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CAN CURE ASTHMA AND HAY FEVER. A Noted Physician Offers to Prove This to all Sufferers in Ann Arbor The majority of sufterers f rom Aflttomía iand ktadred oompiaiavts, aíter trytog docbors and numíberless remedien advertteed as poeitive cures wifohiout avail, have coime to ttae conclusión ühiat tihere is ni ouire íor tnd most dfcbressiing disease, and tlhese same persons w!Ü be tlue more im doubt and keptk'al whem tihey leam tlirongh fbe columns o-f the press tliat J)r. Ku(Jolp'h. SdhgffmadMi, the recognized aptJluoirity wih'O has treated more cases oí oheso diiseases than any ÜYlng docoir, hias adhLeved euccesa by perfecting a remedy wnitíli not only glves lmmediate relief in the worst oases, but bas posiltively cured tihooisands of suffei'ers whio were ooinsúdered incurable. Thitüse %ere juist as skeptical as some of our readers now are. Dr. ScüÜlmaan's remedy iw cloubbpossesses the merit whiüoh is claimed íor it or he would njot authoi"jze this paper to antoioimce that the is not oniy willing bo igiTe free to each, person sufferlng 1vom Asöhima, Hay "Fe'ver of Brouohiitis te tihis city, ome liberal "free trial b,x" of h,ils öutö, but urgently requestn all sufferers tcr cali at Goodye"ar's Drug Store. Ann Arbor, w-jtbUln tjhe next three diays and receive a P'ackago absolutely free of charge, knowing tihiat lm making the claim "hie diot-s for his Cure, a strang doubt may arise in t(hie mimls oc manyi and hiat a personal test, as he offers to all, will be more coiivinciTig, and prove ite merite, thian the puiblishlng oï fhouisands of testinoníals from peraoiis wh'O llave been permanently cured by thie uise of luis Asthma Cure. "Dr. StKhiffmaim's Asthma Cure," as It lis called, bas been sold by drugglst of thi'S cïty ever mee It. waa íirst introduced, althiough many persons may never have heard oí i't, andi it is wllth a v!iew fo réaöhSniar thee that he makes this oífer. Thte is certaimly a most gemerous amd failir offer, and all wlio are euffer!lng fpoim amy of the atuove complaimbs Whould remember the dat-e and place wnefe the dlistrilbullon will be made, and avall themselvea oí the same. Persons llvtog out af tfhiis city wjio desire to test tfhe eff3eacy Of fhia most wonderful remedy -wüll receive a package free by wriitiing to Dr. Behiffmiajin, 330 Rosa1el etreet, St. Paul, Mínn., pro■rtdiing tíheir letter is received before Oct. 16tih, as no free samples can. be obfaained after that date.


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Ann Arbor Courier