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Jas. AMen, who hae been out west, has returaed luoune to Chellsea. Mns. Alioe Gorman, of Ctoelsea, has been very ttll. bttt i reooverintf. Severa! new boofcs lwive been adoptel by the board tor the SaaJra schools. .The werd BChOOllB at Manchos-ter, hold Clirisltanas services to-morrow. Tlve denizenis oí Cherpy IIül mul viohtilty want a T. O. establislrcd thca-p. The Lima girfe aro gotas "to Indulge in one moreleap year dance before '97 comes. 'The fire engine aiwl lnosc cartat Mlian hiave been moved to the'new tülago building. J. Roller & Oo., of Mhnoliester, t.k Id and disponed of 6,000 pounds of buitter in on week'. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burredí, of Dentón, eetebrated their 40th marriagé nnniversary las Wedneday. The Cheflisea Congregational Sunday Schooa will hiavO a Christmas tree In the church to-morrow eveninc. P. B. Noah & Oo. of North Lake, made way with 1,150 buehele of appdes in their evaporator t.his year. (HUwwn Fisk, who had lived in the vioinity of Sylvan foor a great many years, died Dec. 13, aged 92 years,2 mos. The Ürm oí Croarían & James, cifltlilero, of Dexter, Ivas been dteoBved, Mr. Croarkta tiue entire business. A. H. Covert has retu.rned from hte school dinges art Bchoolcnaft, to spend the veucatkm with nis pajrente in Superior. T. S. James, of Dexter, now luis the fastest tmotttag horse in the o.oiuv ty. He oan make a mle in 2:-" - the horse. Peter. McNaney, a forraer resident of Sbairon, and fattier of Mm Peter Wiikins, of Chielsea, died a Pontiac o the 12th. The BaptLst Sxunday School oí Milán is to have au öld-fashioned Dutch wind mili for tlïeir Christmas eve. emtertainment. Wïn. J. Knapp hae been re-etected preeident, Thos, Sears vice presiden, Geo. P. GMiazier oaishier, otf the Chelsea Savings Bank. Thic M. E. clum-h people at Milan ha-ve distributed 50 new liymnajis In the pews, and oanigregatïonal üinging is more popuitar than ever. Tliie large attendance in the Saline High SclvoaL has made it neceseaffy to liavt' ar.othrr teacher lor a part o! the day. AjUce Stram Avas secured. Salftie seniora hiave secured Hoyt L. Oonairy, o'f Boston, iimpersonator and el'ocwtiionlst , tor am 'iitci-taiuinont in echoot haai Tluwsday evening, .Tannary 7th. At tte Congrega tionad cluirch, Iexter, Forefatlwu-'s Day, commemoratIng tli,e landing of 1 h.e Pilgrims on Plymooith Ilock, was observed last SiindaJy. Jacob Klein, tivasurer of Lima townsMp, wliil be at Jerusaiem Dec. 29, Dexter Dec. 30, and at the offlte of the H. S. HoOmes Mer. Co., ClielseG, Dec. 81, to receive taxes. HuTon ïodge I. O. O. F., ofaDexter, Mas chosen the fodilowing officers : N. Q., Jahm W. Itari'ey ; V. G., Ed. Evee ; P. S., O. 0. Baswek ; R. S.i Howai-J Stamna-Td ; treasurer, E. H. Garpenpenter. In B. Mflry"e cburch, Clielfeea, masses wüll be celetea'ted at 5, 8 and 10:30 a. m., on Christmas Day, and MSr jard's mass wlll be swag tor the ttrst time. The chuirch will be elaborately decoTiaed. The mam wlio cüassee SaÜne as a dead tawn is out of hfe head. There Is more freigli loaded awl unloaded at our statAön that aoy other point on this brainch of the Iake Shore.- SaHiaic Observer. Dr. B. S. Armstromg, the reiiring ■W". M. of Olive Tjodfee F. & A. 1.. Cheleen, was preseiïted with abeautlful chnin antf K. T. charm on Tuesday evenbig of (Last week, by the brothers af the iodge. Tli young peopte in the Lehman Cistrlot, Sylvan, lmve orgamized a lyceum. That's business. Many a pronniiinent man has received nis start in a countn-y lyceum. It will help every merttber who partifcipates. Last FrMay the residence on the farm oí Heni-y Pepue, in Pittefield, was buirmed to the g round. There. ■was $1,300 insuirance upon the building in the Mutual Fire Insuraice Co., and the loss is estimad at $2,000. Noi-thvr'jlc la a i-iglit smart little town, fnU o f business. It has a fonndry fhat casts iron hitcliing poets, onf that casts bells, a.nd a banker who urges hte depoLtors to bting in thelr pass boolcs, so he eau rast ilu-ir interest. They have a man in jaü for castinK reftectlons on liis Woiverlng Lodge !NTo. 197, I. O. O. F., i MUlan, elected officers for tbe ensuing term as fottlmvs : N. G., Nelson ïommglove ; V. G., Frank W. Hunt ; Seoretary, George P. Wliattey ; Treasuner, I. J. Amderson. CleiiiKitis Eebekalu Lodge oí Milán ttas chocen officers : N. G., Mrs. Ixttie Tayior ; V. G., Mrs. Eanma Amdersan, i:. 8., Mtb. Oara Farrington; P. S., Mtb, Magote Scíumltt; treasurer, Mrs. Lodema Redman. A snow hoiiKe wiitJi a biig chimney and wide (ireplace and a genuine Santa Olans and a f iine program oï Clutmas musiic, recltatioiií1, etc., is planned and being prepared for ChristmaS eve by tshe Presbyterian Sunday Schaoll.- lülan Leader. The W. R. C. oí SSÖan isoíficred as fOffitoWfi : President, Mrs. Dixon IUirchard ; Senior Vice Pres., Mrs. L. V. Orod-i-us ; Treas., Mrs. Wesley Robison ; Chapiain, Mrs. Win. Whaley ; CkDmdtlctor, Mrs. Jolm S t rulle ; resentative, Mrs. T. B. Fuielver. Mito G-age, a veteran oí the late wai-, who had resüded [or past three years wiih Supervisor Voorheis, of Nupenor, dird (in Friday last, wtth pneumonía. He had been a resident oí The vicisiity Bince the warj and was ain imcüie of lülo K Gage, of Ypetanti. Twelvfc hundred and flfty pounds of tnrkey, a barrel oí cranfoerries and one h-undi'ed and fifüy minee pies were consmmed by the patdents at the Pöntiac asyluim for a Thanksgiving dinner. Tkere is evldenttty no insanity about those appetites.- Fenton Independent It was a litJtle Hudson boy who -wiant-ed nis pa to bu.y a bossy-eow, so tftbat tliey mightf feed her on ice and milk her when they wantetl k-e cream. In way the cow might be kept wïthout expense and the famlly live cm the top shelf with a select bi'll of fare all winter.- Ilndson Post. Current evenB, yrcxr aitontúm in the Saline high school in the form of nionving reports, twioe per week. On Tuesdayfc and ThiH'ijdays, pupils make oral rports before the school on the important eventts. A,t the end of the wSnter terai an examination is giren and prúes offered (cwr the best papers. A man cfliaiming to represent an insuPance carapany at one tune, at andther having eomething to sefli, li;s been BcariHg tüie wlts out of ti.mid woimen about town. After stating hiis business he seems no liurry to leave, without a premptoi-y order, and thien take Iris depairture in a miinner thiat seems to say 'TM go when I get ready." Ijegitimate business men shouffid be treated oourteously, but such willl soou discover whether or not l.l'.i-ii wares are wamted and wlE not inlrude t lieir presence on any one. A loailcd blunderbuss shmvild be kept ready at altl times to hasten the departure of any stranger who hesir tatee to move when to'.d.- riymouth Mail. " Pen-y H„ the boy wtao has made it his home wlth Hairrington, just no-rth of Pinckney, mysteriousty disappeared last Friday and lias not been heard oi gince. Search has been made wtth jittle success. It is feaml he may havo been flpoiwned h Bently lake as there are cvíiUmmch whi'-h so tlo BhffW that such might be true.- Pinckney Dispatch. A ntatoen yeanr oid Broofclyn glrl te (leart. Her (leathi W8Ü9 caused by lieart dfeease antl a bott.le oí carbolic acia- mainlly the acid. l1 w;v5i m' ííaised to a yoimg man an(1 h Sir'tEd hr. Bbe duln't betong to the elaas fcnowm fis the "new ivorann" or she wouiW Have tollowed the young man a lid made liim tafeo tlie acid.- P'.ymonrth Miaitl. At its amraa-1 comvOTatton, Meridian Chapter No. 48, R. A. M., oí Manchester, efltected the followiiig oiffcers : H. P., E. M. OomWttt; K., C. W. Case; 8., F. E. SpaSard ; 0. af H., M. . Hclsser ; P. S., T. B. Bailey ; R. A., A., "Wliübur Short; M. 3d V., F. H. BloRser ; M. Z& V., Arthur Ixwerj' ; í. lst V.. F. M. Foreeman ; ;trea6iurer, G. T. HaeusaleT ; seoretary, C. J. Itöbiso'n ; tyler, S. Hammon. Benj. Becekr is makimg an effort to reorganice the oW Dexter band and it looks as though he would succeed. CoMsidea'abte lew timber will be added, a'nd Ben hopes tb' place he band back in the pnoiïd poisLtion it on.ce occmpied as otie o'f th,e ftnest musical organiza tkras oí the kind in the state. The ctizens shoiöd give him all the enooaragemeHt in tlieir power he may make a success of the undertaking.- Dexter Leader. The G. A. B. post of Milwn has chosem the fallowmg officens : Commander, lAnn Barnes ; Vice Com., A. M. Sioan ; Junior Viiec C3oin., Henry Hoofeer ; ChapiaJin, Dan Case ; Snrgeon, Amos TVtisdom ; Quartermaster, WeiSley Rabfeon ; Officer of the Day, ■ James Johrawn ; Offiteer of the Gaard, Andrew SlLaíer ; Color Bearer, A. H. Xiewie , Delégate to Department Encampment, OhatHes T. Burton ; Altérnate Frank Van Sctoüek. Wun. Martín dted Baturday a. m., test at luis hotoe iav ,Chelsea oí cáncer olí fine stomach. He liad ben ül fot filie past six motutlis. Mr. Martin toáis been the statiotn agent for the M. 0. K'y at tlmt ptece sta.ce about 1864, amd was ome oí tlhe beet. lmown and best yaced men iin blatt vioinity. Preis Do goiiig to ChJMBea lie was in tlhe enipïoy oí the raad at Dextci. Ajthough not able to attend to busfr ncss severa', montilis. vet for past ia:. ininl servtees the .-oinpajiy ,-oiitinued to i-etaflin Irim in the position, ïuriii'S ot.lier lie'.p to do the work. He was a niember of tüie Ohelsea ladge r. & A. M., He wae viso a M'accabee.


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