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Onlike the Dutch Process tKo Alkalies ' Other Chemicals are nsed in the preparation of W.Bto&Co.V Breakfast Gocoa, which ia ubsolutely pure and soluble. It has more tkan ihree times the strength of Cocoa mited with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is f ar more economical, eosting less than one cent a tup. It is delicious, nourishing, and iasilt DIOKSTED. Sold by Crocer8 everywhore. W. Baker & Co., Dorchester,Mass. - i ■F v UrJUil . S THE i BEST URDEN in your neighborhood this season PLANT OÜR FAMOU8 mik ñ S y geSrí apa W' iiJSr%ï all of which are dsscribffd and. il trated in our beautiful and entirely New Cataiogue for 1896. A new feature this season is the Free deivery of Saeds at O ices to 1 any Post Office. This " New Catalogue" we vvill ril iil on receipt of a 2-cent stamp, ortqthosewhowill state where they saw this advertisement, the Catalogue wil! be mailed i -e; ï PETER htL .&G0. _ 35 & 37 Coi-tiandt St., KewYork. n J ===-_ - D AdïrondA -wi TRADB MARK mhuejbmi Wheeler'sl Merve r POSITIVELY CURES HE&RT DISEASE, NERVOÜS PROSTRATION, EPILEPSY. sleeplessness and all aerangement ot the Nervous System. Unexcelled for Restless Babies. Purely Vegetable, guaranteed free from opiates. One-hundred full size doses, SO cents. M. D. Bailey, Receiving Teller Grand Rapids (Mieh.) Savings Bank, says he cannot say too much in favor of ' ' Adironda," Wheeler's Heart and Nerve Cure. lZH Prepared by Wheeler & Fuller Medical Co., Cedar Springs, Mich. Sold by John Moore, - Druggist. NeryQjgK Blood ff JBw WMnLnOw' Sendfof fiu ' IErSS9MM descripttvt L jYrStfírBfíEi l?-:' pamphlet s ior sü schenectadv. u.v PChIchestera EnicUah Diamond Brand. ENÑYROYAL PILLS _7v Orighifil aud Only Oenulne. A 1&' safe. alwnv-i rvliuble. ladies aslt S LJJt 4iiitóA Drugglat for Chtcheatera BnglUh i'i-Jw Mgff&B&kmuntt Brand iri Kt'd and Gvld ii]Cthllic v __; TíQt'oxcs, Bealed wiih bine ribbon. Tnke VB' "Pi iW fin other. Refuse dangerous I " flftions and imiUitions. At Druggiata, or send 4c I W Af in stamps for partículars, testimoniáis au. B " Relief for Ludles," ín letter, by rot un _X [F Muil. 10,000 TesUmonlmlB, Name Paper Vfc-- f EhlherterCheiulcalCuM!IutllHuii Squufe, lold by ml Local Druggisu. 1'hUadu., Pa.


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Ann Arbor Courier