. The right tx vote at chool meetings under the property qualiiications is noiw limited to those persons who have property assessed tor n schooj in the district. Heretooore persaas who would make o;ith that they (Wea?e övtiiers of property liable to aisesessmienit tor school taxes, could voto after year -svithout 5ay: ing taxfiis ; now the assessment a-oll iis made t(he tast. Tlhe property must be rassessed flor a school tax - that 5e nvtoat ooniï'eris the property right to vote. Ilhe ownerehip of gold watches, piamos, and wen of inoney atl intierdst dioiea mot give any rig'lit to vate unleiss assessed on tilie ïoll. The meeting of the 7th Jlich Cavalvy in. this city last lid)ay ivas.' one of the largest and most enJoyaWe the members liad ever held. Spnie eev■enty o(f the otld boys "wen-e here, and tflie houi's passed altogether too quick■ly for bucJi happy ones. The ïanqaet, Jiedd at the rink In, the cvening was tlie maat einjoyable feature of the -occasion, and the feeling responses tíhiat carne fom "the liearts oí the Boys as tlhey arose Xo respond to what might be for them the last time, was tonicliing andy ett hrilling. It ie true tihat ao pen can describe the fedlimis tfhait these men wlno touched elbaws éown. souöh, have for each atlher.


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Ann Arbor Courier