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J. D. Ryan Has Gone To New York

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Miss May Oooley la vlsiting friends Sn Chieasro. Miss Ti;]ie Koch is the guesi o friends in Danslng. Miss Ma LaDhTop went to Detroit to-dny for New Years. Ir. Siman Yutzey has been in Grand Kapids during the week. Miss Anna I'ennet't is t he guest of Ehvosso frfends (his weck. Miss SteHIa Root, of .Tacks.on, is -risitinír Ann Arbor friends. ■ Ulrs. Wiffliams, of S. 12h st., is with Iriends in Cliiasro tliis week. John Moore has been Jown from Rrieago daring tlie past week. 3Jr. amc! Mrs. Jas. L. Babcock spent BBnday wfth frienfls in Detroit. Mr. anfl Mrs. Cr:or.o:e Dengiber visitOwosso durtng Ooristmas. Mrs. Fred stowe has gowe to Brook3yn. Mieh., to visit her parents. John Duncan of ïerre Haute, Ind., SöTisiting hi.s mother on Mlller ave. 5Ir. and Mrs. Fred Hoelzle heve been "Tïsïtors in Chioago daring the week. Miss Frankie Seaboit lias returned fpom a visit with friends in Detroit. 3Irs. O. M. Van Kbeek is her Bister, Miss Squiers, oí ChicaE. T. Mai'.oney lias gone ,to Durand ■ take an enigine on the A nu Arbor !Boad. lliss CaiTie Owen hos boen the guest f früends in Marshall for the past treek. Myron W. Xeal. óf Cleveland, O.. i ífte guest oí his parents on S. Thayer reet. Sffigses Ruth and Mary Dnrheim wiftt ■rpend New Tears wïih refflaitlres in Brtrott. Fred Schumacher and tamilly have i visiting Cheisea relatives (Inving tbe week. Dr. Waïter Booth of li-nnrt Bapids, been v4Biting iriends here for the Bcdidays. ifr. and Mrs. Fred. Kajuska, of Dexter. spent ('hristmas with Ann Arbor Mffatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Freuauff, of Owosso, nre in Ann Arbor for the Hoiidays. Geoi-ge Stdmson is moving into his aew purchase, the James house, on E. lïberty st . Dr. M. C. Reeves, w?e and ittle sou Arthur, of Clinton, spent Christmas Si Ann Arbor. Omar Ha.ll has been home wiith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hall, durïng the Nveek. "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Bird have beeo Tfciting with friends in Dexter dur■feg the week. Ed. Woetfel, manager of Noble's SHothiog House, spent Christmas with ft-ïends in Detroit. Prosecuttag Attorney Randa',1 and ■wife spent Christmas with his inother at Birminprham. ilrs. SJiater, of Thompson st., is snfcertaining her son George, of ('li;eaigo, for tlie week. Miss I. uu L,isemer has gone to Spi'iniiport, to vielt her unrïte'S ieop!e ing Ihc Iio'idays. Frank J. Perrine, formerly of this . has soné to Honolulú, S. I., to accept o i a cLerkshiip. Mi.s Ann Richards, who lias been teaching at Pontiac, is visiting her Home for hoüiday week. Canl Hendrickson, of Chicago, is vis:Uiiig his pavent s Mr. and Mrs. S. Henjtrk-kson, of S. State st. !Mrs. Jas. "W. RobLson, is to have as aer guest for a time, her sister, Mrs. (kard, of Denver, Cof.o. John Bird, Itt '93, of Grand Ilapids, has been the guest oï Ann Arbor röüatiivfs during the week. '3ILks Susa Whedon is with her perents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Whedon, daring the hoiiday vacation. Mrs .Aïiee J;. Haven and daughter Mist, G-race, are spendlng bhe Hoïldaya wit ii iriends in Miss 8-race Dewey, '97 of ÏÏElsdale aest of Ann Arbor [rtends during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Phelps have been spending the holiday vacation wlth their sou ESd. in Webster. John F. ('. Hoülings, oí Detroit, grand deputy for The A. 0. 1. W., is in the city on society business: Mr. Jultus V. Syler of Detroit, has been die niest of his mother. Mrs. A. I). Seyler during Chrlstmas week. Jfiss Florence A. Serrett left yesterday for a bwo weék's visit' with reC arttvee LnKa3amazoo and Decatur. !rr. and Mrs. Frcd SchuCí oí Detroit aro guests oí tlieir parents. [r. and Mrs.' Chas. Dietas, oí N. Ashjey si. Miss May A'.lisim. o4 Tndlana.polie, Intl.. is spendlng tho ho'.iday vacation with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stimson. Judgro Iviïini? went to Detroit yesterday to attend Uie annuaJl meeting of the judges of the state he'.d tliere. Oharles aml James Williams, wlio have been visittng thelr párente aere, returiied to St. Louis, Mich., Monday. Miss ITattic I[avi:aiid. niio is teaching at Iiay City, is the Roest oï Geo. H. Rhodee and wï'.e, Df t he tiorthside. A. T. 6-reugeD f s. Fifih ave., ís effiterfiaming nis broifcher Prof. G. A. Breugöl, o-f Thipl Ooilege, Círccnville, Pa. Miss Folly Barlingbush, of Ann Arbor, arrived here Saturday last for a visit wlth friends.- ("inton Local. Georpe Tvnndis, who lias been the ■nest oí W. F. gtimson for severa! lay. retumed home 10 MarshaC Moeday. Mrs. Praaik Plierce and uhicdren, of I'.runklyn. Micli.. are gueste of her parents Mr. and Mrs. StaW, ol S. Main st. Mr. and Mrs. John Parker oi Mt. PUeaeant, have been spending (ïhrlstnias witli thelrson and famity in Anu Arbor. One of the happy famiiy reunions was Ihai lield at the hoiiu of Mrs. Agnes Walir, on Asbliey st., on Christnias I)ay. Georjje Hayler returned to A'an Wert, Ohio, Monday, after a few (l.iy's stay wibh his mother, of S. Tha yer s t . Miss Mabel EDallock, who is teaching at Port Hurón, has been spendiiig th o racatiton witn her mother, ou Thompson st. Mre. Xv:i Close, nee Kemp1, of Ttedo, o., been vieiting her parcnis. Mr. ainl Mrs. II. Kempf, durimg Mk' noildays. ilrs. Lou'ise Ilali Walker has gone to Chicago to vlsit a ïister, [rom whcre shc vi;-i go to New Orleams and Jlay ft. Louis. Harry Ooieman, lit 'ímí, editor and proprietor of the Post, at Pontiac, ttas been vteijting Aim friends for a few days. Herbert Carrow, ivho ís home for the hoijflays, had a small dinner party for some of his young friends Friday evetiinig last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Ludlow of Detnoit, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. George L. Moore of S. División st., duriing the week. Mrs. Hasbrook and chUdren, and Mi's Hasbrook, of Marshal, have been Kiiests o; Moses Seabolt and family during fliristmas week. Prof. E. X. I!i:bk', who is a member of the Pi'ttsburg Symphony orchestra. has been ca'.lhvg on old .riends here during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kearns, o Detroit, were guests over Chrlstmae of their piareius, Mr. and Mrs. Jas Kearns, of Tbompeon st. Mr. and Mrs. ('lias. B. Davison Oí -V. Main st., cefltebrated the 29th an niversary oí tlïeir marriagè on Friday Bast, Qhristmas Day. Dr and Mrs. W. II. Dcjrranee and daughter .Miss Susie, spent ('hristmas wi-tli the former's son, Dr. Wffl Dorrance, at Barberton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dct-m. oí X. BUTtl! ave., had one of the íinest ('Uiistnia.s presenta of any eme in the oatSon. lt was a baby boy. Miss EJjte, Mills, of 86 E. Ann st., entertained some friends Chrlstmas ndglrt, in honor oí fier gueste, Mr. nd Mrs. Moore, of Bjba, Lápeer oounity. Mrs. I. X. Demmoi) accompaniecl by ner dáughter Tessie, have gone to Colorado, where her oldest danghter, .Irs. Roae Demmon Xinde, is seviois:y ill. W. W. Wedemeyer and 1)v. V. e. A'aniihaii. of (liis city, are on the prog-naru for papers before the State Tt-achcrs Assocüation ;; i bausiaig this week. " We Seam wltü regret that we ire soon to ose Wm. Amspoker and famiïy, as he has engaged to work or Wm Rehfuss at Ann ArboT.- Maneliest-er Bttterprise. Dr. J'. X. Martin of Ann Arbor. has beeu vLsitiug hls parents, Mr. a mi Mrs. .T. ]ï. Martin, since Tuesday. He goes to Cliicago to-day.- Quiney Herald, Dec. 26. Prof. Kee'.er and wife vlsit over tlie hoilidays in Ann Arbor. ïhe professor is down for a paper at the .State Assocíation of Teachers in Lansing, the 29tü and 30th.- Mt. I':easant Enterprfse, Dec. 25. Friends in this city of Mr. FredericJf W. -Jnl). jit, '85 and ]av '87, have rei to ii! preeent at lii# marrtage, at Aastin, i:i.. on Wwlnesday eveaing, Jan. , in bbe Preabyteiian church, to Heüen, daughter of Mi-, and Mi-s. Ojayton E. Crafts, of pOace. A iccptiiMi wíll be given at th future lioine of the coupCe, 5433 Boulevard Ave., Chicago, 'rom 9 un'til 11 o'elock p. in. While here in coilege Mr. Job made many friends who wlll hear of this event with great pCeasure, and the oouple wiSl receive trom them a heartfeát Gol speed ou their journey of ;ife.


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