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Miss Laura Lyon is teaching the school at Scio Center. The apple evaperatoirs .at Ohelsea are now rumning iull time. Jacob Staffan is building a new livery barn on Park st., Ohelsea. The Standard Oil O, has built a dlstr'buting station at Manchester. Miss Edith Noyes of Ghelsea, teaches in the Canfield district this winter. Miss Hattie Fletcher oí Sylvan tewnship, has gome to Albion to college. ■ ' On the farm of Jota Steinbach, Lama, three cherry trees are in bloem again. The Vermont Cemetery Association, oí Oheteea, holde its animal meeting Sept. 25. "W. r. Hatcti has bouKht the Chelsea Roller MUls of Mrs. Sparks, and wil! take possession Oct. 10. Jacob Laubengayer of Scio, aged 87 years, died Sept. 15. He was much eeteemed in his neighborhood. Oorn cutting, wheat sowing, and tolkini? politics has been keeping the average farmer busy tor the past week or eo. Only otae break was ïound in the Oheleea water mains when water was turned on, and ttoat caused by a defectiTe pipe. The steeple of Emanuel church, at Manchester, is 150 feet high, and ilrt Traub has been painting it durling thR week. The oinly fair in the county this year is to be held ab Chelsea, Oct. 7, 8 and 9. Please remember this aod guide yiour steps thitherward. Mr. Julia Teeple, aged 78 years, died at the home of her daughter in Pinckney, Sept. 9, alter a prolonged illness. She had resided there 39 years. Albout 80 of the business men oi Pimckney wlth tlieir wives, went to tihe Tuomey House in that place ïor siipper, giving the new proprietors a glad welcome. The present enroilment in the High School, te aJbout fifty-five more than this time last year. The numler of non-rsident pupLLs so íar is thirtyfivs.- Ypsilantian. Olie school board have decided to enforce the truant law more rigidly than heretofore and have appoiBted George Nlsle truant officer.-lManctoester Enterprise. üheteea Methodists regret ixcsedingly thO fact that the recent conference sent Eev. C. lVAdams irom that place to Adrián. The" memhers of hls coi.gregation gave him and hifi -svife a farewell social Monday eTenlnff lait. Rev. Jolwi S. Edmunds ot ux.o.u has acoeptea the cali extended lüm t)y the Ooögregatianal churcli at this place, and wlU enter upom Ms pastorate the ttwt week in Octotór.-CUelsea Standard. Tlie Baptist comgregation at Uexter save Miss Mattie Palmer, at the home oí J. L. Smith, a Huvprisa o f W eveolBK's eince, and presented her witai art eleu-Vit teacher's bible ïor her eflorts in beliali of that church. Jota EnBbtoo, an old and respected citizen of the sooitlievn part of Ma-ncHester townsliip, Washtenaw conmty, died Moaday mo'rnhig of valvular cUease oí the heart. His e was 74. His aped wlio passed away seven weeks ago. The -worst resulta oí the present hard times are not seen to Stockbridge, nor wffl bo Been nnless we have a ñre or cyclome. Then ve may know how I seems to foe in actual want while people witih monry tand still and pinch it.- Sun. The repulblicans of Livingston coud ty are making a great hustle for Geo. "W. Teeple, of Pinckney, for the state senate. HO te a ftne man and an excellent candidate f or the Brand oldt party that has sfcowl ïor so many years for riOht and histice and honor. Frotn dow on the fellow wlio wants a paper "without much po-litics in tt" until after electiom, can have hifi cholee between fly paper, wall paper and sand paper A newspaper that will have no politics in it in this ciiinpaign wooild not a-mount to much in the eyes of 'the reading" people geuerally. Dom't 'Taise the Dlcfeens" lt something in the paper don't snit you. When you go to aneigtibor's table to eat, you select wiiat you want to eat and never kick about that which is cm the atole which j-otj dö not like, but -which alwaya1 pleases Bometoody. Therefore, don't be a philosopher about your stomach and silly abooit yo-ur head.


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