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A ishcoting gatl&ry lias been openeu In the Duííy bOock. Fraternitj Itodtge F. & A. M. wlll woi'kiou tiu' _M degree bo-night. Members oí Axbor Tent vi::i glve a a liop on tlie evening oí Jan. Ttli. Tlic l'inivciisiiy and tbe public echoot eloscs Kriday for th; holidays. Prople wiio küi squírrels inside the cüty limits botter look a "leedle ourtt." The tire alnmi Sumday afternoon ■wias caused by the bimiing o( a püe ofimbbfeh on W.'Lilwrty rt.. ■ The K. O. T. M. wiU eleet ofíieers Friday evening, and ttbeir instailatioa will tako place on the evening oí Jan. 8th Jacob Sclvuon was given 65 days in the Detroit House of Correction for assaalttng hls wi.e. Justiee l'ond meted out the justiee. The tc:icert on Saturday night at tibe 'A. A. Music Cto's rooms wiis Usened no by parties at Adrián, over thetloug' dfetance 'phone. Thepeopie wlio tlvrow broken glatfS tomes, lashes, and other rubblsh in the Isbreet will have the polke aíter them herwiiter. Tliat's right. Piroí. AMüert A. &te.nley lias been appointed by Ohief Qonsul Hiñes of the Ti. 'A. W., a membeír o{ tlie cpmmitee on the improvement of high'wayis. "W. G. BnrchííeKl writes from his home in Texas that hLs daughter Wiinnie is v&ry Tow wltlhi consumption, aml emall liope is entertained íor her recovery. Th paper read by Mre. IjOTiise Hal'lWa'Ilker, Monday eveaïing, in the UnSty conrse, gave her hearers a betterddea of Oonetanttnopile than they ever had before. QuHe a Jiarge number vi the membars of the MasonJc fraternity wil go +o Detnoit Saturday night to attemd a school of instiruction to be anettid there that day. The Umiversity School) of Ia.ncing gire a program party ev.'ry Satur.lay eventoig üuring vacation- aClso on CJhrtebmaB and New Years night. You are cordiaJily invitad. Theconcesrt to begtven bhla evening by the Choral Union, Handel's ■■Mcseiah," win be ouie oí the tinest entertatraments af the year. Xo one can afford to mis it. Th yovmg people inthis vicinity ai txying to organize a túnging clase agair. this winter, to be nnder the 'di-rection of Ptof. Sage, of Ann Arbor. - Fmvlerville Observer. Amang the clerks in the aiidiioa1 gen, roi'e offioe at Tvansing, wlio have received notice that their service wia not too needed atter Jan. 1, are Mark !L. Vining, and Miss Neiliei Camp, of this county. In all 28 clerks have been dischairged. The .Mid-TTinier CirCIM Í9 gVTOWThg right alöng, In a 1 1 rad lans. Uev. llenry Tattlöck, of SI. Andi'cw'.s c.hureh, preached one of the most poweríuü discourses last Sunday a. 111.. ihal. lic luis ever givon bie coegrégul ion. Ca cédasenos? and a lighted match wcic respomeibte tor a blaze In John Burg's kIiow winiiiiw Frlday ovening. Tüte ffli'e Batidles were on hand hut not needed. George B. Shetterty who receiïtly Bt&ited the new St. James hotel, has ■soZri 'hiw lease to Jame D. Oook, oí Chicago, who assumed charge of the sairne ïast Thursday. A patch on the knee, caused by hoUding down a sa v buck, looks a great deal more respeetable ihan the one on a niaii's gable end, cauaed by houding down a dry goods box. The Xnrlhside ladies are to give a Oiiristmas dinner ia ald of the new; Norl.hside chnrch. And the ladies never fall in anytihiug they undertake - especiailly th eNorthside ladies. The tnembers oí the Mystic Shrime livimg here have received invitations to attend a grand bal) to begiven by MoIem Temple A. A. O. X. M. H., oi Detroit, on Xew Ycar'.s Bve, 1896. At the meeting oí the State Grange at Laneing last weck. fiss .Iciuiie i:ui'!l. of Ann Arbor, was re-elected sccn-lii-y. and It. I). "iatt, of lMttslUftá, a naember of the executive c-ommittee. Themert títrade will be red, b'o IDaane Fashion has decreed. And ahfi Is Bupreme. Her vi,:i Islaw. Bo hear göes Sor red. It is .the hope of tilie iliat the Courier will be oe(a)d, atep. TIn warm and pleasant wealher thal closed last week. was comfortalile, bul merchante wi;h large stocks oí winter u-odiIs. and coal dealers witü piles of $6.50 coal didnt enjoy it woorth a oent. The state fish commission has pinohased five acres of land aeróse the river ïrom th &oLdier's Home at Gnrand Raplde for a black bass hatchery. It will be the O'nly one of its kind in the cotmtry. Geonge Spatbeif, Jr., at hls Northside toarket, has a Witle pig that he fe taking cJiances on, the proceeds to go to the benefit of the new churen over there. There were upwards of 300 chances taken at last report. Joe, a son of J. A. Yerkes, of Verniin. Shiawassee coimty, was operated iipon lor appendifcitis at the Tniveisity Hoepitail Saturday, but the dáseaisie had progressed so far that it was nat successraj, and the young mal died. Thefdiaimg room of the snmmer resori at lluronia Beach, just above Port Huron, was destroyed by fire [agt WedneBday nigttt. It wae owned by Daniel J. Tilden oï this city, and insured for $1,000 whlch was twoi hlrcfe oí its valiue. Countj Oterk Díuicsángburg went to Jatksoii (Saturday as a member of theiboand oï canvassers for this senatoriail district. The board figured out 41 majoTity for Andrew Campbell, amd gave him a certdïicat oí election. Waslitemaw did it all. Th ere waB a good sized audience present Sunday afternoDn, at tiie Y. M. 'C. A. meeting listen to Mr. Albright's advocacy of the single tax. On mext Sunday afternoon Prof. H. C. Adame will give the opposite side of the questilon at the same place and and hour. . i For a neat, spicy, readable publioatian, one that you feel like taking lïoime with you, and to your room or study, and spending soane time in coning it pagus, Th Bireeze, the new High School publicación stands the peer of any that ha yet been gotten out in Ann Ai'bor. Probate Judge Etect Newkirk has beoome a familiar figure in the probate (ofïiiee, whene he U studyiug up the iduiiieB of t he poBition. He hats a fuüiid of etories that aire ricdi and ïiaw and when hits iriends drop in -o see him he caiift desist tnom stopping office drujdgery long emough to teil one w tHvo of theon. The -L&ap Year party given by tne VoiiKin'Xieague, S atuaxlay afternoon at the gymnasium, was a gireat success in evexy way. Tho good o'M Virginia Reel was darnced- (liow John K. Miner's heart wiM acne when he hears of that, way off in California) - and al) pneeent took occasion to enJoy him and hersellif. Tliere were about il 75 ooupites preeent on the Stoor, and miany spectators in the galileriet. ' In choosiing a site for the new church on the Northside, the committee tliave shown wisdom. The church will be grected on Broadway, and in about the center of the population of the ward, where it will better accammodato all the people. The eneirgy witii which the committee has baken hoid of tiils work is commeodaWe, a.nd they deserve the help of everybody in Ann Arbor and riiinity who can help. A papes on "Sanitary Science iu a Ooddege Coure," ls whaL Di-. Vaughan wi:i ö t he 46th animal meeting oí &tate lacher' Associaiiou ,-it Lansing uext week . James Neteoo, aged "s years, died at tlu: lioini: oí íiis daughter Mrs. ■ h Shaw, 011 Miller ave. Funeral was held Satunla.y attemoon, Bev. J. W. Kradsha w oíiiviat uu, and the bu-riíai took place in Forewl ttill cerne tery. It is pleaisant to be able to announee that the outlook tor the Aun Arbor Organ Oo., is sueh taat it is thought tliere will be work íor its banda uil winter. One lii-in at i'ittsburg, Pa., UWS agreed to take 200 organs a year. Wlfat soirne i)eople term "southem chlvalry," may be all right for lliat section, but when you come to app:y it 1 o tlie peopie oí the north it doean't atfwaye work well. It' undue tire orten Iwi-ngs trouble to its proud possessoa-. Janítor Davenport, oí the eourt lii.ursc, ie alïway finding something to do to keep the bullid iras 11 good condition, aind neat. His Iiatest has beeu tb regild all the ga ftxtures of the esitatoiishonent, making tfcem look as gaod as new. The poem of Judge Babbitts' cntited -'The Rarity oí Clirfetian Charity." wliH'h was iiiblislied the first time in the Courier, weta sent by its author to tlie New York Sun, and fchey liked it so well tltat they sent liiii! a ïiae cheek for it. Tlie geiiit's funiishing goods store of Dearborn & Oo., 011 State st., and tlie grocery store of H. F. Frosrt & Co., on E. Lifoerty st., were closed by ereditDi's Jast week. Mr. Frost's embarrasametri is ouly temporary, and he wij resuime business ogafri. A coi-respondent claims that abaong tli-e populatáon of the Northside is a man wh,o beate his wiie, and while l:e does not approve of "white caps," lic thiaks that there ought to be some way o( teaching the fellow that ba-utality will not be permitted in this locality. It is reported tihat Ir. "W. N. Fowler, a former reaidaat here, now of Aan Arbor, iias reeigaed hfa pósltiomat the Homeopathie hospital and will go to South Atrioa to establMi a hospital in the interest of the Methodist board of missions.- Clinton Local. í The W. C. T. U. lias deemed iit advteable to change the two regular meetings in the month of Iecember, from tlie lOth and 24th, to the 17th and 31st. Thunsday 3ec. ltfch, the Uoioin will meet at the Y. W. C. A. rooms over the Ptost Office. All are ronlin'.lN hivited. Ilobert Phillips, who has been cashier of the State Saving Bank since its inception, has reslgned the place and gone to CliAoago, where he has secuTied a position. Mr. Püiillips is a 'bright and active business man, and has made inany friends here who wUl regret his departure. Jiidge Karriman gave a very interesting address on "Whittier," at the Uiïitei'ian churcïi, Sunday eveniiig, which was tallo wed by a paper upoii the saime great poet, takiiig up his Ufe as it tended toward his treatment of woman. Both were of great interest to the audiemce. Phyefckunfl say they have traced oases of diphtlieria in ehildren to the uee of moldy apples. Apples stoi'ed In cellars or elsewhere are invariably oovered with molxl or mildew, oitn Invisible but just as real. Tliis niold oonsfete mostly oï rnieroscopic plaats, Including auanerous species of ïuugi, all of which are poisonous. The Mary Collins Free Dkpensary im.-lHia.i cstablished three years ago 1! IPusanm Corea, treated 7,000 pat.'entis ïast yeair and were obliged to turn away 200 becauise oí inadequate arroinmodatloiis. It is hoped some boufvotteiit person wdll dónate enough ii-jin annex, so that the work Unay nol Ue impeded by lack of room.- Daily Thnefe. The llast gift of $100 for the Y. M. C. A. building íund comes from Arthur E. Muimmery, tJie Washington street druggiist. President Wagner is full of faith in the eveuMialiSuccess ot the undertakiiig, and believes that it will be but a ehort beEore eucli pi-ogresw -will be made that the peopie wtH come more rapidly to the aid of the cauee. Good. Allen Simith and Miss Hattie Long, daiightei' of Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Long, fo Mi'ïlM ave., were unltedi in marniageoai Monda y evening llast, by Rev. J. T. Sumdemjand. The couple had been preparing a honne iör themselves ■ oln W. Huiron st. ,at tte oorner of EUnst Bt., íor some weeks, and ha ving the arrangements a'1'1 complete that claiy, rbhey Isrvlted bheir rel&tivee and ïi-icnds in in the eveninfe and had the oeremony performed, Many [riends wislithcMU a }nuriwy through Itfe as happy as at the eommencemeint of tlieir imarriiMl career. The i.ny.-i,! Temperance Legión wül jiici'i Sattcrdaj Dec. L9, ai - p. ni., over Mr. Oalklns' drug store. Ah ihis i.s the last meeting betere the hoUdays, a iarge attendauce Is desired. Died, Dec. llth, 189B, at tlie home of lus inicie Eugene E. üaldwin, iu Botton, Miss., Koy Dorr Baldwiu, 14 yeara oi age, the last inember of tlie iauiily oi Charles U. Baldwin, and Elizabeth Stewurt, nis wite, ïoruierly of Aun Arbor, late of Leadvilie. The music at the eveiiing service of t?t. AndreWs chureli was very line, tast Stuulay, as indeed lt was at tlie morning service, umi Is at every service. Buit om iiiis paraicuuar occasion Gebald Broiwn saug au onertorj with viotlu aceompaniment, that was very weet to tbe seuses. Jack, th.e 14 yeais oUl BOB of Jack Ixmey tlie hackman, met wmdi a serious Injury Mouday. He was shooting eparrows, wbem tlie cap on hits giin butwt and a plece riciv into his eye. He was taken to tlie hospital wkere Dr. parrow reioored the pieee, and hoijcs to save the eye sig'ht. Dr. James F. Breakey, medie '94, ,vho lias been on the staff oí physiciaus at the Eastem Aaytam for tlie Iiuaane, since gradiiaiis)n, has returned home, and wind emter into partnership witli his iather, Dr. V. F. Breakey. He wiill aleatake up post gradúate woirk at Uie University. "Jamle" te one o( Ann Arbor's ïavorites. Afte" this year, cl irgytnea's lialf-fare permits on roads included in Central Passenger AssoekiUon's district wltl be issued good on all tbeir linee, doing away wltto the necessity of separate permits lor tlie individual roads. C'eitiiied applicatian must be made t$ F. C. McDonald, commissioner for the central passenger committee, C'hi sago, aci'.ompanied by a fee of 50 cents. - Ypsi. Commercial. The December Song Journal has this item : "Mr. Gardner S. Lamsoa, ,' Ann Arbor, wi.ll give tliree song recítate dui-Lng the winter at the house oï Mr. Win. J. Obittendien, "o. 134 Fort St., W. The pi-ograms show a widfi range of styles, and are gotten up in an intenesting marnier. The dtetes are December 10, January 21, and February 19. Mr Charlotte Jaïfe-Zeitz wiU be at the piano." It is asserted tlnat there wiill be several attmpt6 by several different cUliques to secure clxanges in the present city cbarter to euit the ideas of the diques themselves. The charter ian't bad as it is. OThe peopile as a peopile have little fault tol Had with it, and it wil! be quite Bafe to leave lt alone as it stands. There may be a few changes desdrable, such as electing the mayor every jear, as of oid, but even that is now questioned by wlui have iavoivd it in the past. Phyisicians say that typhoid fever occurs more frequently at this time oï the yeax than any other. Tliey desor.ibes its beginning as a germ, and affirm that it ie oommunicated In neariy every instance by water. Freezing, the doctors aver, will not kill it, for it has been known to live in ice three montihs, but bolled water will. It is STjggeeted thenefore, that all people boil water used for drinking. There is no disease more to be avaided tllan typhoid fever. If it does not kill it holds its victim in the sick room many weeks. If it can be avo.ided it should.


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Ann Arbor Courier