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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physieian Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majaríty af sufferers from Aetlhmiaand kimdred oomplaitnits, after ferytog doc boira and nurntberless remedies advertised as piositlve cures without av.úl, iiave come to the conclusión bhiat fchere is ao cure íor tliiis1 most ditebressimg disease, and tibese same persons wiill be Vhe more iai doaibt and Bkepbical wlnen íbey learn throaigh t'tue colunias of the prees that Dr. Kudiolp'h Stíbiifmianm, the recogni'zed apt'hiarity wbo has treated more case oí ebeso diseases tihan any living' dc tar, bas adhLeved success by perfecting a remedy whjíoh nob only glves lmmediiate relief in the worst oases, bnt bas posilbively cured tihousands of sulfea'ers whio were co.nsádered incurable. These Xvere juist as skeptiieaJl as some of our readers mow are. Dr. Sendllmiainn.s remedy dicvutnb possesses tlue mOrit whdtóh is claimed tor It or he wiooild njo'b authorize this paper to amnioimce that (he is n,ot only willing bo giTe free -b,o each person sufferimg fnoin Astihma, Hay Té'ver of Broudhi'tlis in tlhls city, ons liberal "free ti':i;U biox" of bus Oure1, but urgently re'quest all suiferers b cali at G-oodyéar's Drug Store, Arm Arbor, witbln tji,e next t'hree dlays and receive a package filwolutely free of charge, tíhiát in maklng t(h claim be diofs for his Cua-e, a wtrong doubt ma}' ariise in 'bhie mindis oí! manyí and ■that a personal test, as he offers to all, will be miare convincing, and prove tím merfbs, thian t)he puiblishlng of thouisand's of testimoniiais from persons -tt'h'O have been pei'manently cured by tbe use of luis Asthmia Cure. "Dr. Sflhiiffmanin's Asbhma Cure," as ttt. te called. bas been sold by drecrglsta of thi'S cilty eversince ifc waa first Inti'oduced, altbough many perrons may never have Ireard of jt, and tt is ■wlrtli o. Ttew to Peadhlmisc fchese that he make-s tuis offer. TIilis is certainly a most generoua and taflr offer, end all wJiO' are eufferiing froim. ajny o f the above complainbs öhould remember tbe date and place wiiere the diistrilbutlion will be made, and avail themselves of the same. Persons Wvüng out otf ttiiis city wlio desire to test fhe effücocy of this most wondertul remedy wMl receive a package free by wrJitSmg to Dr. Bohlffmann, 330 Rloealbel etreet, St. Paul, Mítm., proviidiing their letter is recelved before Oct. 16tJh, as no free samples can be obtamed after tbat date. ANYONLCAN MJá i At the expense of titile Isá i i mo-'cy and his spare fítUSfírTr t time obtain.a fair work-jBjWk WM ISTUDYAT HOME! THROUGH THE SPRAGUE UNIVERSITY Of OORRESPONDENCE INSTRUCTION, Comprisíng the leadingcorrespondence schools intheworld. f S'JöJcCTb AUGHT $ til III The School of Law prepares puplls for admissíon í I lufl to the bar, by an extended, thorough course. Has f i over 1,600 students in every part of the country, f V iniinil il IPM This school teaches jouraalistic i J JUUHN ALIolYi %iry work froni tlM foun' á OanU IrtniUP This school sconductedbyt S nlllllV"IVrrrin'i one of the ahlest teachers of r, j VVVI Hl. 1.1 II 4 book-keeping in America. ( i"UnïlT Illlin his school teaches short-handby . OliUn I "HAIU e best system, and from the 5 # U"U" ' "n W , ining to the best expert work. -rDCCI nnrl Í ft'. Hl This school f bHttianDLfti N BS LL.L J ti on to tlie inost advanced wi in tlie classics. J J The aboTB schools te'h by the t encc method only, and. cognize uo rimls d r J their respective flelds. f. f M Address, stating in f i Llbi GLT & which school you are 2 yfiïrfv itö 'yÊr dc-se ten cents in 5 il il Í P C H your dealer i-Clll 1 i hasn't it, send - ■4qnr' $1.25 tO US WE WIIX SEND YOU POSTPAID The "(jPeSCO" It cannot break at the Side or Waist Color: DRAB or WHITE LONG, SHORT and HEDIUn LENQTH THE MICHIGAN CORSET CO., JACKSON. niCH Mortgage Sale. DEFAULT having been made in the coudlüonsof acertain raortgage made and executed by Danvin Nelson and Lydla J. Nelson hlswife, of -alem, Washtenaw County, State of Michigan, to Henry Yanson, of the same place ; and assigned by said Henry Yauson to Charles Yanson; and further assigned by said Charles Yanson to Lucinda M. Yanson; and f urther assigned by said Lucinda M. Yanson to William H. Weed, which said last asslgnment was recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Washtenaw County In Iiberl2of assignments on page 391, August 19th, 1896: said original mortgnge having been recorded in líber 52 of mortgages, page 727 on the26thdayof March, 1877, at 2Ú p. m. On which mortgage there is claimed to be due andowiugat the date of this notice the sum of Kive hundred and ten and seventy-two hundredths dollars ($510.72), alsoanattorney's fee provided for in said mortgage andallowed bystatute; andnosuitor proccediug at law having been instituted to recover the moneys secured by said Mortgage or any part thereof. Now, therelore, by virtue of the power of salecontained in said mortgage and the statute in such case made and provided; notice is herebv given that on Saturday, Ueeember 19th, 189, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the south door of the court house in thfi city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, (that being the place and building where the circuit court for the county of Washtenaw is held) the premises described in 3ald mortgage or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay the amount dne on said mortgage wlth nine per cent. interest and all legal costs, expenses and attorney's fees covBnanted for or agreed upon therein. Th premises being described as follows in said mortgage: "Being subdivisión No. four as et off to Charlotte Knapp by the commisjioners in partition in tne estáte of Henry Whipple, deceased, known, houij' d and deicribedas follows towit: Being ♦ iuty-seven icres sonth of the road and off fro,. - he west ïide of the east half of the sotithwest quarter 3f section No. twenty-seven in '■ - mhip No. iue south, range seven east, i - slnp oí salem, Washtenaw eounty, Michigan. September 22d, 1896. William H. Weed, D. Cbamek, Assignee of mortgage. Attorney for Assignee.


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Ann Arbor Courier