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Sale of State Tax Lands. STATK OF MICHIG N. ) A.UDITOB GENJERAIi'S DEPARTMENT, lamina, Vov. 7. rS9.) NOTICK is her by ulv-n tlmi eertftin Inmls si'imti'd in uiity of Wahtenaw bid on to the Blate tor hints of i8S and prevloue yeaf and desorlbad in statements whleh havo been or wili be forwarded to the olliee of Trwmrer of sald onunty, wlll be soltl nt public nietion by s-iid Trexsurfr at 'lic comi'y seat, on tlie fl'-st Mond.iy of December the i,-mn...'i-.ii. "i - iti"' fivthp Animal Tax Sale, lfnot prevlonsly redeemed or cancelad acoordlnp to law. Sald statements contaln a foll desorlptlon of eaoh paroel of sald lands and my be seen on applioatlon at the office of the Oonntv Treae nrer af ter they are ree ei red by hl m and boföro tho dav of salo STANLBÏ W. TURNER, Auditor General, C, L McGUIRE - . . . LAWYER Offices over Farmers and Medíanles Bank. 1 Hu ron St., E.. Au1' Arbor, Michigan. All legal business atterided to witn promptness and accuracy. FRANCIS L YORK, Of DETROIT, Bej;s to mnounce tliat lie will resume classes in the study of The Piano, the Organ and of Musical Composition athis sluniu No. 21 E. Washington street, Thürsday, September 24th, 1896. TERMS. Semester of Eigbteen Weeks, One Lesson a Week. 60 MINUTE LESSONS . . $40 30 MINUTE LESSONS . . 20 Pupils may begin at any time. Class in Harmony and in Ensemble playing free. Pupils ma3' also have one lesson from Mr. York and one from an assistant each week at a slight additional expense. LESS TUIN ONE CENT EAGH 1 RARE CHANCE L5 ÏÏS "AW1"' r56RMEL5O Au arrangement J ust made wlth The Detroit Free Press makes it possible for us to save gome money for every reader who takes advnntage of this opportunity. We undertake to furiiish THE Al HOR CjURIER AND THE TWICE-A-WEEK Qetreif Free Press Both ONE YEAR for $1.5O. Tto Tfflipp-üi-ilWiplf Pwp Pww iiy lWlG6"'H""Wiin ïw èiiSS Is the Best Possible Substituto for a Daily Paper. Pulilislieil on Tnegday nitil Friilar Mornings in time to raten the Karly Trains. All the Latest Nens up to the time of going to prcas. Complete Market Reports in eaoli isssue. All who cannot get a Daily slioulil Subscribe for this Ideil Newspaper. The Free Press is offering Premiums at Special Low Rates to Subscribers, aud you can easily save tlie cost of both papers by taking advantas:e of THE MAN Y BARGAINS OFFEREÜ. WRITE THEM FOR A SAMPLE COPY. In No Otlipr Way an Ton (et As Mnch For So Little Money. SUBSCRIBE NOW. DO NOT DEL&Y.


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