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National Bank Vice-pres.

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A Most Important and Distinguished Testimonial For Dr. Greene's Nervura. Hon. J. H. Hastings, Judge of County Court, Senator, and Vice-Pres. National Bank, Tells the People to Use Dr. Greene's Nervura to be Cured. JUDQK J. H. HAfiTINGS, VICE-Pr.-OirEXT NTIONAI. EAKK OF WTEKBUET, VT. Ton are sick and out of order and Want to get well. To get well you desire to take the remedy which will surely cure you - the one which is strong-ly recommended by some one in whom you have perfect belief and confidence. Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy is the medicine which will surely cure you. And here is the strongest possible recommendation to use it by one of the most eminent and distinguished Judges in this country, Hon. J. H. Hastings, of Waitsfield, Vt., an Associate Judge, Senator in the Vermont Legislature, Vice-President and Director of the Waterbury National Bank, and Treasurer and Trustee of his town. Such is the exalted standing of the f amous Judge and able Financier who is enthusiastic in praise of the wonderful curative powers of Pr. Greene's Nervura, who has used it with most remarkable benefit in his own family and who tells you that he has known so many cases cured by this grand medicine, that he advises you to use it by all means, if you wish to get well. Judge Hastings says: "I have heard Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy most highly recommended by my f riends and neighbors who have nsed it, and know of severa! decided cures where people have been in a very feeble state of health and had f ailed to get relief from the usual sources. " A lady who lived in my family has often spoken of the wonderful good which Dr. Greene's Nervura blood an3 nerve remedy has done her mother who was cured of nervous prostration by its use. One of my near neighbors who Ubed the Nervura and derived benefit from its use, advised me to use it in my own f amily. They are all enthusiastic in its praise and I join in the same. You are at liberty to publish this letter for others' g-ood." You can depend upon Judge Hastings' word. You can depend upon Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy to cure you. Takc it, you who feel weak, nervous, tired, without your old-time snap, energy and vim; it will give you strong nerves, pure blood, sound, natural and refreshing sleep, from which you will rise strong and vigorous instead of languid, tired and exhausted. U your stomach troubles you, if you have gas, indigestiĆ³n, dizziness, distress after meals, bloating, faint feeling at pit of stomach, constipation, kidney or liver complaints, Dr. Greene's Nervura will give you perfect digestiĆ³n and regular and natural action of all the organs. It will cure headache, neuralgia, rheumatism, and is the best remedy in the world for female weakness and nervous debility. The carefully compounded prescription of our most successful physician in curing nervous and chronic diseases, Dr. Greene, of 35 West 14th St., New York City, this greatest of medical discoveries is perfectly adapted to cure just these complaints. The Doctor can be consulted free of charge, personally or bv letter.


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