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Chelsea has no trúant officer. Boys wïth Bllng si. oís have been dong mischlef at Manchester. The Graas ïake waves and billows are about 16 to 1 in the New. The business men of Grand Llapids had to put up $2,000, the amount the state fair run behind. Henry Gilbert, of Manchester, refuscd an offer of $300 for tour fat eteers, made by Wm. Rehfuss. Keep the boys home nights.- Manchester Enterprise. The best aövice that either parents or boys, either one, ever received. W. H. Ostra.nder goes from Willis to Indian River, where, together with hfe three sons, he will opérate a saw mili for the winter. Phincae Stuart, the oldest living person in Livingston, went fishing on hLs 103d birthday.- Stockbridge Sun. Is tha f. a fish story ? The liberal people of Chelsea sent a supply of clothing, bedding, etc, to Ontoïiagon, and the people returned their thanks therefor. Apples appear to be rotting 'oadly at Manchester. Some who put a quantity in their cellars report thaL they are completely spoiled. Only about five -vveeks now to Thanksgiving. If we all have our salaries reduced by free silver, we will not be thankful, will we ? Mrs. Wilson, the mother of George Wilison, the porter of the Cook house in Ann Arbor, died on Friday last, at her home in Plttsfield. The village attorney of Manchester has been authorized by the council to commence suit against the people who refuse to pay a poll tax. On Saturday last Mrs. Mary Duncan, of Whitmore Lake, died at her home iri that place, aged 7-í years. Funeral services were held yesterday af terne on. John K. Campbell is creating a favorable impression wherever lie goes in the first district, and no doubt is expressed among the republicans there of his electrón. Many of our cirtizens have gathered the leaves from their lawns and put them in their barns for use. How much better that is than to buru them.- Enterprise. Sure. Church soeials where refreshments are sorved from "gold" and "silver" tailles are now quite the thing. In such a case a bimetalist -vould iind himself in a bad situation. The Adrián Press slanders our protty little up the Huron rillage in tliis way : "Dexter lias wearfed of striking matches to find the street lights, and will purchase new lampts.'" Chas. Alban died at hts 'ïome in "Willis, on Sunday, Oct. 18. of a fever contracted while on a trip to Virginia to briing home a son who was sick. He was a member of the WÜlfe lodge of Maccabees. Yesterday Allen Aldei-man ,-umped 17 feet 2 inches. and aow woars the Milan high school championship belt for long jump. Cassius Butler is a close second with a jump of 17 feet. -Milan Leader. Fred A. Peters, of Scib, sailed from San Trancisco, California, on the steamer Mariposa, Oct. 15th, for Sidney, New South "Wales, Australia. He expects to be gone on this business trip about six months. a. sxraw vote ras taken at Cleary College Tuesday morning, and it sho-sved 55 for McKmley and 27 for Bryan. This is 2 tp 1, about the ratio that the vote throughout Michigan, -wil lbe November 3.- YpsilantiBJX. ' '' A travelling man was here on Tuesday, with this inscription on his trunk in largo letters : "When eight ounces mako one pound, two feet one yard, six inches one foot, and two pecks one bushei, 53 cents wlll make one dollar then." - Leslie Local. Eugene Emerick, of Ypsilanti, while excavatiing under a house, dug tip a tomahawk from about three feet under the surface. He thinks it belonged to an Indian,.but it is probably the same that was buried at the close of the late edacational war in that town. - Adrián Press. On "Wednesday evendng last a thief stole six head of catrtle ïrom the fields of John and James McCourt, of Northfield They traeked the animáis to Ann Arbor, where they had been sold to Mr. Itehfuss, for $120. The McCourts recovered their property, but Mr. Itehfuss has not recovered his money nor the officers the thief, nor any.clue to Mm. When it comes to considering omcounty ticket, we advfae the t ispayera to examine their ta'x receipta Cor the past year and compare them with those issued under democratie rule. They teil the story better than speeches. You will note a wonderful decrease the last year over those.' of f ormer years, when the ifftüces ere run by the opposition. Having atisfled yourselves, prepare your bállots lor economy, efficiency, and vote the republican nominees solid. Every man on the republican ticket deserves your vote. - Ypsdlantian. Bert Eose of Sharon, offered Warren Tvimble all the apples In nis orclmrd, and there are lots of them, !or $10, and agreed to board the man vhile picking them and also to draw the apples to Manchester. Ivimble refused. That doesn't look as though there was much proiit in traying appies. The People's Bank of Manchester, has $97,949.74 om deposit, the money of her business men and farmers in the vfcinity. How mnny of those deposi'tors want to receive dollars worth jnst half of the ones they put lm the bank when they come to draw their money out ? All who ilo will vote for Bryan and Barkworth. All who want to draw out a dollar worth 100 cents will vote for McKinley and Rpaldimg. What will be the result ? The present year may not have been a very prosperous one for our citizens vet they have kept on in the way of improvements just the same and upwards of $1,500 have been expended in building cement walks. The village 'has paid out $473.44 for a cement cross walk and as ilts share of the expense in building cement sidewalks, and who wiil say that the money has not been wisely spent. There were 7,193 2-5 square feet built.- Manchester Enterprise. The Manchester Enterprise hits the pops hard in this sensible item : "It makes us tired when attending a political meeting, to hear people who are opposed to the speaker, cry out and disturb the meeting. If people do not lik e to hear the utter anees of a speaker why not quietly retire so that those who have come to liear the speech may not be dtsturbed. To make an outcry does not gain ïriends for a man or his partyi and a man who will disturb a political meeting ought to be restrained the same as at any other meeting." There was the biggest sort of a big time at Milán last Friday evening. It seemed as though all creation had turned out. A torchdight procession paraded the streets in which there were 758 in line by actual count, some 200 of -w-hom were ladies froni Saline and Milan. It was the biggest sort of a blow out yet heldby any party in this county. A huge meeting was addressed in the opera house by Hon. A. J. Sawyer, and two overflow meetings were also held, and yet the people who wanted to liear could not be accommodated. One of the meetings was addressed by Hon. H. "Wiirt Newkirk and Frank Jones, and another by a gentleman from farott. This rouser will help the republicana, and in a part of the county wli e re help was needed. Every little while we read in the papers tliat sonie mie has stuck a rusty nnil In nis (oot, or knee, or hand, or sorae other portion o! Uis liody, and tlmt lockjaw resulted Ihereirorn, of wliich the patiënt dled. H every person was aware of a perfect r medy for all sueh wounds and would apply it, thcn all srach reports must cease. The remetly is simple, íilmost always on hand, and what ík etter, il 's imallible. It is simply to smoke the wound, or any brutee or wound that te inflamed, with burnlng wool or woolen cloth. Twenty minutes in the smoke of wool will take the pain out of the worst cases oï inflammatlon arising from the wound. People may sneer at this remedy as much as they please, but when they are afflicted just let them try it. It has saved many lives and much pain, and 19 wtrthy of being printed in letters of gold and put in every home. -


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier