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Ann Arbor Mckinley Club

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Abo ut 40 or 50 people assembled at the court frouse Monday eventug1 to organize a McKMy & Hobert dub. Ooi. Dean was called to the char. He rea.d over the by-liaws for clubs sent out by the state cenrtral commitr tee, whlch fonmed the headLng of the papers sigaed by tilie members. rhese were adopted on motionof Mr. Stock'Ing. Itere were 165 sdgaatures on the papers hamled in ttaat evening, fout Ooi. Dean said he liad secuxed eniough mere to make the numtier about 400. On mO'tioii of Mr. Allmendinger, a committtee, coinlsistii.g of Mr. Allmen - dinigër, S. A. MoJ-aft W. E. Stocking, C. E. G;baon aad E. F". Joh.mson, ivas appoent-ed to select proper oiiicers for the club- tiis wap probably done so as mot ta have the tiüng too democratie. Th committee reparted as iollow : President- S. A. Moran, Secretary- W. E. Stocking. Treasurer- 0. M. Martin. Vice Presideuts- lst ward- W. K. Unilds, 2d M C. Noli, 3d ' Dr. J. A. Dell, 4tli " George Vandawaker, 5th " Gllbert H. Rhodes, 6th " H. G. Prettynian, 7th " L. D. Wines, Executtve Comniittee- lst ward- Col. H. S. Dean, 2d " M. Grossman. 3d " Chas. E. Hlscock. 4lh " J. t Lawrence, 5tU " N. D. Gates. Sth " E. F. Johnson, 7th " Chas. A. Sauer. As o-nly a few of tliose selected wei'e present, the secretaxy was autJliorized to aoifcify eaclL ome of his appointmemb. The lack of attend&uce, and evidOot absence oí enthusiasim can no' be attributed ti ühe dteiaterestedness oí republicans In tuis canipaign - fot that is no't the fact- Sfc te attrilraable to öther causes, and to a eeling wlheitaiei' good or bad, right or wrong tlh&t the wganiizatibn of 6nch clubs accomplislhes bufc l'jttle ia actual resulte, the real worJL oí a campaiga Ia these diays being effocted by oth er meaas. ïlhat lt Is a gcxod) thiug to havo a live, wilde awake club, no onO will deny, bnt, iln this community ttj seems a Httío dlfficult to secur such a thing. Nervertheüess, iï ou friends, the enemy, thitLk for one mo menit, that the repiiiblicans are asleep fchey make a mistake.


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Ann Arbor Courier