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Democratic Convention

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Tae demooratk county convention, to nomínate d-elegate- to ifhe statv, congres Onal and senatorial conventiOQS, was held at the ccmvt house last Friday, being callea tö order by Ohairman Arthur Brown o: the county committee, at 11 aV.lock a. m. M. T. TPoodrurr, of bbe Ypsilanti Sentinel, was called tö fhe tempoiary chairmanliip. and Walter Voorheis of Superior, ivas made temporary seoretary. 1 as.suniins the chair, Mr. 'Woodrufl referred wïth much glee to 1he hei'Ole consiateocy o his ïree silver recorrí, a.nd he threw out thxt suggestlon foi" tlie convention to contémplate. The usual oommitteos wevo appoiute:l as folio ws : Credentiali5 - M. J. Tavanaugh, Al[rod DaTeopoh-t, H. Iis'liUnll Permanent Örganlzation anl Order o; business- W. L. Watkins, Frank Palmen, Michael Brenner. Eesolutjons- J, AV. Batobltt, Chaf. :. Ward, W. Tí. O-.1r;oi-nc A.i e'.1 tiio cttamittees had ieen appointed, J. Nelson Iyewis, of tliis city, gave the audienee a red hot speech .on politica! ejonomy, endeavovlns to prove by hfefh Bnlish and American antliorities that 1! the United States adopted free silver, all the nations of the earth wo'uld cut thelr monetary cloth from the eame pattern. He nia'le a very learned andiitMe fepeech bui. one that failed to rouse up the blood of parti.saehip. In fact he iired , o-ver the lieadsl of hls audience. AFTERXOON SESSION. The report of the,committee on ere dential was made and aceepted and adopted -without readins. Mr. Watkhi-: from the committee on permanent organization etc, reported in of making the temporary otflcers permanent officers, etc. Mr. Woodruff again thanked the conventiou for the honor and proceeded to giTe some oi hls ideas ha to' {ree asje. He asserfced the demagogie and tmpa-triotic tuvl traitorono assertion 'tliat "tliiis i-; a íigttt oï tho masses agaiust the classes." The oHfcers of the conventiou were fhe-.i Bwom ín, after which Chas. A. Ward, oí this city read hla vesoUitions, and the same were adopted, antH it is needless to sayi were for free silTei". Whereas, the underlying principies of bimetallisin have always been a part of the Democratie faith and since the demonetization of the silver dollar by the Republican party its restoration to its constitutional and time-honored place in the monetary system of our country has been the constant aim and endeavor of the Democrat party in congress, and, Whereas, the national Democracy in convention at Chicago has deemed it ■wiso to ruaUe the remonetization of LContinued on 5th page.] DEMOCRATIC CONVENTIDN. rContinued on lst page.l silver at the old ratio of 16 to .1 to gold the principal issue in the president ial eampaign now upon us, and, Whereas, this and all other declarations of the platform are in line with Democratie precedent and true Democratie sentiment and worthy of the loyal support of every Democrat, thcrefore Be it resolved, tliat we the Democrats of Washtenaw county in convention assembled do affirm our allegiance to the principies of the party as expressed by the Chicago platform and pledge our unqualified support to the nominees of that convention to Bryan and Sewall and silver, and Be it further resolved, that wc extend an invitation to all tho electora who feel with us the injustice of the single gold Standard to co-operate in effectiug its overthrow iu the interests of the prosperity of the coiumon people of the country. The failure oi tbe reïolutioas to mention Populi-t Waton's name. who Is running with Mr. Bryfen on ihe tickelt was 110 doubt an OTöreiffat. Then the convention proceeded to elect the foHowing delegates-at-large: To the state convention, M. T. Woodruft'. Ypsilanti: to the congressional convention. Arthur Brown. Ann Arbor; to the senatorial convention, John Gillen, Saline. The eonvention then cuvidea mto distriets and proeeeded to elcct the folloTving delegates to the st.ate, coussional and senatorial convontions First district delegates: State- Horace Li.uunmU. Sylvan, Jacob Barris, Lima. Wm. Cuvlett, Scio, John O'Hara, Aun Arbor, TI. W. Iiobison. Salem, Chas. IX. Manly, Ann Arbor, John Koch. Ann Arbor. Clinton Snyder, Ana Arbor, W. M. ForBythe. Congressional- G. W. Beckwiih, Sylvan, Thomas Young. jr., Lyndon, James Welch, Webster, Samuel Feldkamp, Freedoin, rhilip Murray, Salem, M. C. Peterson, J. R. Bach. C. H. Kline and J. L. Dnffy, Ann Arbor. Senatorial- Frank Staffan, Chelsea, Charles L. Hawley, Dexter, D. E. Hoy, Webster, C. L. Tuomy, Ann Arbor town, N. E. Sutton, Northfleld, Harry Douglass, Michael Brenner, Jolm Raumgardner, H. T. Aiortoa, Ann Arbor. Second district delegates: State- Cliristian Sailey, Bridgewater, Jas. E. McGregor, Ypsilanti, Walter Yoorheis, Superior, James 31. Forsythe, Ypsilanti, A. D. Mclntyre, Xork, Dr. H. I. Post. Augusta, Jolin Lutz, Saline, W. B. Osborne, Sharon, J. W. Babbitt, Ypsilanti. Congressional - Alfred Davenport, York, C. L. Yost, Ypsilanti, Nathanlel Schraid, Manchester, T. V. Quaekenbusli, Superior, F. G. Hammond, Augusta, Frank Johnson, Bridgewater. F. E. Mills, Pittsfield. Philip Blum, jr., Lodi, Tracy L. Towner, Ypsilanti. Sfiiatorial- George Palmer. Ypsilanti, Herman Gieske, Manchester, Kobt. Martin, Superior, .Tos. Gump, York, Heiman Rayer, Pittsfield, John ïerns, Ypsilanti. W. A. Russell, Augusta, Antón Gabel, Augusta, Ennis Twist, Superior. There was but one name proposed for the position of ehairman of the county committee and that was Martin J. Cavanaugli. Mr. Oavanaugh was chosen by acclaniation and when called to the front made a splendid speech of acceptance. Ex-chairman Brown was called for and made an enthusiastic speech. Densmore Cramer also made a few remarks. The following county committee was then chosen: Ann Arbor city-lst ward, J. F. Schuh, 2nd ward, Sid W. Millard, 3d ward, "Walter Dancer, 4th ward, John Baumgardner, 5th ward, Chas. M. Manly, jr., Cth ward, E. B. Norrfs, Trli ward, Chas. A. Ward; Aun Arbor town, Chas. Braun; Augusta, Wm. A. Russell; Bridgewater, Jas. Hogan; Dexter, ïlios. McQuillan; Freedoni, Henry Kuhl; Lima, ffm, Covert; Lodi. .lolin Clark; Manchester, W. I AVatkins; Northfield, Frank Duncan; PittsBeld, F. E. Mills: Snlcm. I'. II. ilurray; Salino. AVm. Lnte; Scio, B. C. Whatteck; Sharon, Albjert C. Smith; Superior, Walter A'oorheis; Sylvan, H. Lighthall; Webster, John H. Condón; York. A. D. Melntyre; Ypsilanti town, H. Stumpenhusen; Ypsilanti city- lst ward, J. W. Babbitt, 2d ward, F. P. Bogardns, 3d ward, ï. L. Towner, 4th ward. Lee N. Browii; 5th ward, W. F. Sinitb.


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Ann Arbor Courier