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Unequalled In Medical Annals

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A Patiënt Cured who was Afflicted with Rheumatism, Locomotor Ataxia in the Legs and Paralysis of the Throat. It was in Prescott, Mich., the Patiënt was an Old Soldier and has liundreds of Friends. The Case Reads Like a Miracle. From the Lakeside Monitor, Au Sable, ílich. The publisher of this paper ha ving some j business to transact at Prescott, Ogemaw Co., Michigan, Monday last, repairedto that hamlet. White there he chanced to learn of a remui'kable recovery from an illness of thirtyfour years standing, the fortúnate person being Thomas F. Galvin. The writer hunted that gentleman up, introduced hiinself, and requested Jlr. Galvin to give a brief history of his terrible disease and some history of himself. Mr. Galvin's trouble culminated three or four years since in three diseases - Rheumatism, affecting the general system; locomotor ataxia, aflecting the legs. rendering him unable to direct his course in walking, and paralysis, rendering him unable to use lips, throat or palate. In giving a history of his trouble, Mr. Galvin eaid : " In 1861 I enlisted in the army and -was made captain of Co. H., 40th Illinois Infantry. I was stationed at Paducah, Ky.; in September of that year and while there caught cold and contracted rheumatism. I was in the hospital there three months ; when I recovered sumciently to report for duty, although far from well. Previous to this time I had never been sick a day in my life and weighed 195 pounds. I continued in the service during the war, although sufiering all the time from rheumatism. At the Close of the war, I was diseharged and a few months afterwards granted a pension ot $9 per month for my disabilities. I was never free from pain for thirty-tliree long years until late last fall or early in the winter. I continued to grow worse all the time during the entire period until last November. I was then in a pitiable condition. I had been Btricken with paralygis and locomoter ataxia in addition to my rheumatism. For three years I was helpless. I could not talk beeause of paralysis, I could not walk becaose of the locomotor ataxia, and my bands, arins and legs were all out of shape, withered and drawn, from rheumatism, You :e my knees now. Just as limber as yours. Last summer I could not move my knees, nor could I get them togetlier within six inchcs. You see my fingers, straight and nearly recovered from their stiil'nesó. At that time, if I attempted to walk I was liable to go backwards or sideways nr fall down as I was to go fbrwards, because of the lack of power of locomotion. I prayed for years to die and be relieved of my sufferings. "Had it not been that our Government saw fit to incrcase my pension fromí9to$17 per month and pay me $3,140 back pension, I should have suiFered for the neecssities of life. " Before this time I bad treatcd with the best medical men of Detroit, Cleveland , Milwaukee, Chicago and several other northern cities, but as I said, grew gi'adually worse until I would not huve giren $1 for my chances of life last November, and, in fact, would rather have been dead than alive. I only weighed 132 pounds. You see me to-day. 1 weigh 175 and am free from pain cntirly, am slowly but surely gaining strength. You see I get up stairs all right, and J come up these stairs a dozen times a day now. You would not discover that I was ever unable to speak. I Bhall go to work with my tools as a carpenter soon, so as to help me increase In Btrength. I was so long unable to take a step that I do not feel hardlysafeon 'mypins'] yet, although I have not fallen down in j 6everal months. I am learning the use of my legs, hands, arms and tongtie again. I gaeus you will think I have recovered the use of the latter if I keep on, luit I want to practice up agnin and make up for lost time and teil v-y oo) of my ow happy lot. "I want to say now thr.t for ten years previous to last November, I had been able to ptrt'orm but little labor, and was totally disabled for nearly three years. I was in un awful shape. Mr. Anthony Stone's folks here, witli wnora I boarded, will tell you that tliey did not expect to find me alive any morning when they carne to wake me, for over two years. But here I am yet, and can walk six or seven miles any pleasant day without discomíbrt. Jly appetite is good and I enjoy sleep. If I was taken as bad as ever again to-morrow, I haye enjoyed lif'e so well for seven months, that it has a tbousand times paid me for the trouble and expense I have been to get relief. " You ask me how I got relief? Well I had not forgotten that part of it by a good deal. But I am so happy when thinking and talking about my recovery that I can not get in everything at once. o one but myself can appreciate my condition before last November, and now I want to say to any one who may be affected with eitber rheumatism, locomotor ataxia or paralysis, that if they will write me, I will make affidavit as to the factg that I have stated and to what I owe my recovery. "As I stated, last Xovembfr I was at my worst, could neithfr eat, sleep, walk, talk, or use my hands or feet in any way. I read in some newspaper of sorue one who had been similarly aflected as I was. This person had sought cure everywhere for years and given up to die, when he eommenced taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis for Palé People and was cured. I did not have any faith in them, but was prevailed upon to buy a half dozen boxes for $2.50. I eommenced taking them the first of November, and in thirty days by following directions closely, I could see a marked improvement in my condition. "Well, I kept right on following instructions to the letter. I bought another half dozen boxes and then a third, of which I have loft nearly two boxes. It has costme$7.50 and I am going to make it an even $10 before I stop. Not that I fear that I am not eured, for I never felt berter every way in my life. But I don't propose to take any chances on quitting too soon. "Am I sure that Pink Pilis cured me? Why should I not be? Did I not suffer the agonies of heil for years without relief? Then I took Pink Pilis and canie out in the shape I am, as you see me to-day and then ask me iflnm stire? Is a man sure he is going to I die soine time? I am justas sure Piíik Pilis cured me as you are sure that you are going to a long rest some time. Sure Pink Pilis cured me? Well, I am happy to remark, yesl A thousiinri timos yes? " I know positively that I was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, and I believe firmly that it is the most wonderful rernedy in existence to-day, and every fact I have presented to you is known t my neighbors as well as to niyself and they will certffy to the truih of my remarkable cure." Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partía] paralysis, St. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous, headacbe, the after-effect of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, palé and sallow complexions, that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration, all diseases resulting from vitiated humora in the blood, mich as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troiiblcs peculiar to females, such as stippressions, irregularitios and all fqrms of weakness. In men they eífect a radical cure in al) cases arising from mental worry, overwork or ex' cesses of whateyer nature. i These pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y-, and are sold only in boxes hearing the firra's trede-mark and wrapper at 50 centg a box dr six boxes for iü.öu, and are nevr sold in bulk. They may be had of all drnggista.


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Ann Arbor Courier