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Protection And Free-trade Treasury Receipts

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Total Tieasury receipts first 26 montlis of the Wilson law, compared with íirst 26 months of the McKinley law : Heoeipis Reeeipts MoKiDey law Gorman law first 26 mos. flrst 26 mos 1890 Dollars. 1894. Dollars. October 39.222 147 September., 22,621,248 November 28,678,674 üctober 19,139,240 December 27,646,515 November - 19,411,403 1891 December 21,368,136 .lanuary 36 810,283 1895 Februiry 29 27M.I7 January 27,804,399 March - 2,427,5 February. - 22,ss.s,o:7 April 85,465,231 March 25,470,57n May I 27,631,849 April 24.247,836 Jniie- 31,289,205 May 25,272,078 July S4.15S.244 June 25,615,471 August 28,773.981 July. - 29,069 697 27,565,454 August 28,952,696 October 98.448.562 September.. 27.549,678 November... 26,804 887 October 27,901.748 December 27 .646,515 November... 25,986,503 1892 December 26,288,937 January 30,383,478 1896. Februa'ry 30 698,914 Jauuary 29,207,670 March 29.836,696 February 26,059,22S April 26.971,224 March 26.041.149 May 28 228,398 April.... 24,282 893 Juñe 311,958.617 May 24,643,717 Juiy 34,314,331 Juoe 27,794,219 August 33,479.059 July 29,069.697 September.. 31.797.K29 August 25,562,097 October 31,288.540 Sepiember.. 24,584,245 Noyember 28,739,895 October 28,282.830 Total $785,725 1 Total $663,643,428 Loss in 26 months under Democratie "Tariff for Revenue Only" $122,082,045 The Ypsllanti Sentinel still refuses to see where the difierence is between ïree silver at a, ratio of 16 to 1, and himetalism. As near as possible we wlll inform him oí tlie difierence as we view it. Fr.?c silrer, at a ratio of 16 to 1, would débase the currency oif the eountry, gold would immediately go to a premium and disappear, and we would have silver monometa]im, for si'.vrr alone would be the circulatiiij; medium. P.knetalism means the use of both gold ana silver, mot only aS money metáis, but as maney in actual circulatlon amooig the people. The Courier íjs a believer in bimetalisra and stands fairly and squarely upon this plank in theSt. Xouis platform : "We are therefore opposed to the free coinaige of silver, exceptby international agreement with the leading commercial nations of the world, whicn we pledge ourselves to promotie." The Courier will go a step further, and eay that it is'not oppoeed to the free coinaige oí sidver at lts actual ratio, though such a law might be t.roublctome from the fact that silver is fluctuating in value, and the' coin of to-day might go toa premium tomorrow. or vice versa. By international agreement, no matter what the value o? silver bullion would be, silver coin ■would pass for its face value. A stable eurreincy is what the commercial tiations of thO world need, and the sooner they get together and agree upon it, the better for all. A currency that can be made use of by boards of trade or gamblers or stook brokers is not safe for any nation. Is it clear ? The old story of Prometheus is a parable. Prometheus was on terms of intimacy with the gods. From r them he stole ftre and gave it to man. For this sin. h was bound to the rocks of Movnt Caucassus, and vultures were set upon htm. They onily ate liver. This grew again as fast as it was peoked away. Are his sufferings to be imagined ? Take a modern interpretation of the parable. There is no cooking without fire. In cooking and eating the mischief lies. The stomach ia overtasked, the bowelis become clogged, they cannot dfepoee of the food that is given them. The impurities bark up on the liver. Then come the vultures - the torments of a dteeased liver. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is more tham equal to the vultures of dyspepsta and its kindres diseases. Thëre is no more need oí sufferin); from dyspepsia than there is of hanfrinij onc's scV. K'Old by all . medicine dealers the world over.


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Ann Arbor Courier