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Claud Price, The Ann Arbor

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imgs Bank, is taking a vacation of a coupte of weeks. Miss Florence Southmayd, Of Monroe si., has gane to St. Slair for a Knort visit with frieinds. Miss Althea Smith, oí Milán, lias been visi'ting former friends in Aun Arbor during the week. HiMi Nina M. Davison returned Wcduesday írom a two week's visit with friends in Decatur. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gerstner of Ashley st., are rejoicing in the idvent of a díiusliter at their home. Misses Melita, and Sophia Hutzal, who have been visitins friends in Detroit have returned home. Mr and Mrs. John E. Travis have gone to their summer cottage at Gun Lake for a couple of weeks. Oc ftVednesdiay last Mr. and Mrs. L I). Carr becfanie the owners of a litUe Oarr Of their own- a girl. IV.ther G. Beckwith has ione to Helena, Montana, to enter upon the practice of hte profession, the law. Mrs. Nathan Suttoii and Miss Anna, Buriingame have been enjoying an ontiug at Mackinac, for a lew days. Mrs. N. H. Irako. of E. Huron st„ has been. entertainlng Mrs. H. M. Wl'eeler, of Saline, durihg the -week. Prof. E. F. Jolunson, -svho has been farniins down at Van Wert, Ohio, for a few weeks, has returned home. Ex-Ald. Prettyman was visited by D:-. C. W. Prettyman, of Chicago, and D. Appleman, of Louisrille, !Cy., last week Mrs. Margaret Diehl and dauhter Katliarine, have pone to Marquette to visit the former's son A. J. Wehl , Mií-ses Ora and Yeiia Harmoii, of .S. l i.iversity ave., have returned irom MaioeUuB, where they were 7isiting relativas. Y G. Doty weat to Detroit yesterday to attend the funeral of Alex. McG-regor, who was buried with Masóme honors. Tue bachelor are at. the Ivestone Clut House ncnv, Messrs. C. E. His: cock, Tlhos. Kearney, Sam Tjanasdorf an'l Jas. R. Bacil. Mi. John Howard and on Vincent; of Ypsilanti, are guests of ber párente Mr. and Mrs. P. W. O'Brien of E. Li'berty st. Mis. T. W. Minay, and MrsÁ. O. McEwen and dausttoer Blanche, are at the Cornelian cottage, Island Lake, tor tlhe week. 5Irs. J. L. Batocock, who is pendin'? the Biunmer at Waukesha, sang SunCay eventng in the Presbyterian c'hni'cli oï that city. Dr W. TV. Xichols took a day, ofï ana went üíhins at Island "Lake last Saturday. He caugTit- well- a-k him what he caught. I)i'. and Mrs. E. T. Loeffler, accompaiiied by G. AV. Miley, liave been viBltlug the family oí Dr. A. N. Hunt, at Po t Hurron, durins the week. Miss Minnie Drake leaves Saturday for Chesaning. She has been entertaining ter friend Miss Susie Smith oi Whitmoi'e Lake, during the week. Ko.v. J. D-teterle of Troy, Ohio, acconpaa:eil by his sons and Miss I-ucy Doetler, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Adam Dieterle for a lew .vesks. The Alpha Plu'.-? Avill be dotniciled in the foraier Pwoyer homestead, now fhe property of George Wahr, cor. K. DiTisioii and E. Ann sts., the coming year. ■Vlicn any pbrt of the body isn't doins the -vork tlïat nature intended it to do, it puts the whole eystem out of tune- out of h-armony. SickneííB in one pairt of 'the body 'slUtjiy to run into all parts of ■ he Ikj l WTneai children stond a row of bricks on end, they kuock tlw wliole mw down ly upaettinj one brick. TJiai is cxactly Avluat happens to the leali.h when the bowel9 Xail to peiform tliüir proper function. Coitipation makes trouble all along th line - pulo the livOr otft of order, is tad for ahetMners - toad for the stomach. It holds iJ' 10 body poteonous matter, and becauise il cannot g'o auy place else. it goes toto t)ha blooJ. Tlie ol ) 1 rites it all over the nystem. That makes sluggiehiness, laesltu Ij, bad breath and foul taste in the mouth, filis thí stomach with gas and r.-mses windy belching, stops digestión =ii the etomach, causes sour etomach, lieft'.iuru anri headache. You '.'an íi-o:q all eiich trouble, for Dr. Pierce's rieesant Pellets cure constipation and its attendant evils. Send 21 cente in one-cent stamp-, to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, X. Y„ 'or his ''Medloai Adviser." Ib is a boo's of T008 pages, profueely ama


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