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Major Soule Defends

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Ann Art, Aug. 13, 1896. ThPouph the Editor of Courier to the Tinckney Dispatch : My Dear Sir :- I was very much siuprfoed to no'te tlhe article in the last issue oí your papar, seriously icaectins upon the National (-iuird and feel that in justice to that body I must enter into protest agaiast such un-warranted criticism, and es peclally f rom such a sourca as the statement comes. I am surprlsed My dear sir, d0 you not know. that at the moment your type was foeing set for the article in'questicm, that in OTir neighborins state these same na tioiif.1 g'uard Were on dntv for law and order as ag-ainst auarcliy (testurction and possibly riotiug aai murder, as against the majority of the law ? Ba you not fenow that hardly a year in the Üastí twenty has passed without law and order has been defied, all over our country, anc that the nieager pólice forcé which all commuuities Ontrust with such duties, has been praved far too limited. ana as a last'resart our National Guard has been called to brand for amd uphold the majesfcy of tlie law ? Do you no know tihat twice ,within the last two years, inside tho borderfc of our own tétate, to preTOnC rlot and cafnage, the governor has been compelled to cali out our National Guard to support tliO ).)i:al g-oreiLment in the maintaiaance of law and order ? And I am glad to be iible to say that '-they rallied' to the cali in lull numbers, 'ohougli it be at thu expense di comiort 'and business, as t-hey were in duty bewind; to answer the cali, and ïirnily stood on the side oï law ojj agaiust anai'chy anl riot ? Do you uot know tliat our own company, located risht here ín our midst, "CJo-. A," Kvas callod at au unseemly hour, thatthey answered the cali in lull nunilers, Vind that unCe" the direction o; the 'gOTernor, they were held two days and nights under tW'ms iu the armory, waitins orders to move to the aid of local authontius for the maintenance of the law which had been trampled upou by niob violence ? Io you no know that the stat property interest, rig'ht here in Ann Arbor - to say nothing of private Interests - would seem to appea] to law abiding citizen the propriety oí aidinff and upholdiag the han'ls ot' those who are trying to make our National Guard, which rhey aro, an honor to the'btate as well as the community in which they live ? Now would you, with your property interests, nat only at home, but In our state, would y;ou advocate the abandonment of our National Ouard, wan the fu Uiers and mothers to keep from ite ranks their well leloved anl dutiiui sons ? To holdus up as the recruiting place of vice and Bure denioralization ? I hope, on conslderation, you wiil not take that grcxma. Having had some experience in tho ranks, and been oTficially conneced with OTir national guard for a period of over t-weaty' years, and cO'nside'.' jnyself something of a judge oí ilic personal of that body, and, I do nót re&all to mind a siiiglö instam.!' oí any young man who has i';U)(í!i under the baai of disfavor, unless li e had takein long strides in that directiou before he became enrolled as a member. S'hiöuld sucli a one sucoeed in get.ting enlisted, and the resti-aints and discipline fail to'o recall him to tho walks of propriety, he woiild be at once dropped fi"om inembershlp, for no 'buammer is aated or tolenited amongst the young gentlemen of tihe National G-uard. You also suggesb as to the young gii-l-i. and their conduct toward the National guard. I would not uuderlako to advise the niatfhers in that conijf.cUon, for I presume they are qui'.e as compotent to care for their daug liters without any of my advice. Ilowever, let me add, my ofeervation has mot led me tio the eamei c.onclusioi as yonrself. You have seen more of the unfortunate side of Ufe! or po sibl.y your iniagination has taken you cm a. more extended journey in that ddreetion than is g-ood for you. I t.h,m'.í if you knew ju't a little Mt aboat the Kational Guard nnd the perfonel of our own company rigbt here In our mldst, it would bo better for your peace of ïaind 'and migtht dlecOTW your appeal is mostly wind. You are wrotaig, my dear sir, very wroiig. Eesecfcfully;, H. SOULiEi In buyiag eggs now-a-days ife behoovw o,ne to have hls smellers v ith him. One housewHe had two dozen sent her a few day and there was not one sttie could iusel in, the lot. It is needlelss to remark. that it waa very efegsasperatlng. The conference of the A. M. E. church will convene in Bethel A. M. E. church on Fourth ave., Wednesday, August 2ti, 1896, and hold until the following Monday. A reception will be given to the Bishop and ministers, Tuesday evening, August 25. A fine program will be rendered. All are invited. The fareweB feervlees to Rev. C. M. Co1.e:'n will te given on Sunday evening next at the M. J3. church. Thie churches oí the city; will uttlte in this sewiee. Rev. T. W. Young, Ilev. 3. M. G-elatcra, Ir. C. ï. Darling and otlhe"s will spaak, This is the las't of the union services, and it will be ve'-'y interesting a,s being a iarewell tiei-vice tto one of the best loved"s ever in tihis city. Tthe local militia, known as Cömpany A, lst regiment Michigan National G-uard, left for the state cncampment at Island Lake yesterday jnoming with faill ranks nnd colora ílying. Of t!he event the Daily Times aid : "The nxen lined up acfoss the great floor of the hiall and after a few directions were addressed by Captain Granger in a helpful final talk ;on soldierly conduct and Ohe 'natter of amusement at camp. The Captain yspoke of the true marks of ;i soldier and urged t.he men abo ve all t-híngs to be gentlemen wfaile at camp. It was .an earnest attempt to move the comjany to do its best 'and eveiy man accepted the charge warnily and lieartiiy. Capt. Grang-er alsa read acongnatulatory letter frotn Capt. C. H. Manly. Then he called upon Col. Heni-y S Dean, who gave a magnificent talk and concluded b.v tellas the men, how pixiud our citizens ar oí tliani. Gapt. C. E. Hi,=cock joilowed in the sanie stvain., and oadi talk. was heartily applauded by the mea."


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier