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Our íoreisrn relations at til!1 presedit i in-inu'i ivo. Canada ■f u-es our sllver, a;ml Esoglish invesiors are bsgtaning bo wlfchdraw Unir capital. Michiïiwi. amons ' i"';' s, i su feriog as a recent disdipa:e;i from Houghtoao yitn&sses. It says : "Owiag to the unsettled oondition of the iiaaaces .uut rhe unoertainty règarding the future o-E the American mcmey standard, 1he European capitalista wio hold options an the four idle copper mines soutli of this place, will drop the deal when the optldns espire next month. The cofasideration would have lavolvejJ nearly $1,000,000 capital, and -,VOW have giveo eteady employment ro G00 men." As Mr. MeKinley says, "It ís belter to fill milli vribh men thaai to iill our mints with silver." T;ie Ciiban eau-e ts belng p.'omoted riots in Spain against the luxgathrerers. This may bc oonsidered as the phaae o: the war of indepen denc e in Chibo. In the Turfcieh dominions the Cretan Rrorra commiltee lias been superseded by a provisional revolutionaiy governraent. -vh-ch aas líeen promi-e;l thn asslstance ol Rreece, RusBia and England, it is lelleved, hare about arrived atan understandlng to save bobh Armenia, and Crete from furtiier Tm-IcHli outrages. 0 ín Ens-Mml Pmlinment is s(iil bus. ted wltfh the I.ish Land BW. 'n„. WU has passed the House o' CommM-' and O severa! amendments baa paseed lts third readiQS i„ the Lords, it se3ms likel;sr tbat the m TOK will eibher ba the fallare of the mesure to become an act, or the passage of an extremely landlordlsh measure. I„ eibher case the Unionta erovernment will have failed to justify ibs existence. and a new pariwment, it ma,v ba exPectedvilf bê dominatd by Liberalism or out and moifc Radicaiism. liy long oclds the cleverest thing has baan sakl since the cainpaign begtm to warm Up came from the S'-e .t-hearted w.itherner. Marión J. Verriey. the New York Press! Tn au Interview on the finan i U rituatlora he says : "No, indeed ; no ciwvn witli lts poisonous prongs shnll piev,;e fhe sufferins head of labor, but inslead. the same head by this free policy iviïl bemade to burn and s-n-eat beneafh the scorching sim of hot days, and receive as a reward a spurious coin Whose face value !iclies lts real valué in the scale oi the money chnnger. No, 'you hall inot oruclfy mankind on a cross of sold.' Nelllier -was fhe Tlctim of Caivarys Ktu];endous tragedy so crucifietl, but He -was cmelly betrayed for thirty piceos of Bitver, ajid the taetal Btill smell.s o.f treachery."- Xew Orleans Picayune. , roesn't the success oí the farmer depend upon the abdlity of 'the laborer to pnTchase hls produots ? Cut the" salary oí the labOTer in two, and he ■n-ill sbop buytag ererything but the mierest necessities. Every one will admit that. If he eau not buy, the farmer can nöt sell, and ,dotwn go his prices again, aind then where is lie ? The law of supply aad demand must not ibe igiiored even in tais Xree silver Halk. If the reader oí thfe Ia -i farmer, iind not already o prejudiced that he can niOb listen to argument, It would ibe well for him to think over that p ropo -itiom for a few minutes. Ex-Got. Pennoyer, of Oregon, the great apostle of free silver in that state owns a great deal kf property that he rents, and he winpels all of his tenante to sin a contract to pay their rent in gold. V3I course ho is for free eilver. It is sudh rich men who win prosper from tihis cJiange in the financial policy of the gOTernment if adopted. The poor will be made poorer, whetlier they ;ire on thO farm or in the city. Marlt this prodictiOü.


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