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California, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The Southern Pacific Company and its Connectious Opérate the LOS ANG-ELES, SAN FRANCISCO and Intermedíate Potnts. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING GARS leave Chicago, throughout the Fall, Spring nud Winter every Wednesday night, and Cinclnnatl, O. every. Monday and Thursday evenings, and are run THROUGH Tö CALIFORNIA withcmt change and on fast mail trains. Passengers holding seeond-elass tickets can se■■ curé acco'mmodatious in the tourist sleeping oftrs, the flrst ratea being froin Chicago to California poiuts. $(i; from Cincinnati to California points, $6.50; from New Orleans to California points.Só, per doublé berth. From New Orleans daily through Pullman service is operated. Lowest Rates, Best Route TO MEXICO, all poiuts in Texas, Arizona, . New Mexico and California. Formaps, time tables, a::d further Information pertaining to route and or service, regarding California, apply to W. G. NEIMYER. Gen'l Western Agent, 230 Clark St., Chicago. 111. W. H. CONNOR, Commercial Agent, So Pac. Co. Cincinnati, O. S. F. B. MORSE, G. P. & T. A., So. Phc. Co., New Orleans, La. Apn 1 to Oct. 1. Mexiean International Railroad. Eaglc Pass Route STANDARD GUAGE STEEL RATI.S. THESHORT and DIRECT LINE FP.OM Detroit, Toledo, Chicago, St, Louis and all NORTHERN POINTS to all Points in the Interior of the MEXICAN REPÜBLIC, and to the CITY OF MEXICO and Offers More Attraetions to the Sightpeer, Tourist, or Travelier than any other Route. Traversing a country unrivaled iu Scenery- ripe with Ancient History- to the land of the Moutezumas and Aztecs. EQUIP.MEXT U.N'SURPASSED. Pullman Palace Buffet Sleepers San Antonio to MEXICO CITY. Direct connections at San Antonio with all lines from the North and Kast. For Information concerning Mexico, Tickets, Time Tables and Particulars, and the journey to Mexico or intermedíate poiuts, cali upou or address, W. G. NEIMYER, Gen. Western Agent, Mex. Int. R. R. 230 Clark Street, Chicago, C. K. DUNLAP, G. P. & T. A., Mex. Int. R. R. Eagle Pass, Texas. Oct. 1. Absolutely Freel Now ia the tlmt to ft good WATCH FREE! FREE! TblM Splendld 1896 YANKEEWATCH Made on honor. Qaaranteed a good titnekeeper. Menden thia paper and we will send you 6 sampls copies of the DETROIT JOURNAL, SEMI-WEEKLY, containlng full instructions how to get this watch. Act quick. Atlrtu, DSTRÜIT JODRNAL CO., Ditroit. HleH. Prest. Dr. Harvey L. Byrd on Wine. The President of the Baltiraore Medical College has used Speer's Port Grape Wine very extensively in his practice and lias written the following letter : Baltimore, Md., April 17th I have prescribed Speer's Port Grape Wine wfth marked and decidedly beneficial effects in cases requiring a gently Btimulating tonic, believing it entirely free from adulteration of any kind, have no hesitation in recommending it to the profession and the public generally, as entitled to full conffdence for both professional and family purposes. This statement is predicated upon tlie ascertained valué of this production, and not from general reputuation merely. HARVEY L. BYRD, M. D. President and Professor of Obstetrics and diseases of Women and Ghildren, Baltimore Medical College. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Pair Highest Mednl and Diploma.


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