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Can Cure Asthma And Hay Fever

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Tiie maJcAy of sufferers from AstJhma iand kindred eoonplaiints, after tryimg doctors and numberless remedie advertiised as p.osiüve cures without avail, iiave come to the conclusión hhiat there is no ouire íor tais most di Dressing disease, a.nd these samo persons will be the more in doubt and keptácal when 1)hey learn through th,e columns of the pi'ess tliat J)r. Kudiolph Sobiii'fmianin, the recognized apthiority n-ho has treated more case af these diiseases thian any living doctor, has adhieved 6Ticeess by perfectIng a remedy whiiöh mot only gives lmmediiate relief in the worst oases, tmt hias posiitiTely cured thousands of sulferers who were corasiidered incurabae. These vere juist as skeptieal as som of o ur readers now are. Dr. Schialmanm's remedy doubt possesses th mer.jt wháteh Is claimed for it or he would njofc authortze this paper to ammoinice that Ihe te niOt only willing to giTe free to eachi perso-n suffering ïpoun Asühma, Hay TVver of Broncfltótiis Ie tihis city, one liberal "free tivjal box" of hils Curei, but urgentïy requesto all sufferers tja cali at Goodyear's Drug Stjore. Ann Arbor. withln th,e next three diays and receive a package eteolutely free of chiirge, kmowioig Uhiat im making ie claim he does for his Cure, a stro-ng doubt miay arise in toe mlndis oí manyji and iat a personal test, as he offers to all. will be micure coaiTimcing, and prove i'fes merite, tiban the pu'bllshlng o! thousands oí testvímoiüals frora peraons ivbo liave been pei'manently cured by the use of luis Asthmia Curo. "Dr. Sf1iiiiffm.aiin's Asthma Cure," &a Jit íb cnlled. lias been sold by dnifffflst of thi'S oüty ever tace it was flrst lntroduced, althiough many persons may never have heard of it, ándi lt is wlth a viiew to reaohiinitr thee that he makes this offer. TIvIb la certainly a most genemus aatd fa offer, and all who are sufferilng froim any of the aJbove oomplaints Bhould remember tíhe date a.Tid place -wiieTO the dtetrilbullon will be made, and avaü themselves of the same. Persons liviin.iï out of tihiis clty -svho deslre to test fhe effilcacy Of thiis most wondertul remedy -wijl receive a package f re by wriiting tO' Dr. Betíiffmann, 330 Rosabel street, 8t. Paul, Mínn.. provlidling thelr letter Is reoelve.l bofore Oct. 16tih, as no free samples can be obbaimed after that date.


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