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The Latest From Pingree Is That He

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ie gofojg to limit the wealth tliat any one man raay accftmuiate ; that's rtght, nnd Just as s: na as wa rot a miaiim. -wc'll give t!ie govenimont I our Burpdius.- Stockbriidge Sun. The Dol-roit Tribune amd llie EvenNcws bütli pub'Jisliod a. giPoup oí portraltn of the members of Michlgan's semate, but left out the member trom this dlsfcrict. "Why ?- Ann Arbor Couriier. Because Mr. Campbell did uot furniish a pheto. We umlerstanrt he never was "took."- Ypsiiauti Sentinel. Accordiïig to President Olevelaad's message tiiere are aow 970,678 pensioners on the rolls, tlie largest numbwever reported. It took $138,214. 701. 9i to pa y thcm ker the yèar, a s'.ifflit ldecllease frcnn last year. The niimber rastóing in foreign counftries who receive pensions is 3,781, receiv tog Vr"S2,735.38. Thene were 339 indietmenbs Öiwing tllie year against vioCiatons of 'tlie pensJ n laws. The followi-ng, from the Daily Times, te certainly worthy of more than a passing thcnght. Tlie suggesiion slioiild be acted upon : "While Ann Arbor has undöiibtotlly been growing (aster than most Michigan citiee, duTing the period, of lost cotnfidence, and its growth has been marked by a. very desir&ble class oï new peo-ple - the well-to-do who have como here to make tdieir permanent home- yet Our growth thould have beeu largor amoong tdiis deelraible class oí citienis. Every year tlujusands of peopie leave the vocattons of active biitíinos and seek some ptoce tö bulld a lióme wUere tliey may onjoy a well eariied repose, surrounded by ve'inements and luxuries of liic. The vamtagefc ■which Ajan Arbor offers in tliis respect do not need to be recounted here. TJie troable is th&t these advanlages are not weü advertised. Let our property owuers and business men take of this matter in a way that avIü let the world know about Ajin Arbor' just Olaims to recognition, and beTore we have hardly tim to realize the fact, öur population will have doubled."


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